Tatiana Kudryashova reads



Steven Duplij: Poems 1988-2004

1. Semi..

2. Infinite atonement

3. Angel

4. Without you

5. Soul

6. Icone


8. Within a hairbreadth of life

9. Incorrect dream

10. Passenger

11. Pheophania's night

12. Phephania rain

13. Crying

14. Quantization

15. Sieve

16. Drawing

17. Soon

18. Line

19. Supermanifold

20. Volume

21. Flowers

22. Pulling...

23. Nucleus

24. Life

25. Stars

26. January

27. Alien

28. Blinds on the youth

29. Blitz

30. Downlour

31. Wreath

32. Instead

33. Hate

34. Flying

35. Pastness

36. I haven't noticed

37. Face

38. Fever

39. Us and them

40. Webgirl

41. File

42. Angel

43. Window

Playlist of all poems smf.m3u

Sound engineer Alexey Marchenko


Texts: Homepage (old)