Finished Theses

More on the formal side

In the context of probabilistic inference

In the context of decision making

More application-oriented

In the context of privacy

In the context of text modelling

In the context of databases

Second examination

  • Sichere Lösungen der Datenhaltung in Webanwendungen umgesetzt in einem Werkzeug zur Verwaltung von Multiple-Choice-Fragen (MA), Erstgutachter: Ludger Becker

  • The Impact of Noisy Observations on Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (BA), Erstgutachter: Malte Schilling

  • Automatic Evaluation Metrics for Natural Language Generation (BA), Erstgutachter: Christian Grimme, Wirtschaftsinformatik

  • Practicality of Differentially Private Clustering (BA), first examiner: Esfandiar Mohammadi, University of Lübeck

  • Integrating Categorial Data into Star Coordinates (MA), first examiner: Lars Linsen
  • Efficiency of Route Planning Algorithms Using Distance Tables (BA), first examiner: Jan Vahrenhold
  • Utilising Shapley Values for an explainable neural netwerk in biomedical applications (MA), first examiner: Xiaoyi Jiang
  • Development of an Application for Automated Data Quality Analysis - Is a Dataset a Valid Subset of a Database Instance? (MA), first examiner: Ludger Becker
  • Supporting the operational verhicle claims settlement by deep learning based detection of car parts and damages (MA), first examiner: Xiaoyi Jiang
  • Principal Component Analysis for Explainability of Genetic Test Generation in Satellite Image Processing (MA), first examiner: Paula Herber