Audio / Video

Integrate videos

If you do not yet have a folder available in the MAM under "VIDEO", please contact for setting up such a folder. You can place an optional preview image in the "IMAGES" folder of the MAM.
To insert a video into an Imperia document, select the "Audio / Video" module. After that, some required and optional information about the video will be requested.

Include audio files

Das Einbinden von Audioformaten, z.B. MP3-Dateien, läuft nach den gleichen Schritten ab, die auch beim Einbinden der Videodateien nötig sind.

Necessary settings

You can either enter the link to the video directly into the corresponding field or select a video from the MAM using the "Link tool" button.
The video should be available as mp4 file (MPEG-4 format, codec h.264).
Additionally there is the possibility to offer the video also in HD quality. If a video is specified there, the visitor of the page is offered a button with which he can decide for a version with high or low quality according to the bandwidth of his internet connection.

Optional settings (Advanced options)

The appearance of the video can be further adjusted or optimized by various settings.

  • If you specify a preview image (it should have the same dimensions as the video), it will be displayed in the video window before the viewer starts the actual video. Otherwise the background is black.
  • The short description appears as a hint above the video window.
  • Finally, the "Start video automatically" checkbox can be used to control whether the video should be started automatically immediately after the page is loaded or only when the viewer clicks on it.
  • If a playlist was specified when the URL was entered, this can be displayed or hidden as desired below the video window using the "Show playlist" checkbox.


Multimedia offerings are growing in importance and are thus increasingly found on the websites of Münster university and its institutions. However, videos, for example, have limited accessibility for the hearing and visually impaired.
Therefore, please make sure that you do not provide any information in the videos, animations, and audio files you make available that could not be found elsewhere on your website. If possible, provide subtitles for your movies. If appropriate, you can also offer descriptions or transcripts.

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