Julia Hansel

Julia Hansel
© Hansel
Julia Hansel
Graduate School of Politics
Raum 319
Scharnhorststraße 100
48151 Münster
T: +49 251 83-25392
  • Projekt


    This dissertation project deals with governance and (neoliberal) governmentality perspectives in the
    socio-ecological mobility transformation. Its contribution is twofold: First, it aims to expand the
    academic literature on multimodality and mobility hubs by developing a multi-level governance
    framework. Second, it elaborates multi-level governance frameworks and underlying power relations
    more critically based on the concepts of governmentality and dispositf as developed in the late work
    of Michel Foucault. Based on these perspectives, the overall research question for this project is how
    multimodal mobility can be realized and thereby contribute to a sustainable transformation.
    Methodologically, it follows an interpretive research design. It combines theoretical approaches of
    governmentality research with political science approaches of multi-level governance and applies
    them to empirical case studies investigating urban contexts and local mobility policies. Examining
    governmental power at the societal and individual levels allows for a critical demarcation from the
    neoliberal paradigm and a reflection on the dominant logic of technical optimization and focus on
    market-based solutions. Ultimately, it contributes to a holistic understanding of socio-ecological
    mobility transformation, identifies obstacles, and allows for practical recommendations on
    successfully implementing an attractive, widespread, and equitable multimodal transport system. The
    dissertation project is designed as a publication-based dissertation.

  • Werdegang

    Akademische Ausbildung

    10.2017 - 06.2021 M.Sc. Humangeographie, Universität Münster
    02. - 07.2019 Auslandsstudium Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca (Rumänien)
    10.2013 - 09.2017 B.A. Politik und Recht, Universität Münster
    09.2015 - 01.2016 Auslandsstudium Université de Liège (Belgien)

    Beruflicher Werdegang

    seit 06.2024 Promotionsstipendium Heirich Böll Stiftung
    05.2021 - 04.2024 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im JPI Urban Europe Projekt "SmartHubs"

    Mitgliedschaft oder Mitarbeit in einem Gremium

    seit 08.2021 Stadt Münster (Ausschuss für Verkehr und Mobilität (AVM), Sachkundige Einwohnerin)


  • Publikationen


    • Geurs, Karst; Grigolon, Anna; Münzel, Karla; Gkiotsalitis, Konstantonis, Duran-Rodas, David; Büttner, Benjamin; Kirchberger, Christoph; Pappers, Jesse; Martinez Ramirez, Lluis; Graf, Antonia; Hansel, Julia; Gkrava, Roxani; Klemetschmitz, Roman. 2024. ‘The Smarthubs integration ladder: a conceptual model for the categorisation of shared mobility hubs.’ Transport Reviews 44, No. 1: 112–139. doi: 10.1080/01441647.2023.2239499.
    • Graf, Antonia; Hansel, Julia; Wagner, Tomma. 2024. Policy and governance impacts: the SmartHubs Living Lab activities from a democratic integration perspective . online: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag, 2024.
    • Geurs, Karst; Grigolon, Anna; Garritsen, Kelt; Keserü, Imre; Delaere, Hannes; Martinez, Lluis; Büttner, Benjamin; Duran Rodas, David; Nichols, Aaron; Susilo, Yusak; Roider, Oliver; Gkavra, Roxani; Graf, Antonia; Hansel; Julia; Tellioglu, Hilda; Mikusch, Gerfried; Kirchberger, Christoph; Dörrzapf, Linda; Patuelli, Roberto; Reggiani, Aura; Malandri, Caterina; Rabasco, Michele; Rossetti, Rebecca; Baguet, Jelten. 2024. Making mobility hubs smarter - 10 recommendations for practitioners & policymakers SmartHubs Project - Final Report . online: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag, 2024. [submitted / under review]


    • Hansel, Julia; Graf, Antonia. 2023. ‘Subjectification, Technology, and Rationality – Sustainable Transformation of the Mobility Sector from a Governmentality Perspective.’ In Towards User-Centric Transport in Europe 3. Making Digital Mobility Inclusive and Accessible, edited by Imre Keseru, Annette Randhahn, 215–234. 1st Ed. Online: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-26155-8_13.
    • Graf, Antonia; Hansel, Julia. 2023. „Nachhaltige und smarte Mobilitätspolitik als gouvernementale Praxis. Eine Analyse am Beispiel geteilter Mobilität.“ In Machtverhältnisse. Kritische Perspektiven auf Geschlecht und Gesellschaft, herausgegeben von Bloemen, Henrike; Bomert, Christiane; Dziuba-Kaiser, Stephanie; Gebhardt, Mareike, 273–300. Frankfurt/ New York: Campus Verlag.
    • Graf, Antonia; Hansel, Julia. 2023. Governance Frameworks for Mobility Hubs in the SmartHubs Living Lab Areas SmartHubs Project Deliverable. online: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag, 2023.


    • Geurs, Karst; Münzel; Karla; Duran, Davin; Gkavra, Roxani; Graf, Antonia; Grigolon, Anna; Hansel, Julia; Kirchberger, Christoph; Klementschitz, Roman; Martinez Ramirez, Lluis; Pappers, Jesse. 2022. A multidimensional mobility hub typology and inventory SmartHubs Project Deliverable. online: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag, 2022.
  • Weiteres


    • Global and European Environmental Governance
    • Nachhaltige urbane Mobilität
    • Inter- /Multimodality, Mobility Hubs, Mobility Justice
    • Nachhaltige Transformation und Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien
    • Kommunaler Klimaschutz