


Poetry, Prose and Art Journal
Multilingual, Multicultural, Interdisciplinary Web Edition

Edited and published by Steven Duplij

Victor Saunders
London, UK


Inside is a dream unfolding.
Outside the wind blows across frozen streets.
Inside is a grand, sun soaked vista.
Outside broken lamps eclipse chilled air with intermittent flashes.
Inside you open your eyes and the universe floods in.
Outside the snow begins to swirl.
Inside the glow warms as a soft body melts into yours.
Outside the fog is closing in.
Inside a contented smile smooths onto your lips.
Outside the lights flicker for the final time.
Inside time passes slowly and you drift effortlessly.

Ciudad de grand vista

A city behind shutters and boards.
Ciudad de grand vista revolving in my eyes.
Roads, streets, avenues and alleys all silent.
No footsteps, no voices, no engines, no lights.
Just emptiness and the beating of my own heart.


Precious time ticks by.
I watch it trickle.
Light curves onto my eye.
I see it fade.
Slowly granite features soften.
Sol sinks below the horizon.
Silver light illuminates sleeping, urban vista.
Shadows haunt the darkness.
Lovers stir for a moment, limbs entwine softly.
Silence sweeps over the strasse.

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© 1996 by Steven Duplij