
A review by I. B. Rad


Few poets have national, let alone international, breadth. Certainly, one of the few with international scope is Steven Duplij. He has demonstrated his international standing through readings at La Clave Music Club in Madrid, Spain, the International Congress of Arts and Communications in Edinburgh, UK, the Second Ponce Church, Ponce, Puerto Rico, and The Library of Congress, Washington, DC. - to name a few. He also has published chapbooks in English, Portuguese, Russian, and his poetry has been translated into English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and German.

Of still more importance to other poets who want to be heard outside of their own country and culture is that Steven Duplij has the only multilingual literary [mostly poetry] site that I have found on the WEB. This WEB site, "Poephysics," accepts poetry in English, German, French, Spanish, Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian. It currently has poetry composed in Russian, English, French, German, and Spanish representing 9 different countries. The poetry is of high quality and is archived on this WEB site; e.g., it doesn't disappear after 3 months. Consequently, it can be accessed by author's name through some of the better search engines such as "Alta Vista." This helps to ensure that poetry appearing on this site will be accessible to a wide audience. To promote communication between author and reader, sending comments to an author from this WEB site only requires clicking on the author's name, writing the note in the resulting e-mail screen, and then clicking "Send."

Another example of Steven Duplij's multilingual accomplishments is his new book, "ANGEL." This well produced, soulful book of English poetry is the work of an inquisitive and exquisitely sensitive physicist/poet which Steven Duplij most certainly is. It contains many fine lines and sentiments [for example, "The war will soon be here!/ She's the collapse of honor and suffering.../There's a foray of new nobodies..." or "The Meaning of the life has appeared as the bottom's ash./ That one is not in work and wives,/ In children and appointments:/... only in the changing movement of Mind..." or finally, "The dawn is far away - / There remained/ So many rubber minutes/ To be counted..."] "ANGEL" again pleasingly demonstrates the international scope and talent of it's remarkable Ukrainian author.

Steven Duplij's nicely produced WEB site and book are Best Bets. Check 'em out! Poephysics is at litsite.htm.

"ANGEL" may be purchased from JVC Books, 4599C NW Hwy. 70W. Arcadia, FL 33821.

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© 1997 by Steven Duplij