
Bibliography collected by L. M. Gluskin, Part I

Remade by Steven Duplij
October 1996

  1. abr1 I. Abrhan, Note on the set of nilpotent elements and on redicals of semigroups , Mat. Gasopis Sloven. Akad. Vied 21 (1971), 124-130.
  2. abr2 -----, On ( H , T ) -ideals direct product of semigroups , Mat. Gasopis Sloven. Akad. Vied 21 (1971), 199-213.
  3. abr3 -----, A remark on maximal ( H _1, H _2) -ideals in semigroups , Mat. Gasopis Sloven. Akad. Vied 21 (1971), 214-218.
  4. ada/pol I. Abrhan and G. Pollak, On the congruencesof finitely generated free semigroups , Acta. Sci. Math. 31 (1970), 259-278.
  5. acz J. Aczel, The Monteiro- Botelho- Teixeira axiom and a "natural" topology in abelian semigroups , Portugal. Math 24 (1965), 173-177.
  6. ada1 A. Adam, A discription of the finite right-congruences of finitely generated free semigroups , Period Math. Hungar 1 (1971), 135-144.
  7. ada2 -----, On some aspects of the algebraic discription of automaton mappings , Acta Cybernet 2 (1973), 1-21.
  8. ada/kou2 J. Adamek and V. Koubek, On the existence of special homogeneous monoids , Semigroup Forum 9 (1974/75), 95-101.
  9. ada/kou1 -----, On a representation of semigroup by products of algebras and relations , Colloq. Math. 38 (1977), 7-25.
  10. ada/kou -----, On representations of ordered commutative semigroups , in Algebraic theory of semigroups, North-Holland, dam, 1979, 15-31.
  11. adams1 D. Adams, Semigroup completions on lattices , Proc. London Math. Soc. 20 (1970), 659-688.
  12. adu1 D. Adu, The partially ordered family of C M -homomorphism , Semigroup Forum 13 (1976/77), 1-17.
  13. adu2 -----, Existence of join and meets in the partially ordered family of C M -homomorphism , Semigroup Forum 14 (1977), 331-353.
  14. agr R. Agrawal, Some homomorphisms and equivalences in a semigroup , Ganita 22 (1971), 87-94.
  15. ahm/wic E. Ahmed and R. Wicgandt, On a lower radicals of semigroups , Math. Nachr. 57 (1973), 163-167.
  16. aiz A. Aizenstat, On varieties of semigroups having a finite number of subvarieties , in Algebraic theory of semigroups, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1979, 33-41.
  17. aiz1 P. Aizley, Multiplicative linear functionals on convolution algebras , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 28 (1971), 65-66.
  18. aiz2 -----, Semisimplicity for a class of convolution algebras , Semigroup Forum 19 (1980), 95-100.
  19. ajm N. Ajmal, Groupoids with a closure condition , Casopis Pect. Mat. 105 (1980), 14-22.
  20. all1 D. Allen, Abstract algebras with a single operation and grouplike axioms , Amer. Math. Monthly 74 (1971), 186-188.
  21. all2 -----, A generalisation of the R ees theorem to a class af regular semigroups , Semigroup Forum 2 (1971), 321-331.
  22. all/win D. Allen and W. Windham, Operator semigroups with applications to semirings , Publ. Math. Debrecen 20 (1973), 161-175.
  23. and1 J. Anderson, The tensor product of a semigroup with a union of groups , Semigroup Forum 8 (1974), 65-68.
  24. and2 -----, Characters of commutative semigroups.1 , Math. Sem. Notes 7 (1979), 301-308.
  25. and3 -----, Characters of commutative semigroups.3 , Math. Sem. Notes 7 (1979), 499-508.
  26. and/hun2 J. Anderson and R. Hunter, On varieties of semigroups having a finite number of subvarieties , in Groups,homomorphisms,and the G reen relations, Proc. Interns. Conf. Theory of Groups, New-York, 1967, 1-5.
  27. and/hun1 -----, On residual properties of cartain semigroups , in Contributions to extension theory of topological structures, Proc. Sympos, Berlin, 1969, 15-19.
  28. and/kem1 J. Anderson and N. Kimura, Tensor product of communitative unions of groups , Semigroup Forum 16 (1978), 105-107.
  29. and/kem2 K. Appel and F. Djorup, On the equation Z _1 ^n* Z _2 ^n*...* Z _k ^n= Y ^n in a free semigroup , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 134 (1968), 461-470.
  30. ara/fuj B. Aragane and T. Fujiwara, On a problem of Lausch and Nobauer , J. Austr. Math. Soc. 8 (1968), 568-570.
  31. are B. Arendt, Semisimple bands , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 143 (1969), 133-143.
  32. are2 -----, Maximal right congruences on semigroups , Semigroup Forum 10 (1975), 139-150.
  33. are1 -----, On semisimple commutative semigroups , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 208 (1975), 341-351.
  34. are/stu2 B. Arendt and C. Stuth, On partial homomorphisms of semigroups , Pacific J. Math. 35 (1970), 7-9.
  35. are/stu1 -----, On the structure of communitative periodic semigroups , Pacific J. Math. 35 (1970), 1-6.
  36. are/stu -----, Translations af communitative unique factorization semigroups , Semigroup Forum 4 (1972), 87-92.
  37. arg/wil L. Argabright and C. Wilde, Semigroups satisfying a strong F olner condition , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 18 (1967), 587-591.
  38. ash2 C. Ash, A inform chain whose inverse semigroup has no chart , Semigroup Forum 18 (1979), 1-4.
  39. ash1 -----, The J-classes of an inverse semigroup , J. Austr. Math. Soc. 28 (1979), 427-432.
  40. ash/hal C. Ash and T. Hall, Inverse semigroups on graphs , Semigroup Forum 11 (1975/76), 140-145.
  41. aul1 J. Ault, Extensions of one primitive inverse semigroup by another , Can. J. Math. 24 (1972), 270-278.
  42. aul3 -----, Regular semigroups which are extensions , Pacific J. Math. 41 (1972), 303-306.
  43. aul2 -----, Translational hull of an inverse semigroup , Semigroup Forum 4 (1972), 165-168.
  44. aul5 -----, Semigroups with midunits , Semigroup Forum 6 (1973), 346-351.
  45. aul4 -----, Translational hull of an inverse semigroup , Glasgow Math. J. 14 (1973), 56-64.
  46. aul6 -----, Semigroups with midunits , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 190 (1974), 375-384.
  47. aul7 -----, Semigroups with bisimple and simple W -subsemigroups , Semigroup Forum 9 (1974/75), 318-333.
  48. aul8 -----, Group congruence on a bisimple W -semigroup , Semigroup Forum 10 (1975), 351-366.
  49. aul -----, Group congruence on a bisimple W -semigroup , Semigroup Forum 10 (1975), 351-366.
  50. aul9 -----, Group congruence on a bisimple W -semigroup , Semigroup Forum 10 (1975), 351-366.
  51. aul/pet1 J. Ault and M.Petrich, The structure of W -regular semigroups , Boll. Univ. Mat. Ital. 77 (1971), 196-199.
  52. aul/pet2 -----, The structure of W -regular semigroups , J. Reine Angew. Math. 251 (1971), 110-141.
  53. baa2 S. Baase, Pi -length of union of groups semigroups , Semigroup Forum 8 (1974), 215-244.
  54. baa1 -----, Lower bounds for the Pi -solvable semigroups , Semigroup Forum 7 (1974), 334-357.
  55. baay/vane/kru P. C. Baayen, B. P. Van Emde, and D. Kruyswijk, A combinatorial problem on finite semigroups , Math. Centrum, Amsterdam, 1965.
  56. bab L. Babai, Endomorphisms of sub- and factorsemigroups , in Algebraic theory of semigroups, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1979, 43-50.
  57. bab/pas L. Babai and F. Pastijn, On semigroups with high symmetry , Simon Stevin 52 (1978), 73-84.
  58. babc I. Babcsanyi, Endomorphisms of group-type quasi-automata , Acta Cybernet 2 (1976), 313-322.
  59. bac/kap K. Baclawski and K. M. Kapp, Topisms and induced nonassociative systems , Pacific J. Math. 36 (1971), 45-54.
  60. bai G. L. Bailes, Right inverse semigroups , J. Algebra 26 (1973), 492-507.
  61. bail J. Baillieul, Green's relations in finite function semigroups , Aequationes Math. 7 (1971), 22-27.
  62. baird2 B. B. Baird, Epimorphisms of inverse semigroups of homeomorphisms between closed subsets , Semigroup Forum 14 (1977), 161-166.
  63. baird3 -----, Inverse semigroups of homeomorphisms between open subsets , J. Austr. Math. Soc. 24 (1977), 92-102.
  64. baird1 -----, Isomorphisms between inverse semigroups of injective transformations , J. Austr. Math. Soc. 23 (1977), 194-201.
  65. baird4 -----, Inverse semigroups of homeomorphisms are H opfian , Can. J. Math. 31 (1979), 800-807.
  66. baird/mag B. B. Baird and K. D. Magill, Green's R -relation and climbing mountains , Semigroup Forum 18 (1979), 347-370.
  67. bair/thi G. Baird and G. Thierrin, On semigroups in which every R ees one-sided congruence is a congruence , Semigroup Forum 4 (1972), 215-223.
  68. bair2 G. R. Baird, Congruences on generalized inverse semigroups, Semigroup Forum 4 (1972), 200-205.
  69. bair5 -----, Congruences on simple regular omega -semigroups , J. Austr. Math. Soc. 14 (1972), 155-167.
  70. bair3 -----, On a sublattice of the lattice of congruences on a simple regular omega -semigroup , J. Austr. Math. Soc. 13 (1972), 461-471.
  71. bair1 -----, On semigroups and uniform partial bands , Semigroup Forum 4 (1972), 185-188.
  72. bair4 -----, On the lattice of congruences on a band , J. Austr. Math. Soc. 14 (1972), 49-58.
  73. bair6 -----, On 0-simple semigroups , Semigroup Forum 5 (1972/73), 270-272.
  74. bair7 -----, On a sublattice of the lattice of congruences on a theta -regular semigroup , Semigroup Forum 5 (1972/73), 228-235.
  75. bair8 -----, Congruence-free inverse semigroups with zero , J. Austr. Math. Soc. 20/1 (1975), 110-114.
  76. bal J. L. Bales, On product varieties of inverse semigroups , J. Austr. Math. Soc. 28 (1979), 107-119.
  77. ban B. Banaschewski, Brandt groupoids and semigroups , Semigroup Forum 18 (1979), 307-311.
  78. band H. J. Bandelt, Regularity and complete distributivity , Semigroup Forum 19 (1980), 123-126.
  79. bandy S. F. Bandyopadnyay, On U -semigroups , Math. Nachr. 44 (1970), 19-27.
  80. bar/gro P. J. M. Barja and F. E. G. Rodeja, Morita equivalence of monoids , Semigroup Forum 19 (1980), 101-106.
  81. bas J. R. Bastida, Groups and homomorphisms associated with a semigroup. 3 , Bol. Soc. Mat. Mexicana 13 (1968), 84-87.
  82. bed/hor A. Bednarek and E. Horris, A class of semigroups having almost trivial multiplications , Semigroup Forum 4 (1970), 169-172.
  83. bed/wal A. Bednarek and A. Wallace, The functional equation (xy)(yz)=xz , Rev. Remaine Math. Pures Appl. 16 (1971), 3-6.
  84. bee/joh E. Beehler and A. Johanson, Semigroups and the structure of categories , Math. Slovak 26 (1976), 207-216.
  85. beh E. Behrens, Semigroups on normal ideals , in Conference on semigroups in H onor of A.H. Clifford, Tulane Univ., New Orlean, 1979, 15-31.
  86. ber G. Bergman, The index of a group in a semigroup , Pacific J. Math. 36 (1971), 55-62.
  87. ber1 N. Bernstein, Group-like semigroups , Semigroup Forum 3 (1971/72), 58-63.
  88. bern -----, Standart cohomology of semigroups , Portugal. Math 32 (1973), 21-23.
  89. bert P. Berthiaume, The injective envelop of S -sets , Canad. Math. Bull. 10 (1967), 261-273.
  90. big/ran R. Biggs and S. Rankin, A study of graph closed subsemigroups of a full transformation semigroup , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 219 (1976), 211-223.
  91. blo/koh W. Biol and P. K o hler, The semigroup of varieties of generalized interior algebras , Houston J. Math. 3 (1977), 315-327.
  92. bir/kis/pal B. Biro, E. Kiss, and P. Palfy, On the congruence extension property , Semigroup Forum 15 (1977/78), 183-184.
  93. blu/est E. Blum and D. Estes, A generalization of the gomomorphism concept , Algebra Universalis 7 (1977), 143-161.
  94. bly2 T. Blyth, Loipomorphisms , J. London Math. Soc. 2 (1970), 635-642.
  95. bly1 -----, On isotone homomorphic B oolean imegis of ordered semigroups , Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 68 (1970), 211-228.
  96. bly3 -----, The structure of certain integrally closed semigroups , Semigroup Forum 8 (1974), 104-124.
  97. bly4 -----, The structure of certain ordered regular semigroups , Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 75 (1975/76), 235-257.
  98. bly9 -----, On middle units in orthodox semigroups , Semigroup Forum 13 (1976/77), 261-265.
  99. bly/jan T. Blyth and M. Janowitz, On decreasing B aer semigroups , Publ. Inst. Math. 25(39) (1979), 25-31.
  100. bog/crv S. Bogdanovic and S. Grecovic, On some classes of semigroups , Univ. u Novom. Sadu. Zb. Rad. Prirod.-Mat. fak. 8 (1978), 69-77.
  101. bog/mil/puv S. Bogdanovic, S. Milic, and V. Pavlovich, Anti-inverse semigroups , Publ. Inst. Math. 24(38) (1978), 19-28.
  102. boo R. Book, Free and almost-free subsemigroups of a free semigroup , Demonstr. Math. 4 (1974), 233-241.
  103. boo/har R. Book and A. Harrison, Mutually divisible semigroups , Demonstr. Math. 9 (1974), 329-332.
  104. boo/col/mat W. Boone, Embedding into semigroups with only a few defining relations , in Second Scandinavian Conf. on Logic Simbols, Vol. 63, North-Golland, Amsterdam, 1971, 27-40.
  105. bor1 J. Borrego, Homomorpfic retractions in semigroups , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 18 (1967), 716-719.
  106. bor2 -----, Adjuction semigroups , Bull. Austr. Math. Soc. 1 (1969), 47-58.
  107. boruvka O. Boruvka, Foundations of the theory of groupoids and groups , Halsted Press, New York-Toronto, 1976.
  108. bos J. Bosak, On radicals of semigroups , Mat. Gasopis Sloven. Akad. Vied 18 (1968), 204-212.
  109. bosb1 B. Bosbach, Komplement a re H albgruppen. E ine D arstellungstheorie , Math. Ann. 179 (1968), 1-14.
  110. bosb2 -----, Komplement a re H albgruppen. A xiomatik und A rithmetik , Fund. math. 64 (1969), 257-287.
  111. bosb3 -----, Komplement a re halbgruppen kongruenzen und quotienten , Fund. math. 69 (1970), 1-14.
  112. bosb4 -----, Rechtskomplement a re H albgruppen. A xiome, P olynome, K ongruenzen , Math. Z 124 (1972), 273-288.
  113. bosb6 -----, Schwache T eilbarkeitshalbgruppen , Semigroup Forum 12 (1976), 119-135.
  114. bosb5 -----, Zur structur der inversen T eilbarkeitshalbgruppen , Semigroup Forum 12 (1976), 137-143.
  115. bot/bru/fis R. T. Botto-Mura, H. H. Brungs, and J. K. Fisher, Chain rings and valuation semigroups , Commun. Algebra 5 (1977), 1529-1547.
  116. boy C. A. Boyd, Resudiation in semigroups of pre-closures , Semigroup Forum 11 (1975/76), 328-336.
  117. bra T. Brahana, On the isomorphism problem for finitely generated torsion free class 2 nilpotent groups , Glasnik Mat. 7(27) (1972), 167-172.
  118. bra/but/har/mar R. Brandon, K. Butler, D. Hardy, and G. Marcovaky, Cardinalities of D -classes in B _n , Semigroup Forum 4 (1972), 341-344.
  119. bra/har/mar R. Brandon, D. Hardy, and G. Marcovaky, The S chutzenberger group of an H -class in the semigroup of binary relations , Semigroup Forum 5 (1972), 42-53.
  120. bras2 P. Brashear, An ambedding for inverse C lifford semigroups , J. Natural Sci. and Math. 16 (1976), 87-90.
  121. bras1 -----, A new discription of a semigroup defined by chawls and F uller , J. Natural Sci. and Math. 16 (1976), 91-95.
  122. bre/sch D. A. Bredihin and B. M. Schein, Representations of ordered semigroups and lattices by binary relations , Colloq. Math. 39 (1978), 1-12.
  123. bren/char J. L. Brenner and A. Charnow, Free semigroups of 2x2 matrices , Pacific J. Math. 77 (1978), 57-69.
  124. bro/jur R. Br o ck and H. J u rgensen, On the computation of union-extensions of finite semigroups , Acta Cybernet 2 (1973), 109-113.
  125. bro/cla B. P. Brooks and W. E. Clark, On the categoricity of semigroup-theoretical properties , Semigroup Forum 3 (1971/72), 259-266.
  126. bro/fri D. R. Brown and M. Friedberg, Representation theorems for uniquely divisible semigroups , Duke Math. J. 35 (1968), 341-352.
  127. brow/har/pai2 M. R. Brown, D. W. Hardy, and R. J. Painter, A note on a paper of S rinivasan , Pacific J. Math. 18 (1966), 57-60.
  128. brow/har/pai1 -----, An embedding theorem for weakly inverse semigroups , Semigroup Forum 2 (1971), 332-335.
  129. bro T. C. Brown, An interesting combinatorial method in the theory of locally finite semigroups , Pacific J. Math. 36 (1971), 285-289.
  130. brz J. A. Brzozowski, A generalisation of finiteness , Semigroup Forum 13 (1976/77), 239-251.
  131. brz/fic J. A. Brzozowski and F. E. Fich, Languages of R -trivial monoids , J. Comput. System. Sci. 20 (1980), 32-49.
  132. buc R. C. Buck, On certain decidable semigroups , Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 74 (1968), 892-894.
  133. bul/dow2 S. Bulman-Fleming and K. McDowell, Flatness and projectivity in commutative regular semigroups , Semigroup Forum 19 (1980), 247-259.
  134. bul/dow1 -----, Flatness in varieties of normal bands , Semigroup Forum 19 (1980), 139-149.
  135. bur1 D. Burgess, On a problem of B aayen and K ruyswijk , Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 16 (1968/69), 145-149.
  136. bur2 -----, On a problem on semigroups , Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 4 (1969), 9-11.
  137. bur/nel1 S. Burris and E. Nelson, Embedding the dual of \pi_m in the lattice of equational classes of commutative semigroups , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 30 (1971), 37-39.
  138. bur/nel3 -----, Embedding the dual of \pi_\infty in the lattice of equational classes of semigroups , Algebra Universalis 1 (1971/72), 248-253.
  139. bus G. Bush, The embeddability of the semigroup: conditions common to M al'cev and Z ambek , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 157 (1971), 437-448.
  140. byl K. Byleen, Spirals of idempotents from P -semigroups , Semigroup Forum 17 (1979), 95-99.
  141. byl/kom K. Byleen and P. Komjath, The admissible trace problem for E -unitary inverse semigroups , Semigroup Forum 15 (1977/78), 235-246.
  142. byl/mea/pas1 K. Byleen, J. Meakin, and F. Pastijn, The fundamental four-spiral semigroup , J. Algebra 54 (1978), 6-26.
  143. byl/mea/pas2 -----, The double four-spiral semigroup , Simon Stevin 54 (1980), 75-105.
  144. byr/llo/ped/ste2 R. D. Byrd, J. T. Lloyd, F. D. Pedersen, and J. W. Stepp, Automorphisms of semigroups of complexes of abelian groups , Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 83 (1977), 220-261.
  145. byr/llo/ped/ste1 -----, Automorphisms of the semigroup of finite complexes of a periodic locally cyclic group , Pacific J. Math. 72 (1977), 27-39.
  146. byr/llo/ped/ste3 -----, Automorphisms of the semigroup of finite complexes of locally finite groups , J. Reine Angew. Math. 299/300 (1978), 151-160.
  147. cal C. Calude, On metrizability of the free monoids , Demonstr. Math. 15 (1976), 307-310.
  148. can J. Cannon, Computing the ideal structure of finite semigroups , Numer. Math. 18 (1971/72), 254-266.
  149. cap1 R. M. Capocelli, On some free subsemigroups of a free semigroup , Semigroup Forum 15 (1977/78), 177-178.
  150. cap2 -----, On optimal factorization of free semigroups into free subsemigroups , Semigroup Forum 19 (1980), 199-212.
  151. car1 W. H. Carlisle, Residual finiteness of finitely generated commutative semigroups , Pacific J. Math. 36 (1971), 99-101.
  152. car2 -----, Subdirectly irreducible H -semigroups , Semigroup Forum 9 ( 1974/75), 28-35.
  153. carr/law J. H. Carruth and J. D. Lawson, On the existence of oneparameter semigroups , Semigroup Forum 1 (1970), 85-90.
  154. cart J. S. Cartisano, Mutants in semigroups, a generalisation , Kyungpook. Math. J. 10 (1970), 69-73.
  155. cez F. A. Cezus, Pseudo-idempotents in semigroups of functions , J. Austr. Math. Soc. 18 (1974), 182-187.
  156. cez/mag/sub F. A. Cezus, K. D. Magill, and S. Subbiah, Maximal ideals of semigroups of endomorphisms , Bull. Austr. Math. Soc. 12 (1975), 211-225.
  157. cha/thi M. Chacron and G. Thierrin, sigma - Reflexive semigroups and rings , Canad. Math. Bull. 15 (1972), 185-188.
  158. chan/woo S. Chantip and G. R. Wood, Automorphisms of the semigroup of all onto mappings of a set , Bull. Austr. Math. Soc. 14 (1976), 399-403.
  159. chas K. Chase, New semigroups of binary relations , Semigroup Forum 18 (1979), 79-82.
  160. cha -----, Sandvich semigroups of binary relations , Demonstr. Math. 28 (1979), 231-236.
  161. chat S. Chatterjea, A remark on semigroups with identity element , Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar 27 (1976), 75-76.
  162. cha/smi B. Chawla and B. Smith, On semigroups embeddable in their endomorphisms semigroups , J. Natural Sci. and Math. 7 (1967), 207-209.
  163. che G. Chen, A note on left consellative semigroups without idempotents , Semigroup Forum 9 (1974/75), 278-282.
  164. che/hsi1 G. Chen and S. Hsien, A note on rectangular semigroups , Tamkang J. Math. 4 (1973), 27-28.
  165. che/hsi2 -----, Factorizable inverse semigroups , Semigroup Forum 8 (1974), 283-297.
  166. cri1 J. Chrislock, Semigroups was regular representation is a right group , Amer. Math. Monthly 74 (1967), 1097-1100.
  167. chr3 -----, A certain class of identies on semigroups , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 21 (1969), 189-190.
  168. chr2 -----, On medial semigroups , J. Algebra 43 (1969), 1-9.
  169. chr/tam1 J. Chrislock and T. Tamura, Subject products of semigroups and rectangular bands , Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 73 (1967), 637-638.
  170. chr/tam2 -----, Notes on subject products of semigroups and rectangular bands , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 20 (1969), 511-514.
  171. chu/shy D. Chu and H. Shyr, Monoids of languages admitting ring structure , Semigroup Forum 19 (1980), 127-132.
  172. cla2 N. Clark, Algebras on global dimension one with a finite ideal lattice , Pacific J. Math. 23 (1967), 463-471.
  173. cla1 -----, Twisted matrix units semigroup algebras , Duke Math. J. 34 (1967), 417-423.
  174. cla/pri/tam J. Clarke, R. Priefer, and D. Tamura, Orthodox semigroups and E unarity regular semigroups , Bull. Tokyo Gakugei Univ. 31 (1979), 41-43.
  175. cli0 A. H. Clifford, The free completely regular semigroup on a set , J. Algebra 59 (1979), 434-451.
  176. cli21 -----, The free completely regular semigroup on a set , Semigroup Forum 18 (1979), 87-91.
  177. cli/mil A. H. Clifford and D. D. Miller, Union and symmetry preserving endomorphisms of the semigroup of all binary relations on a set , Czech. Math. J. 20(95) (1970), 303-314.
  178. cli1 A. H. Cliford, A proof of the M ontague- P lemmons- S chein theorem on maximal semigroups of the semigroup of binary relations , Semigroup Forum 1 (1970), 272-275.
  179. cli2 -----, The structure of orthodox unions of groups , Semigroup Forum 3 (1971/72), 283-337.
  180. cli4 -----, The structure of bisimple left unipotent semigroups as ordered pairs , Semigroup Forum 5 (1972/73), 137-144.
  181. cli3 -----, The structure of bisimple orthodox semigroups as ordered pairs , Semigroup Forum 5 (1972/73), 127-136.
  182. cli -----, Orthodox semigroups which are unions of group , in Proc. of the Internation. Congr. of Mathimaticians, Vol. 1, Canad. Math. Congr., Montreal, 1975, 297-201.
  183. cli6 -----, The partial groupoid of idempotents of regular semigroup , Semigroup Forum 10 (1975), 262-268.
  184. cli5 -----, The fundamental representation of a regular semigroup , Semigroup Forum 10 (1975/76), 84-92.
  185. cli8 -----, The foundamental representation of a completely regular semigroup , Semigroup Forum 12 (1976), 341-346.
  186. cli7 -----, A structure theorem for orthogroups , J. Pure Appl. Algebra 8 (1976), 23-50.
  187. coc Y. Cochet, Church- R osser congruences of free semigroups , in Algebraic Theory of Semigroups, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1979, 51-60.
  188. col D. B. Coleman, Semigroup algebras that are group algebras , Pacific J. Math. 24 (1968), 247-256.
  189. coll D. Collins, A universal semigroup , Algebra i Logica 9 (1970), 731-740.
  190. com/hil W. W. Comfort and P. Hill, On extending nonvanishing semicharacters , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 17 (1966), 936-941.
  191. cor C. M. Cordes, Semigroups of non-negative integral matrices , Glasgow Math. J. 15 (1974), 39-42.
  192. corn W. H. Cornish, Subdirectly irreducible semirings and semigroups without nonzero nilpotents , Canad. Math. Bull. 16 (1975), 45-47.
  193. cou M. E. Coutinho, Regularity according to von N eumann and regularity to the left and to the right in semigroups , Gas. Mat. 28 (1967), 14-17.
  194. cre M. Crestey, Applications multiformes partialles , Collect. Math. 16 (1964), 111-126.
  195. cum L. J. Cummings, Elementary-maximal permanent semigroups , in Fourth Southeastern Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, Florida Atl. Univ., Baca Raton, 1973, 233-236.
  196. cup1 G. Cupona, Subalgebras of semigroups , Bull. Soc. Math. Phys. Macedone 19 (1968), 9-16.
  197. cup3 -----, Cancellative associatives , Fac. Sci. Univ. Skopje Annuaire 19 (1969), 5-14.
  198. cup2 -----, On associatives , Macedon. Acad. Nauk. Prilozi 1 (1969), 9-20.
  199. cup4 -----, M -associatives in which certain left ideals are M -subgroups , Fac. Sci. Univ. Skopje Annuaire 22 (1972), 39-49.
  200. cup/cel G. Cupona and N. Celakoski, On representation of n -associatives into semigroups , Macedon. Acad. Nauk. Prilozi 6 (1974), 23-34.
  201. dal H. D`Alarcao, Biregular semigroups 1,2 , Czech. Math. J. 20(95) (1970), 544-548.
  202. dan J. Danns, Power series semigroup rings , Pacific J. Math. 34 (1970), 365-369.
  203. dav R. C. Davis, Multivalued operations and universal coalgebra , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 32 (1972), 385-388.
  204. davi T. M. K. Davison, Lagrangian monoids , Arch. Math. (Basel) 21 (1970), 123-124.
  205. daw1 D. F. Dawson, On subgroups of semigroups , Boll. Univ. Mat. Ital. 21 (1966), 144-146.
  206. daw2 -----, Semigroups having left or right zeroid elements , Acta. Sci. Math. 27 (1966), 93-96.
  207. daw3 -----, Some decomposition theorems for semigroups , Boll. Univ. Mat. Ital. 1 (1968), 726-729.
  208. day M. M. Day, Semigroups and amenability. S emigroups , in Proc. Sympos. on Semigroups, Academic Press, New York, 1969, 5-53.
  209. dea L. M. de Albuquerque, Some properties of certain semigroups of idempotent elements , Rev. Fac. Ci. Univ. Coimbra 35 (1965), 21-36.
  210. dec H. P. Decell, A characterization of the maximal subgroups of the semigroup of nxn complex matrices , in Theory and Application of Generalized Inverses of Matrices, Texas Techn. Press, Lubbock, 1968, 177-182.
  211. dec/wig H. P. Decell and C. L. Wiginton, A characterization of the maximal subgroups of the semigroup of nxn complex matrices , Czech. Math. J. 18(93) (1968), 675-677.
  212. dec/dur D. Deckard and L. K. Durst, Unique factoriration in power series rings and semigroups , Pacific J. Math. 16 (1966), 239-242.
  213. dem1 M. Demlova, On factorizations onto the bicyclic semigroup , Semigroup Forum 15 (1977/78), 103-118.
  214. dem2 -----, On groups of units in a special class of monoids , Semigroup Forum 16 (1978), 443-454.
  215. dem/gor M. Demlova and P. Goralsic, Translation constructions for monoids , in Algebraic Theory of Semigroups, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1979, 61-72.
  216. dem/kou M. Demlova and V. Koubek, Subdirectly irreducible semigroups with minimal left and right ideals , in Algebraic Theory of Semigroups, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1979, 73-111.
  217. den1 J. Denes, On some properties of commutator subsemigroups , Publ. Math. Debrecen 15 (1968), 283-285.
  218. den -----, On transformations, transformation-semigroups and graphs , in Theory of Graphs, Academic Press, New York, 1968, 65-75.
  219. den2 -----, On a generalization of permutations. S ome properties of transformations , in Permutations, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1974, 117-120.
  220. den/kim/rou J. Denes, K. H. Kim, and F. W. Roush, The commutator subsemigroup of semigroup of binary relations , in Conference on Semigroups in Honor of A. H. Clifford, Tulane Univ., New Orleans, 1979, 222-236.
  221. dic2 R. P. Dickinson, Non cancellative congruences on N -semigroups , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 36 (1972), 317-325.
  222. dic1 -----, On right zero unions of commutative semigroups , Pacific J. Math. 41 (1972), 355-364.
  223. dic3 -----, Right zero unions of N -semigroups , J. Algebra 40 (1976), 1-9.
  224. dim S. Dimiev, On generating sets in certain semigroups and their automorphisms , C. R. Acad. Bulgare Sci. 21 (1968), 183-185.
  225. din A. Dinca, Distance and diameters in a semigroup. ( W ith applications to the theory of languages) , Stud. Cere. Mat. 25 (1973), 359-378.
  226. djo D. Z. Djokovic, On a class of semigroups , Canad. Math. Bull. 12 (1969), 213-215.
  227. dla/neu V. Dlab and B. H. Neumann, Semigroups with few endomorphisms , J. Austr. Math. Soc. 10 (1969), 162-168.
  228. dom P. Domosi, On the semigroup of automaton mappings with finite alphabet , Acta Cybernet 1 (1972), 251-254.
  229. dor M. P. Dorofeeva, Hereditary and semi-hereditary monoids , Semigroup Forum 4 (1972), 301-311.
  230. dor/man/sat M. P. Dorofeeva, V. L. Mannepalli, and M. Satyanarayana, Prufer and D edekind monoids 1,2 , Semigroup Forum 9 (1974/75), 294-309.
  231. dou S. A. Douglass, Summing sequences for amenable semigroups , Michigan Math. J. 20 (1973), 169-179.
  232. dra M. P. Drazin, Natural structures on semigroups with involution , Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 84 (1978), 139-141.
  233. dub P. Dubrail, Semigroups and rings , Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 78 (1977/78), 257-264.
  234. duf/wil D. Duffus and R. Wille, A theorem on partially ordered sets of order-preserving mapping , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 76 (1979), 14-16.
  235. dun/dun R. Duncan and H. Duncan, Symmetric groupoids and rings , Math. Mag. 44 (1971), 127-133.
  236. ebe12 C. Eberhard, Elementary orthodox semigroup , in Symposium on Inverse Semigroups and their Generalization, Northern Illinois Univ., De Kalb, 1973, 23-33.
  237. ebe -----, A property of orthodox semigroups , Semigroup Forum 7 (1974), 86-91.
  238. ebe/sel C. Eberhard and J. Selden, One-parameter inverse semigroup , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 168 (1972), 53-66.
  239. ebe/wil2 C. Eberhard and W. Williams, Elementary semigroups , Semigroup Forum 15 (1977/78), 295-309.
  240. ebe/wil1 -----, Semimodularity in lattices congruences , J. Algebra 52 (1978), 75-87.
  241. ebe/wil/kin C. Eberhard, W. Williams, and L. Kinch, Idempotent-generated regular semigroups , J. Austr. Math. Soc. 15 (1973), 27-34.
  242. eck K. H. Ecker, On a semigroup of a linear nonsingular automaton , Math. Systems Theory 6 (1972), 353-358.
  243. edm C. C. Edmunds, On certain finitely based varietes of semigroups , Semigroup Forum 15 (1977/78), 21-39.
  244. edw1 C. C. Edwards, The greatest idempotent separating congruence on an L -unipotent semigroup , Semigroup Forum 14 (1977), 127-135.
  245. edw2 -----, The minimum group congruence on an L -unipotent semigroup , Semigroup Forum 18 (1979), 9-14.
  246. edw3 -----, The structure of L -unipotent semigroup , sf 18 (1979), 189-199.
  247. edw4 -----, F -regular and F -orthodox semigroups , Semigroup Forum 19 (1980), 331-345.
  248. ehr/sil2 A. Ehrenfeucht and D. M. Silberger, Universal and point universal terms , Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Ser.: Math. 24 (1976), 399-402.
  249. ehr/sil1 -----, Universal terms of the form B ^n * A ^n , Algebra Universalis 10 (1980), 96-116.
  250. eil/sch S. Eilenberg and M. P. Schutzenberger, Rational sets in comutative monoids , J. Algebra 13 (1969), 173-191.
  251. ell E. Ellentuck, Tarsky semigroups , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 65 (1965), 19-23.
  252. eng1 A. B. Engel, The gomomorphic image of a T _n -semigroup , Semigroup Forum 5 (1972/73), 120-126.
  253. eng2 -----, Structure and classification of T _n -semigroups. I , Rev. Mat. Hisp.-Amer. 33 (1973), 223-227.
  254. eng3 -----, Structure and classification of T _n -semigroups. II . T _3 -semigroups , Rev. Mat. Hisp.-Amer. 34 (1974), 19-28.
  255. eng4 -----, Nessesary conditions for a semigroup ring to be an integral CRM -ring with identity , Semigroup Forum 12 (1976), 207-214.
  256. eva1 T. Evans, A condition for a canselation semigroup to be a group , Amer. Math. Monthly 73 (1966), 1104-1106.
  257. eva2 -----, The number of semigroup varieties , Quart J. Math. Oxford 19 (1968), 335-336.
  258. eva3 -----, Schreier varieties of semigroups , Math. Z 112 (1969), 296-299.
  259. eva5 -----, Residually finite semigroups of endomorphisms , J. London Math. Soc. 2 (1970), 719-721.
  260. eva4 -----, The lattiece of semigroup varieties , Semigroup Forum 2 (1971), 1-43.
  261. eva6 -----, When is functionally free algebra free , Semigroup Forum 4 (1972), 177-184.
  262. fab1 I. Fabrici, On complete ideals in semigroups , Mat. Gasopis Sloven. Akad. Vied 18 (1968), 34-39.
  263. fab2 -----, On semiprime ideals of the direct product of semigroups , Mat. Gasopis Sloven. Akad. Vied 18 (1968), 201-203.
  264. fab5 -----, Classes of regularity in semigroups , Mat. Gasopis Sloven. Akad. Vied 19 (1969), 299-304.
  265. fab3 -----, On periodic semigroups with one-side identities , Mat. Gasopis Sloven. Akad. Vied 19 (1969), 145-148.
  266. fab4 -----, Note on antiideals in semigroups , Acta Fac. Rerum. Natur. Univ. Commenian. Math. Publ. 24 (1970), 75-79.
  267. fab6 -----, One-sides bases of semigroups , Mat. Gasopis Sloven. Akad. Vied 22 (1972), 286-290.
  268. fab7 -----, Two-sides bases of semigroups , Mat. Gasopis Sloven. Akad. Vied 25 (1975), 173-178.
  269. fad/mag A. G. Fadell and K. D. Magill, Automorphisms of semigroups of polinomials , Compositio Math. 21 (1969), 233-239.
  270. faj S. Fajtlowies, Equationally comlete semigroups with involutions , Algebra Universalis 1 (1971-72), 355-358.
  271. fei1 R. Feigenbaum, Kernels of orthodox semigroup homomorphisms , J. Austr. Math. Soc. 22 (1969), 16-20.
  272. fei2 -----, Regular semigroup congruences , Semigroup Forum 17 (1979), 373-377.
  273. fel E. H. Feller, On a class of right hereditary semigroups , Canad. Math. Bull. 17 (1974/75), 667-670.
  274. fel/gan2 E. H. Feller and R. L. Gantos, Completely injective semigroups , Pacific J. Math. 31 (1969), 359-366.
  275. fel/gan3 -----, Completely injective semigroups , Pacific J. Math. 31 (1969), 359-366.
  276. fel/gan1 -----, Completely injective semigroups with central idempotents that are unions of groups , Glasgow Math. J. 10 (1969), 16-20.
  277. fel/gan4 -----, Completely right injective semigroups that are unions of groups , Glasgow Math. J. 12 (1971), 43-49.
  278. fen2 C. F. Fennemore, All varieties of bands , Semigroup Forum 1 (1970), 172-179.
  279. fen1 -----, All varieties of bands. I , II , Math. Nachr. 48 (1971), 237-252.
  280. fen3 -----, Characterization of bands satisfying no nontrivial identity , Semigroup Forum 2 (1971), 371-375.
  281. fen4 -----, A subdirectly irreducible band accepting a=a , Semigroup Forum 9 (1974/75), 271-274.
  282. fer/sla P. Ferst and P. Slacalek, On autogenerating systems , Acta Univ. Carolinae - Math. et Phys. 18 (1977), 35-42.
  283. fit D. G. Fitz-Gerald, On inverses of products of idempotents in regular semigroups , J. Austr. Math. Soc. 13 (1972), 335-337.
  284. fit/pre D. G. Fitz-Gerald and G. B. Preston, Divisibility of binary relations , Bull. Austr. Math. Soc. 5 (1974/75), 75-86.
  285. fit/sim S. P. Fitzpatrick and J. S. Symons, Automorphisms of transformation semigroups , Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 19 (1974/75), 327-329.
  286. glu/sch1 L. M. Gluskin and B. M. Schein, The theory of operations as the general theory of groups by A. K. Suskevic , Semigroup Forum 4 (1972), 367-371.
  287. glu/sch2 -----, Ideal extensions of irreductive semigroups , Semigroup Forum 9 (1974/75), 216-240.
  288. gol A. J. Goldman, Product solutions and separation of variables , J. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards 76B (1972), 201-204.
  289. gor P. Goralcik, One remarkable property of the bicyclic semigroup , Comment. Math. Univ. Carolina 12 (1971), 503-518.
  290. gor/hed/mun P. Goralcik, Z. Hedrlin, and M. Munzeva, On determinacies of monoids , Semigroup Forum 1 (1970), 169-171.
  291. gor/hed1 P. Goralsic and Z. Hedrlin, On subsemigroups of transformation semigroups with two generators , Semigroup Forum 1 (1970), 180-181.
  292. gor/hed2 -----, On reconstruction of monoids from their table fragments , Math. Z 122 (1971), 82-92.
  293. gor/kou P. Goralsic and V. Koubek, Translation extensions of semigroups , in Algebraic Theory of Semigroups, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1979, 173-218.
  294. gort1 R. Gorton, The algebra of atoms , Math. Japan 17 (1972), 105-111.
  295. gort2 -----, A-systems , Compositio Math. 33 (1976), 3-13.
  296. gos Z. Goseki, Note on semilattice congruences , Semigroup Forum 12 (1976), 89-94.
  297. gou M. Gould, An easy proof of P onizovski's theorem , Semigroup Forum 15 (1977/78), 181-182.
  298. gra/gra/rho N. Graham, R. Graham, and J. Rhodes, Maximal subsemigroups of finite semigroups , J. Combinatorial Theory 4 (1968), 203-209.
  299. gra R. L. Graham, On finite 0-simple semigroups and graph theory , Math. Systems Theory 2 (1968), 325-339.
  300. gra1 E. E. Granirer, Extremely amenable semigroups , Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 72 (1966), 1028-1032.
  301. gra3 -----, On the range of an invariant mean , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 125 (1966), 384-394.
  302. gra2 -----, Functional analytic properties of extremely amenable semigroups , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 137 (1969), 53-75.
  303. gra4 H. Grassmann, On S chreier extension of finite semigroups , in Algebraic Theory of Semigroups, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1979, 219-224.
  304. grat1 G. Gr a tser, On the endomorphism semigroup of simple algebras , Math. Ann. 170 (1967), 334-338.
  305. grat2 -----, Universal algebra , D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., New York-Toronto, 1968.
  306. gra/sic G. Gr a tser and J. Sichler, On the endomorphism semigroup (and category) of bounded lattices , Pacific J. Math. 35 (1970), 639-647.
  307. gray W. J. Gray, Some remarks on tansformation groups and semigroups , Amer. Math. Monthly 74 (1967), 975-977.
  308. del A. De Luca, On some properties of the syntactic semigroup of a very pure subsemigroup , RAIRO Inform Theor. 14 (1980), 39-56.
  309. del/per/res/ter A. De Luca, D. Perrin, A. Restivo, and S. Termini, Synchronization and simplification , Demonstr. Math. 27 (1979), 297-308.
  310. del/res A. De Luca and A. Restivo, A characterization of strictly locally testable languages and its application to subsemigroups of a free semigroup , Inform and Control 44 (1980), 300-319.
  311. dev1 E. E. De Vun, The equivalence of uniquely divisible semigroups and uniquely representable semigroups on the two-cell , Semigroup Forum 4 (1972), 69-72.
  312. dev2 -----, Product semigroups , J. Austr. Math. Soc. 22 (1976), 391-399.

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