• Promotion

    Promotion am 07.10.2021
    Titel der Dissertation: Statistical Model Checking and Time-Bounded Reachability Analysis for Hybrid Petri Nets with Multiple Stochastic Variables


  • Forschungsinteressen

    • Zuverlässigkeitsanalyse für sicherheitskritische Systeme
    • Entwicklung von Tools zur Analyse und Simulation hybrider Petri-Netze mit Zufallsvariablen (HPnGs)
      • Analyse: HPnmG (C++)
      • Simulation: HYPEG (Java library)
    • Discrete-event Simulation
    • Statistical Model Checking
    • Nicht-lineares kontinuierliches Verhalten
    • Nicht-deterministische Systeme, Finden optimaler Scheduler
    • Transformation hybrider Petri-Netze in hybride Automaten
    • Zeitlich begrenzte Erreichbarkeitsanalyse


  • Publikationen

    • Pilch Carina, Schupp Stefan, Remke Anne. . ‘Optimizing Reachability Probabilities for a Restricted Class of Stochastic Hybrid Automata via Flowpipe-Construction.’ ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 33, Nr. 4: 1–27. doi: https://doi.org/10.1145/3607197.

    • Pilch, Carina. . Statistical Model Checking and Time-Bounded Reachability Analysis for Hybrid Petri Nets with Multiple Stochastic Variables Dissertationsschrift, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Münster: Universität Münster.
    • Pilch Carina, Schupp Stefan, Remke Anne. . ‘Optimizing Reachability Probabilities for a Restricted Class of Stochastic Hybrid Automata via Flowpipe-Construction.’ Contributed to the 18th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems, QEST 2021, Paris, France, August 23–27, 2021, Paris, France. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-85172-9_23.
    • Hüls Jannik, Pilch Carina, Schinke Patricia, Niehaus Henner, Delicaris Joanna, Remke Anne. . ‘State-Space Construction of Hybrid Petri Nets with Multiple Stochastic Firings.’ ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 31, Nr. 3: 1–37. doi: 10.1145/3449353.

    • Niehage Mathis, Pilch Carina, Remke Anne. . ‘Simulating Hybrid Petri nets with general transitions and non-linear differential equations.’ Contributed to the 13thth EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, VALUETOOLS 2020, Tsukuba, Japan, May 18-20, 2020, Tsukuba, Japan. doi: 10.1145/3388831.3388842.
    • Pilch Carina, Krause Maurice, Remke Anne, Ábrahám Erika. . ‘A Transformation of Hybrid Petri Nets with Stochastic Firings into a Subclass of Stochastic Hybrid Automata.’ Contributed to the 12th NASA Formal Methods Symposium, NFM 2020, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USA, May 11-15, 2020, Moffett Field, CA, USA. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-55754-6_23.
    • Pilch Carina, Hartmanns Arnd, Remke Anne. . ‘Classic and Non-Prophetic Model Checking for Hybrid Petri Nets with Stochastic Firings.’ Contributed to the 23rd ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, HSCC '20, Sydney, Australia, April 21-24, 2020, Sydney, Australia. doi: 10.1145/3365365.3382198.
    • Abate Alessandro, Blom Henk, Cauchi Nathalie, Delicaris Joanna, Hartmanns Arnd, Khaled Mahmoud, Lavaei Abolfazl, Pilch Carina, Remke Anne, Schupp Stefan, Shmarov Fedor, Soudjani Sadegh, Vinod Abraham, Wooding Ben, Zamani Majid, Zuliani Paolo. . ‘ARCH-COMP20 Category Report: Stochastic Models.’ Contributed to the ARCH20. 7th International Workshop on Applied Verification of Continuous and Hybrid Systems, -. doi: 10.29007/mqzc.

    • Abate A, Blom H, Cauchi N, Degiorgio K, Fränzle M, Hahn EM, Haesaert S, Ma H, Oishi M, Pilch C, Remke A, Salamati M, Soudjani S, Huijgevoort B, Vinod AP. . ‘ARCH-COMP19 Category Report: Stochastic Modelling.’ Contributed to the ARCH19. 6th International Workshop on Applied Verification of Continuous and Hybrid Systems, part of CPS-IoT Week 2019, Montreal, QC, Canada, April 15, 2019, Montreal. doi: 10.29007/f2vb.
    • Hüls Jannik, Pilch Carina, Schinke Patricia, Delicaris Joanna, Remke Anne. . ‘State-Space Construction of Hybrid Petri Nets with Multiple Stochastic Firings.’ Contributed to the 16th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems, QEST 2019, Glasgow, UK, September 10-12, 2019, Glasgow. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-30281-8_11.

    • Pilch Carina. . ‘Student research paper: Evaluation of the dependability of critical infrastructures using hybrid Petri nets with random variables and stochastic simulation.’ Contributed to the 47th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), Denver, CO, USA, 26-29 June, 2017, Denver, USA. doi: 10.1109/DSN-W.2017.21.
    • Pilch Carina, Remke Anne. . ‘Statistical Model Checking for Hybrid Petri Nets with Multiple General Transitions.’ Contributed to the 2017 47th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), Denver, CO, USA, 26-29 June, 2017, Denver, USA. doi: 10.1109/DSN.2017.41.
    • Chromik JJ, Pilch C, Brackmann P, Duhme C, Everinghoff F, Giberlein A, Teodorowicz T, Wieland J, Haverkort BR, Remke A. . Context-aware local Intrusion Detection in SCADA systems: A testbed and two showcases.’ Contributed to the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications, SmartGridComm 2017, Dresden, Germany, October 23-27, 2017, Dresden, Deutschland. doi: 10.1109/SmartGridComm.2017.8340672.
    • Pilch Carina, Edenfeld Fabian, Remke Anne. . HYPEG: Statistical Model Checking for hybrid Petri nets: Tool Paper.’ Contributed to the 11th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, VALUETOOLS 2017, Venice, Italy, December 05-07, 2017, Venice, Italy. doi: 10.1145/3150928.3150956.