Academic Lectures
November 22, 2024 | "Rassifizierung und Vergeschlechtlichung im europäischen Grenzregime - eine kritische Perspektive auf Vulnerabilität" | Berlin.
Presentation by Mareike Gebhardt as part of the Federal Dialogue Conference (Bundesdialogkonferenz) of the project "GLEICH teilhaben" of the Federal Association "Netzwerke von Migrant*innenorganisationen e.V. (NeMo)".
November 14-15, 2024 | "Who can claim to act in solidarity with people on the move? Narratives of in/exclusive solidarity in the context of search and rescue in the Mediterranean." | Goethe-Universität Frankfurt.
Presentation by Lena Laube as part of the International Conference “Selective Solidarities in Times of Multiple Crises“, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt.
October 28, 2024 | "Gesellschaftliche Konfliktlinien und der demokratische Streit über (Flucht)Migration nach Europa. Das Beispiel der GEAS-Reform und der zivilen Seenotrettung im Mittelmeer" | University of Bonn.
Presentation by Lena Laube as part of the lecture series "Identität, Flucht und Migration" by CERC and the Institut francais, University of Bonn.
September 18 - 19, 2024 | "What do the boats symbolize? Rationales and motivations for supporting search and rescue NGOs on the high seas" | University of Gießen
Presentation by Lena Laube and Maria Ullrich at the conference: "Human Rights in Migration Societies. Exploring the Intersection of Human Rights and Migration in Law, Politics and Everyday Life".
View the webpage of the event
September 9, 2024 | Authors' workshop “Populism : Governmentality and counter-conduct ” | University of California, Berkeley
Presentation by Mareike Gebhardt on her contribution to the forthcoming special issue in the European Journal of Social Theory with the working title “The Gendered Chronopolitics of Authoritarian Populism”. Organized by Mark Bevir (UC Berkeley) and Julia Simon (University of Bremen).
June 26, 2024 | BIMUN Lecture Series "Global Movements: Exploring the Dynamics of Migration" | University of Bonn
Lecture "Citizenship als Praxis nach der Flucht: Zivilgesellschaftliche Aushandlungen im deutschen Aufnahmekontext" by Maria Ullrich.
View the Webpage of the lecture series
June 4, 2024 | Lecture Series „Recht kritisch denken“ | University of Münster
Lecture "The Mediterranean Border Regime. Postcolonial Perspectives on Civilian Sea Rescue" by Mareike Gebhardt at the Chair of Public International Law and International Human Rights Protection at the University of Münster.
View the webpage of the lecture series
May 16–17, 2024 | Symposium "Dimensionen einer vielfältigen Fluchtforschung: Diversität, Intersektionalität und heterogene Ankunftskontexte in urbanen und ruralen Räumen“ | University for Applied Sciences München
Presentation „Umstrittenes Trauern: Präsenz und Teilhabe auf Lampedusa" by Sarah Spasiano.
View the webpage of the symposium.
May 15, 2024 | Brown Bag Session at the Institute for Migration Studies and Interculteral Studies | University of Osnabrück
Lecture "Debates on (civilian) search and rescue in a cross-national comparison: First reflections from field research visits to Spain" by Maria Ullrich and Lena Laube.
December 13–15, 2023 | Workshop "Border Work and Authoritarian Transformation" | ZiF Bielefeld
Mareike Gebhardt participated in the Workshop as part of her fellowship in the research group "Internalizing Borders: The Social and Normative Consequences of the European Border Regime" at ZiF (Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld).
View the webpage of the wokshop
November 1st, 2023 | Bremen Conversations on Global Solidarity | Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) & online
"Deconstructing Solidarity" Lecture by Mareike Gebhardt.
September 28, 2023 | International Congress "Political Theory in Times of Uncertainty" | University Bremen
"To flee or not to flee: Crisis Narratives and Fugitive Subjectivities." Lecture by Mareike Gebhardt.
View the webpage of the event
"Prekäre Subjektivierung. Kritische Perspektiven auf Semantiken der Krise." Panel with Mareike Gebhardt (Chair).
September 21, 2023 | 5. Kongress der deutschsprachigen Rechtssoziologie-Vereinigungen | Innsbruck
"Beyond Borders and Citizenship: The Conceptual Potential of “Access” in Interdisciplinary Research on Forced Migration." Presented by Barbara von Rütte, Lena Laube und Maria Ullrich.
September 15, 2023 | International Conference "Futuring Critical Theory, Institut für Sozialforschung | Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
"Deconstructing Solidarity: Towards a New Critical Theory of the Common." Lecture by Mareike Gebhardt.
View the webpage of the event
September 11–14, 2023 | Doctoral Colloquium "The Future of Democracy in Europe" | Villa Vigoni, Loveno di Menaggio
Sarah Spasiano participated in the Four Nations Doctoral Colloquium (Germany, France, Italy and Poland). Click here for the webpage of the colloquium.
September 4–8, 2023 | ECPR General Conference | Prague
Mareike Gebhardt presented the paper "Beyond Contestation: SAR NGOs in the Mediterranean Border Assemblage", co-authored with Lena Laube and Maria Ullrich.
View the webpage of the event
July 3–6, 2023 | 20th IMISCOE Annual Conference | Warschau & online.
"Search and rescue in the Mediterranean and the struggle over European democracy." Presentation by Lena Laube and Maria Ullrich at the 20th IMISCOE Annual Conference" Migration und Ungleichheiten. Auf der Suche nach Antworten und Lösungen".
May 28, 2023 | Lecture series "Denkreise" | Center for Life Ethics, University of Bonn.
Lecture by Lena Laube titled: "Über unterschiedliche Visionen von europäischer Demokratie und ihren Grenzen. Der Streit um zivile Seenotrettung im Mittelmeer" ["On different visions of European democracy and its borders. The dispute over civilian sea rescue in the Mediterranean"] as part of the lecture series "Denkreise" at the Centre for Life Ethics at the University of Bonn.
March 23–24, 2023 | Meeting of the Working Group Democracy and Forced Migration of the German Network for Forced Migration Studies | Kiel University
View the webpage of the working group
March 3, 2023 | German Sociological Association (DGS) | Bamberg.
Joint conference on “Comparing Recent and Older Refugee Migration in and to Europe – Sociological Perspectives” of the DGS sections “Sociology of Europe” and “Migration and Ethnic Minorities.” Lena Laube and Maria Ullrich presented their work on “Search and rescue in the Mediterranean and the struggle over the reception of refugees in the EU.”
February 15, 2023 | STS-MIGTEC Circle Event | online
Mareike Gebhardt, Lena Laube, and Maria Ullrich presented their paper (work in progress) “Beyond Orchestration and Contestation: SAR NGOS in the Mediterranean Border Assemblage.”
January 31, 2023 | FIW Bonn, online
Lena Laube and Sarah Spasiano presented the outline of ZivDem’s sub-project II „Zivile Seenotrettung als Teil des mediterranen Grenzregimes. Eine juridico-politische Analyse europäischer Migrations- und Asylpolitik auf Hoher See.“
View the webpage of the event
September 28–30, 2022 | 4th Conference of the German Network for Forced Migration and Refugee Studies | TU Chemnitz
The research group ZivDem presented a poster on their central thesis and research goals.
View the poster
Furthermore, Maria Ullrich and Mareike Gebhardt were discussants of the roundtable “Research on Forced Migration as Democracy Research,” which took place during the conference and was organized by the working group Democracy and Forced Migration.
View the conference webpage
June 20–22, 2022 | 28th International Conference "The Environment of Democracy" | Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Mareike Gebhardt, Lena Laube, and Maria Ullrich presented the first preliminary ideas of ZivDem at the Council for European Studies (CES) conference in a panel on “Migrant Rights Activism and Legal Support: Contestation or Conformation?” (organized by Saskia Bonjour and Sonja Evaldsson Mellström, both University of Amsterdam).
View the conference webpage