


Poetry, Prose and Art Journal
Multilingual, Multicultural, Interdisciplinary Web Edition

Edited and published by Steven Duplij

Graham High
Isleworth, UK


Mineral lung speeding through space;
Nuclear heart:

After birth -
long limbo in an incubation chamber
towards that birth?

Our past
is lost in the greater past.

light reaches us that preceeded
all life.


As for the infinitely huge
so for the infinitesimally
small. The atom's machanics, written large,
is seen in the dancing screen of the sky.
The movements of the Universe are scanned
among the bubble chamber's scattered tracks.
Correspondencies are laws of physics,
insights of poetry, of music, and
the generalities of history.
No truth is formed except through imagery
and when we view the past to understand
our present placeless selves we see there is
no turning back except through simily.

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© 1996 by Steven Duplij