Mathematik und Informatik

Prof. Dr. Lars Linsen, Institut für Informatik

Current PublicationsEvers, Marina; Derstroff, Adrian; Leistikow, Simon; Schneider, Tom; Mallepree, Larissa; Stampke, Jan; Leisgang, Moritz; Sprafke, Sebastian; Schuhl, Melina; Krefft, Niklas; Droese, Felix; Linsen, Lars Visual analytics of soccer player performance using objective ratings. Information Visualization Vol. 1–15, 2024 online
Borrelli, Gabriel; Evers, Marina; Linsen, Lars Efficient Adaptive Multiresolution Aggregations of Spatio-temporal Ensembles. , 2024 online
Rave, Hennes; Molchanov, Vladimir; Linsen, Lars De-cluttering Scatterplots with Integral Images. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics Vol. 0 (0), 2024 online
Derstroff, Adrian; Leistikow, Simon; Nahardani, Ali; Gruen, Katja; Franz, Marcus; Hoerr, Verena; Linsen, Lars Interactive visual formula composition of multidimensional data classifiers. Information Visualization Vol. 0, 2024 online
Rave, Hennes; Evers, Marina; Gerrits, Tim; Linsen, Lars Region-based Visualization in Hierarchically Clustered Ensemble Volumes. , 2024 online
Evers, Marina; Leistikow, Simon; Rave, Hennes; Linsen, Lars Interactive Visual Analysis of Spatial Sensitivities. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics Vol. 0 (0), 2024 online
Rave, Hennes; Molchanov, Vladimir; Linsen, Lars Uniform Sample Distribution in Scatterplots via Sector-based Transformation. , 2024 online
Evers, Marina; Böttinger, Michael; Linsen, Lars Interactive Visual Analysis of Regional Time Series Correlation in Multi-field Climate Ensembles. Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis), 2023 online
Borrelli, Gabriel; Hagemann, Lars; Steinkühler, Jannik;Derstroff, Adrian;Evers, Marina;Huesmann, Karim;Leistikow, Simon;Rave, Hennes;Gol, Reyhaneh Sabbagh;Linsen, Lars 2022 IEEE Scientific Visualization Contest Winner: Multifield Analysis of Vorticity-Driven Lateral Spread in Wildfire Ensembles. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications Vol. 44 (1), 2023 online
Current ProjectsCRC 1450 - Z01: Interactive and computational analysis of large multiscale imaging data

The multiscale imaging strategy central to this initiative imposes novel data analysis challenges. The high complexity of the acquired data results from their nature of being volumetric, time-varying, large, multiscale, and forming cohorts). Meeting these challenges requires basic research in the fields of image analysis, machine learning, and visualization. Machine learning will be used to uncover inherent relationships between patterns at multiple scales. An interactive visual approach supports the user-centric analysis of detected features.

The deliverable of this project will be generally applicable, effective, and efficient methods supporting the overall goal of multiscale data analysis.

Retrospektive CT-Untersuchungen zur Schlüsselbeinossifikation - Entwicklung eines klinischen Entscheidungshilfesystems mit skalenbasierten Bewertungen und modernen Methoden des maschinellen Lernens zur Verbesserung der Gültigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit forensischer Altersbegutachtungen online
VACS 2.0: Visual Analysis for Cohort Studies (Visual Analysis of Time-varying High-dimensional Heterogeneous and Incomplete Data with Application to Population-based Studies)

Clinical practice often focuses on the investigation of one single disease, while the health status of a human is much more complex and may depend on many factors. Recently, cohort studies have been introduced to investigate, in longitudinal studies, the health status of an entire population (the cohort) by capturing health record data, whole-body medical imaging data, personal data including socio-economical circumstances, and even genetic sequencing data. Given this large amount of heterogeneous data, there is a lack of proper tools for its multi-variate analysis. In this project, we propose novel interactive visual analysis methods for testing hypotheses, supporting the generation of new hypotheses, and investigating changes over time. The goal is to allow for the detection of risk or biomarkers and even genetic associations in a multi-variate setting.In the second funding period, the research conducted in the first funding period shall be enhanced in various aspects. We will put a particular focus on the time aspect in multi-dimensional heterogeneous data from longitudinal studies, the analysis of influencing factors, analyzing multi-dimensional heterogeneous data with missing entries, and analyzing sparse high-dimensional data from genome-wide association studies.Moreover, we would like to validate the effectiveness of the proposed analysis methods by performing comparative visual analyses of the multi-dimensional heterogeneous data from different cohort studies.

E-Maillinsen at uni-muenster dot de
Phone+49 251 83-32714
FAX+49 251 83-33755
Secretary   Sekretariat Sichma
Frau Katharina Sichma
Telefon +49 251 83-32700
Fax +49 251 83-33755
Zimmer 604b
AddressProf. Dr. Lars Linsen
Institut für Informatik
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik der Universität Münster
Einsteinstrasse 62
48149 Münster
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