© Uni MS IT C. Burgholz

Imperia training area

The training area offers editors the opportunity to test the functions of Imperia in a secure area without having to make changes to live pages.  You are welcome to use the training area parallel to the Imperia e-learning course to test the newly learned content directly. The training area is automatically reset every 4 weeks!

Access to the training area

The training area can be accessed via the following link:

To gain access to the area, first apply for the role "u6cmssch" in the university's IT portal.
To do this, go to "Uni ID and group memberships" -> "... Apply for new".
The group will be released automatically after you have applied.
You can check under "Group memberships" to see if the group has already been assigned to you.

Before you can log in to the training area with your central ID and password, you must first reset your password in the same way as you had to do when you first logged in to Imperia. It is also sufficient to use your current password as your new password: https://passwort.uni-muenster.de. You can then log in to the training area as normal, just like in Imperia. We recommend that you use a different browser so that you do not get confused with the training area and the Imperia-Live-System.

If you have logged in for the first time, you must reset the training area once.
To do this, click in the Imperia menu on the left-hand side of the dashboard on "User account" - > "Reset area".