Modify a web page

Change document contents

One-Click-Edit bar - the easiest way

The easiest way to change a web page is to use the OCE bar. I.e. you simply navigate to the web page you want to change and click on "QuickEdit" in the OCE bar. This will take you directly to the edit step of the workflow.

Document browser

Use the document browser to navigate to the section where the web page you want to change is located and then select "QuickEdit" from the drop-down menu for this document.

Navigation settings

Via the Imperia main menu - Structure - Rubrics and the click on "Navigation settings" at the respective rubric you can see the documents that are located in this rubric and listed in the navigation. Select "QuickEdit" to go directly to the edit step.

Change document properties (meta settings)

If document properties (meta properties) such as title, file name or file extension of the web page (html, shtml, php etc.) need to be changed, the Edit link in the document browser or the "Bearbeiten"-Button should be used.
When importing, the workflow is started again at the beginning - i.e. with the meta edit step. Here you can then change the document properties.
If you continue from here, you will be asked if you want to overwrite the already existing document with the same name. To be able to edit the document, you must say yes. You will not lose any data by doing this, a new version will simply be produced. The old version remains visible on the Internet until you release the modified version.

Of course, content changes can also be made in the subsequent Edit step.

NOTE that if you give the document a new file name, the document with the old name will be deleted when you publish it. This was different in the old Imperia version. So if you want to keep both documents, you have to copy the document.