
Author: Giovanni Rimassa (Università di Parma)
Date: 12/09/2000

This examples shows how to set up multiple Agent Domains by means of a network of connected Directory Facilitator Agents.
This agent can automatically register itself with another DF, and then exploit recursive search capabilities.
Notice that the same might be done without writing any line of code: just start a new agent subdf of classe jade.domain.df (subdf:jade.domain.df), send it a message to request to show the GUI (by using the dummyAgent), and then use its GUI to federate with its parent.

This agent plays the role of a sub-df by automatically registering with a parent DF.This SUBDF inherits all the functionalities of the default DF, including its GUI.
Jade classes used:
DFService, DFServiceDescription, DFAgentDescription


JADE is a trademark of TILAB (formerly CSELT). 
has been developed jointly by TILAB (formerly CSELT) and the Computer Engineering Group of the University of Parma