


Poetry, Prose and Art Journal
Multilingual, Multicultural, Interdisciplinary Web Edition

Edited and published by Steven Duplij

Germaine Paris
Philadelphia, USA


Within your mind
how could you find
the nerve
to take a life so kind?

Reject the thought
through invitation plain,

Perhaps -
this is what you meant to find,
a solution to problems
that's all thine.

But the ones left behind,
you were clear
out of your mind!


Who's got Soul?
that are really living.

Mind this!
Some are just existing.

No matter how powerful and strong he be,
Who cares to gain the world;
while attempting, sells his soul?

Knowing full well
you can't buy it back,
not even with
a credit card.

Longing of my Heart

My longing heart
is empty seas
drifting all apart.

My longing heart
t'was love dear
from the very start.

My longing heart
has needs dear -
a loving heart.

My longing heart
desires simplicity,
your loving care.

My longing heart
t'was love dear
from the very start.

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© 1996 by Steven Duplij