
Steven Duplij's recent poems
in Russian (Translit)


Kak v zerkalo prazdnosti, suety,
Glyazhus' v ukhodyashchikh litz eliksir.
Nastoyashchaya Ty dlya menya - ne-ty,
Nastoyashchij Mir dlya menya - ne-mir.

Risuya vetrami ranimost' i styd,
Ot nikh izbavlyajus', ne znaya, zachem.
Zabyv o poteryakh - i snova otkryt.
Rastrativ ljubimykh, povergnut - nikem.

Lishaya sjuzhet ozhidaemykh slov,
Postignuv istorij konetz s ikh nachal,
Ne stanu zhalet' o potere okov.
Vnov' zhdu neizvestnost'. Lunu. Noch'... Prichal...

21 maya 1997

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© 1996 by Steven Duplij