Concise Encyclopedia of Supersymmetry - Instructions for entry preparation


These instructions give an overview of the general requirements for the preparation of contributions for the Concise Encyclopedia of Supersymmetry and provides detailed instructions as to how to submit your manuscript. Please read these instructions carefully as manuscripts which do not meet the requirements described below will be sent back to the author for revision.



Contributions should be submitted in Latex 2e, preferrably with AMS fonts and/or AMS math, any standard package may be included. In exceptional cases Latex 2.09 is also allowed, the entry will be translated. Please consult with the Editor in Chief before doing so. Furthermore there are four items that need special attention:


  1. Bibliography: without \bibitem command till 3-4 entries. Bibliography - if cited, then hard citations (without \cite command !!!). Please take into account all details below up to spaces.
  2. Equations: with \tag or \eqno command for numbering (only if needed) and \nonumber command.
  3. Please do not use \newcommand or \ref.
  4. It is very much desirable that terms and articles contain corresponding _formulas_ on a strong mathematical level. The statements should be concise, but have to be made as inside the body of an article, not as in an introduction (several sentences without formulas with citations, as in Example 3 below). Please add formulas to every word which implies them.


At the end of these instructions you will find three Latex examples for these format requirements. Please make sure you have used the correct formatting before submitting your contribution.



Please include up to five keywords to your manuscript. Keywords will be used to link your entry to other publications online. It is therefore essential to establish a single suitable (i.e. 100% relevant to your entry, but not too general) term for your entry, which may or may not be identical to its actual wording. The first keyword should be a short form of your title, other keywords might include alternate spellings or synonyms. Please avoid “equation and “supersymmetry”, do not use broad or ambiguous terms. Please see two examples below:


Entry title


Other keywords

ReissnerNordström Solution

ReissnerNordström Solution

Reissner-Nordstroem Solution


Likhtman, Evgeny Pinkhasovich


Evgeny Likhtman / Eugeny Likhtman / Eugeny Pinkhasovich Likhtman



Other requirements

  • Cross references: where your entry should be hyperlinked to other entries within this publication, please underline the term(s).
  • For well-known notions and terms it would be desirable to cite an article where it has appeared for the first time.
  • Size of entries is not very much restricted:
    1 page for shortest entry;
    3-4 pages for longest entry;
    till 5 pages for review and bio/historical articles.
  • Entries can be written with coauthors (1 entry - till 2 authors, for review articles - till 3 authors).


Latex Examples                                  









Example 1. General structure of entry.




%%%%%%%%%Begin of Entry%%%%%%%%%%


% Your name
TERM, definition [1], also [2]...

[1] A.B. Author, A.B. Author Abbr.Journal volume (year) page;
[2] A.B. Authors Abbr.Journal volume (year) page;
[3] A.B. Authors hep-th/0000000;
[4] A.B. Authors Title of Book, Edition 1999.


%%%%%%%%%End of Entry%%%%%%%%%%%




Example 2. Simple example of a term.




%%%%%%%%%Begin of Entry%%%%%%%%%%


% Ivanov
SUPERSPACE, an extended space in supersymmetric theories [1] which has in addition to usual spacetime [2] bosonic coordinates $x^{\mu}$ also fermionic coordinates $\theta^{\alpha}$. A real superspace \begin{equation} \mathbb{R}^{4|4}=\left\{ x^{\mu},\theta^{\alpha},\theta^{\overset{.}{\alpha} }\right\} \tag{1} \end{equation} contains (1) additional spinorial coordinates $\theta^{\alpha},\theta ^{\overset{.}{\alpha}}\left( \alpha,\overset{.}{\alpha}=1,2\right) $.

[1] S.J. Gates et al.
Superspace, Benjamin 1983;
[2] J. Wess, B. Zumino PL B66 (1977) 361.




%%%%%%%%%End of Entry%%%%%%%%%%%




Example 3. Undesirable and desirable styles of entry.



Please save as text and latexing2e the below approximate example
(or download ready postscript version of this file

%%%%%%%%%Begin of example%%%%%%%%%%


\textbf{Undesirable entry }(very short simple) \textbf{example:} \end{center}

K\"{A}HLER MANIFOLD, a complex manifold which admits a K\"{a}hler metric [1]

[1] E.K\"{a}hler Abh. Math. Semin. Univ.
Hamburg 9(1933)173.


\textbf{Desirable entry }(very short simple) \textbf{example:} \end{center}

K\"{A}HLER MANIFOLD, a complex manifold $K$ having $U\left( N\right) $ holonomy admitting a Hermitian metric $g_{i\bar{j}}$ (called a \textit{K\"{a}hler metric} and can be written in complex coordinates $z_{i}$ through the K\"{a}hler potential $\varphi $ as $g_{i\bar{j}}=\frac{\partial ^{2}\varphi }{\partial z^{i}\partial \bar{z}^{j}}$) for which the fundamental form $\Omega =g_{i\bar{j}}dz_{i}\wedge d\bar{z}^{j}$ is closed $d\Omega =0$ [1]. Examples: any one-dimensional complex manifold, complex $N$-space, a projective manifold $CP_{N}$ and any its submanifold are K.M. The only nonvanishing Christoffel symbol of a K.M. is $\Gamma _{ij}^{k}=g^{k\bar{k}}\partial g_{i\bar{k}}/\partial z^{j}$ and the only nonvanishing component of the curvature tensor is $R_{ij\bar{k}}^{l}=-\partial \Gamma _{ij}^{l}/\partial \bar{z}^{j}$. The theorem of Calabi-Yau: K.M. of vanishing first \textit{Chern class} $c_{1}\left( K\right) =0$ admits a \textit{K\"{a}hler metric} of $SU\left( N\right) $ holonomy. Such K.M. is Ricci flat $R_{ij}=0$ and admits nonvanishing covariantly constant spinor $% D_{i}\varepsilon =0$ which allows to exploit 6-dimensional K.M. $K_{6}$ in superstring phenomenology [2] based on compactification scheme $M_{10}\rightarrow M_{4}\times K_{6}$, where $M_{4}$ is 4D maximally symmetric (de Sitter, anti-de Sitter or Minkowski) manifold [3].

[1] A. Weil Introduction to the theory of K\"{a}hler manifolds, NY 1957.
[2] M. Kaku Introduction to superstrings and M-Theory,
Berlin 1999.
[3] P.Candelas et al.
NP B258 (1985) 46.


K\“{a}hler Manifold

Kaehler Manifold


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