


Poetry, Prose and Art Journal
Multilingual, Multicultural, Interdisciplinary Web Edition

Edited and published by Steven Duplij

Victoria Locktionova
Syracuse, NY, USA

This Reality

Fake smiles means professionals in their offices.
Fake fortune-tellers - telephone hot-line prophesies.

Fake payments - borrowings from the banks.
Fake honesty - priests of different ranks.

Fake husbands and wifes - our boy-friends and girl-friends.
Fake identity - the acquired American accents.

Fake food coming out of the freezer.
Fake status on the exchange student visa.

Even if you think of the local lake,
It's so much polluted that it's somewhat fake.

Fake letters coming by electronic mail -
Nothing to lose, nothing to gain.
And only the postman won't fail
To be real
If he has a letter for me from Ukraine.


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© 1996 by Steven Duplij