Taichi Yasuda (安田 泰智)
In my first office, 01.04.2024
About me
I am a Ph.D. student in mathematics at University of Münster, Germany.
My supervisor is Prof. Ralf Schindler.
I am from Japan. I am interested in mathematical logic, especially set theory, in particular, descriptive set theory and inner model theory.
Email: tyasuda at uni-muenster dot de
(with the "at" replaced by "@" and the "dot" replaced by a dot)
Institut für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik der Universität Münster
Einsteinstrasse 62
48149 Münster, Deutschland
Published papers and preprints
\({\bf\mathrm{MM}^{*, ++}_{\mathfrak{c}}}\) in \({\bf\mathbb{P}_{\max}}\) extensions of strong models of determinacy (with Ralf Schindler), submitted.
Upcoming schedule
- June 23-July 4, 2025: Third Berkeley Conference on Inner Model Theory
Conference talks
- (Invited) June 28 2024: \({\bf\mathrm{MM}^{*, ++}_{\mathfrak{c}}}\) in \({\bf\mathbb{P}_{\max}}\) extensions of strong models of determinacy, "Determinacy, Inner Models and Forcing Axioms" at Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna.
- (Invited) January 12-17, 2025: The density of iterable \({\bf\mathbb{P}_{\max}}\)-conditions for a set of sets of reals (15 min talk), Set Theory Meeting at Oberwolfach.
- (Invited) February 16-22, 2025: The cofinality of universally Baire sets problem, Arctic Set Theory Workshop 7. (Slides)
Seminar talks
- Winter Semester 2023-2024: Towards Martin's Maximum in \(\mathbb{P}_{\max}\) extensions, University of Münster.
- Summer Semester 2024: Sealing for the theory of universally Baire sets, University of Münster.
- Winter Semester 2024-2025: The Density of iterable \({\bf\mathbb{P}_{\max}}\)-conditions for a set of sets of reals, University of Münster.
Short CV
Here is my full CV (PDF)
- June 14 1999: Born in Japan
- April 2018 - March 2022: Undergraduate studies in mathematics at The University of Tokyo (supervisor: Prof. Toshiyasu Arai)
- October 2022 - February 2024: MSc Mathematics at University of Münster with distinction (mit Auszeichnung), with a scholarship from Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), thesis advisor: Prof. Ralf Schindler
- March 2024 - : Ph.D. student with Prof. Ralf Schindler at University of Münster
I was involved in organizing the following conferences:
- September 16-20, 2024: European Set Theory Conference, Münster, Germany.
Personal note for Moschovakis Coding Lemma (Handwritten note): The proof of Moschovakis Coding Lemma and some facts related to it, which might be useful.
Towards \( \mathrm{MM}^{*, ++}\) in \(\mathbb{P}_{\max}\) extensions (Master Thesis): my master thesis.
My talk at Vienna Inner Model Theory 2024