Urban, Regional Innovation and Internet (URii)

The competence centre for Urban, Regional Innovation and Internet (Urii) consults and analyzes the implementation and evaluation in the fields of democratic innovation, social innovation, administrative innovation, elektronic innovation and fiscal innovation. It is a cooperation of national and international colleagues which work togehther in associated research projects and PhD groups on the topic of internet and politics. United under this roof are also the Kompetenzzentrum Nachhaltige Kommunal Finanzpolitik (NKFP) and the international working group “Direct and deliberative democracy” (DDD) with the new reasearch instrument Direct Democracy Integrity Index.

Furthermore the URii cooperates with the International Political Science Association research Committees IPSA RC 10: Electronic democracy and IPSA RC 5:Comparative Studies on Local Government and Politics. As a result a series of research projects and publications could be realized.


© Indra Smith
© Kersting

The seminar primarily analysed conflicts and conflict resolution mechanisms in the context of elections and referendums in Africa (Senegal, South Africa, Ghana, Mali etc,.). One focus was on digitalisation and digitality in Africa. Keynote speakers were Profs Christoph Hartmann, (Univ Duisburg-Essen), Deodatus Shayo (Univ Daressalam) and Blessmore Nikiti (Grasp Münster). In addition to forms of participation and the coupling of direct and deliberative democracy (DDD), the links between offline and online participation was analysed. Of particular importance were conflicts in the context of constitutional discourses, conflicts in the area of tension between civil society and the state ("shrinking spaces").

© Kersting

Smart cities can be regarded as the latest important administrative reform and digital innovation in most metropolitan cities globally. The international seminar focused on open data, open innovation, online and offline participation, sustainability (smart energy, smart mobility, smart architecture etc.) as components of a smart city. International best and bad practices will be analyzed. Here the main regional focus was on Brazil and Germany.

© Kersting
© Kersting

Precede Workshop: Populism roots in Europe. Meeting at Sapienza University Rome (Sept 2024)

© Norbert Kersting

Learn about the growing importance of civil society in Africa and its role in conflict resolution and social debate. This interdisciplinary event approaches the topic from a variety of perspectives: art history, anthropology, politics, and civil society. It will address topics such as decolonization, artistic renaissance in Africa, and the role of art in conflict resolution. The conference is aimed at students and those interested in current developments in Africa and takes place in cooperation with the BMBF-funded research project "Resilient Urban Communities" (RUC).
If it is not possible for you to travel to Münster, you can participate online via ZOOM without costs. Please register for this by writing to zdialog@uni-muenster.de.

© Norbert Kersting

Systematic analysis and evaluation with accompanying videos of demonstrative participation. From the anti-nuclear power movement in Ahaus to the Last Generation. From farmer protests, anti-abortion activists to "Querdenker". From yellow vests to demonstrations in Israel. The Protest Postershow will be open until mid-July at IfPOL, Platz der Weißen Rose in the Foyer. The Gathertown link grants 4 weeks of free online admission

© Kersting

Konflikte und Frieden: Postershow

Postershow by the participants of the seminar "Konflikte und Frieden": systemic analysis and evaluation with videos on participatory democratic innovations. From the South African Truth Commission to the truth and reconciliation comission in Rwanda, from the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 to the current "Bürgerräte" and "Bürgerbudgets" in the Münsterland.
The Gathertown-Link grants 4 weeks of free entry to the postershow. Until the end of february, the postershow can also be visited in the IfPol, Platz der Weißen Rose in the 3rd floor.


Sport und Politik: Die Fußball-WM 2022 in Katar

Das zweideutige Motto der WM in Katar versprach bei der Bewerbung „Erwarte Unglaubliches“. Seit 1998 organisiert Prof. Norbert Kersting alle 4 Jahre zur Fußball WM Seminare zum Thema „Fußball und Politik“, zu der namhafte Forscherkollegen und Studierende eingeladen werden. „Ich habe mittlerweile ein Archiv an Hausarbeiten, das leicht 2 große Sammelbände füllen könnte“.
In seiner Zeit als Professor an der Universität Stellenbosch (Südafrika) organisierte Kersting mit Kollegen im Vorfeld der WM eine große internationale Konferenz mit über 80 Experten aus allen Kontinenten zum Thema „Mega sport events legacies“. Kerstings Hauptaugenmerk liegt dabei auf den Auswirkungen von Mega Events nach Außen und Innen (National branding und nationale Identität) sowie politische Auswirkungen der WM.
Als weitere Themen stehen die wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Folgen sowie die Auswirkungen der WM auf die Umwelt im Vordergrund.
Im Workshop 2022 am 10.11.-11.11. im Hitze Haus referierten neben Kersting zur WM und national Branding außerdem u. a. Prof. Jürgen Mittag (Sporthochschule Köln) zur FIFA, der Sportökonom Prof. Wolfgang Männig (Universität Hamburg) zu Wirtschaftlichkeit von Megaevents sowie der Sportjournalist Dietrich Schulze-Marmeling zu der von ihm mitorganisierten Boykott-Initiative und Prof. Henk Erik Meyer (Institut für Sportwissenschaft) zu FIFA und DFB. Die Videos hierzu sind in der Gathertown eingebettet.

In die Gathertown sind nicht nur WWU-Studierende, sondern auch externe Besucher:innen herzlich eingeladen.

Die Gathertown bietet zusätzlich ein WM Quiz (PLACEm), kritische Dokus und weiterführende Literatur zur WM, historische WM Werbe-Videoclips.

Prof. Kersting und das Institut für Politikwissenschaft freuen sich auf Ihr Kommen!

Den Zugang zur dazugehörigen GatherTown finden Sie hier.

© Wahl-Kompass
© Norbert Kersting
© Norbert Kersting


  • © Thomeczek

    Project Wahl-Kompass (Election-Compass)

    The Election-Compass is a scientific Voting Advice Application (VAA), which is beeing developed in a cooperaion of Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting and Jan Philipp Thomeczek from the University of Münster and Kieskompas from the Netherlands. Kieskompas started specializung in 2006 in the development of online Voting Advice Aplications and has already been responsible for projects in more than 40 different countries. In Germany projects on the municipal, regional and european level have been developed under the name "Wahl-Kompass":

    Currently the Wahl-Kompass is up and running for the state election in North Rhine-Westphalia (2022). You can find the Wahl-Kompass here.

    Previous elections included in the Wahl-Kompass were:

    Federal Election 2013/2017/2021
    European Election 2009/2014/2019
    Regional Elecion Lower Saxony (2017) and Hesse (2018) as well as North Rhine-Westphalia (2022)
    Municipal Election in Frankfurt (Election of The Lord Mayor 2018)
    Regionalverband Ruhr election for the Ruhr Parlament (2020)                                                                                                                                                           

  • © Pixabay

    Project "Kommunalwahcheck"


    The "Kommunalwahlcheck" ( municipal-elections-check) is a traditional online electoral aid for municipal elections. It is structured in the same way as a "Wahl-O-Mat" (or Election-Compass) but is developed and designed according to scientific quality criteria. Thus, voters have five instead of three answer options at their disposal. The selection of theses is based on a large-scale survey of council members and citizens.

    Currently, The municipal election check is also being used for the election in Wetzlar Hessen in 2021. Click here for the website

    The municipal election check was used for the first time for the municipal elections in 2020 Cologne, Essen, Siegen, Münster and Bielefeld. The selection of theses is based on a large-scale survey of council members and citizens in NRW. The Local Election Check 2020 can be accessed via this link.




© URIi
© Norbert Kersting

On thursday, June 17th, Prof. Kersting and the Franz Hitze-Haus invite you to their webinar concerning 'E-democracy and Sustainability', a satellite event of the World Forum for Democracy. As part of the event, Prof. Karen Mossberger of the Arizona State University is going to speak about the Digital Divide. The event is going to be held in English.

To join the event please use the following Zoom-ID and password: ID 912 5449 6691 PW 669899.
We are very much looking forward to you joining us!

© Norbert Kersting

Council member survey in NRW 2020

For this project, a survey of council members will be carried out (165 representative NRW municipalities: all large cities, the same number of medium-sized and small towns). The current state of affairs shows a response of 2000 council members, which can already show the first results. A unique feature of this study of the local elections is that an analysis by region, city size, parties are carried out for all council members. Questions are asked on 18 thematic blocks, such as corona effects, environment, transport, social affairs, economy, etc. In addition, six elements representing the respective party affiliation were also examined. The survey is still ongoing in small and medium-sized municipalities.


Webinar by Prof. Norbert Kersting (Uni Muenster) together with Akademie Franz Hitze-Haus (Münster):

"Digitalisation and Politics: Stress Test Covid-19 Pandemic" on the German Digital Day 19.6.2020 10:00-12.00. (Admission 9.45 am)
The Covid-19 crisis highlights the strengths and weaknesses of digitisation (infrastructure etc.) in Germany.

The workshop will include a virtual poster show and a live panel discussion on network policy,

Discuss e-democracy and online participation with (inter)national colleagues.

The expert panel will discuss the questions: What can digitisation achieve? What can it not do?

What can digitisation not yet do?

In addition to the expert panel on Digital Day 2020, the webinar will include contributions on E Governance and the Covid 19 pandemic.

© Norbert Kersting