Information on using the PC pool room

WWU IT opened a special PC pool room on 21 July 2020 for all students who are required to take remote written examinations but do not have the necessary technical equipment at home. Students can sign up to take examinations in the auditorium of the Vom-Stein-Haus opposite the Schloss on one of 72 laptops equipped with webcams and a stable Internet connection. If you wish to take advantage of this option, please note the following:

  • The PCs can be reserved via LSF in one-hour time slots which always begin at the top of the hour. For longer use, you will have to reserve several time slots. Reservations can be made any time before 12 pm on the day before the desired time slot, for monday until friday 12 pm. Places are assigned according to availability in the order in which they were reserved.
  • For technical reasons, we can only send email confirmation of your reserved workstation at 12 pm on the day prior to your examination. However, you will know that your time slot is secure if there are fewer than 72 participants already listed for that time slot when you reserved your place in LSF.
  • Please take along printouts of the emails confirming each of your reserved time slots (or have them saved on your smartphone) to show them to the supervisory staff when you arrive. Also remember to take your student ID card and show it without being asked. Entry is not permitted without confirmation of reservation.
  • Private laptops cannot be taken into the PC pool room.
  •  Sign in on the laptop with your WWU user ID and corresponding password.
  • If you require audio capabilities or a microphone (e.g. for the identification process), please bring along your own wired headset. Our laptops are equipped with the conventional 3.5'' headphone ports. However, the room is not suited for oral examinations as the noise would disturb other exam takers. The ULB has set up five special exam cubicles for remote oral examinations which can be reserved at
  • To avoid infection with the coronavirus, you must follow the prescribed hygiene rules inside the building. Persons exhibiting flu-like symptoms, such as fever, cough and difficulty breathing, are not permitted to enter.
  • Please bring a mouth-nose covering with you. You are required to wear it upon entering the building and on your way to your seat. Once you are seated, you may remove your mask as the seating arrangement ensures that the minimum distance of 1.5 metres can be maintained. As you enter the room, please disinfect your hands using the provided disinfectant dispensers. Also disinfect the keyboard and mouse with the provided cleaning wipes before and after usage.
  • You are not allowed to take food or beverages (except water) into the examination room.
  • For everyone’s sake, please behave calmly and follow the instructions of the supervisory staff. They are authorised to escort students out of the room who violate the rules despite prior warning.
  • If you encounter technical difficulties, please notify the staff who will assign you another free workstation if necessary. However, we cannot provide on-site technical advice or assistance during the examinations.
  • If you need to leave the room momentarily, please notify the staff accordingly.
  • The staff are not responsible for monitoring your examination; this takes place (insofar as is required for your examination) via Zoom. Likewise, we cannot answer any questions concerning your examination.
  • After completing your exam, please leave the room without delay through the designated exits.

Reserve a workstation