The North Atlantic Treaty Organization Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich, Germany National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ministry of Ukraine for Education and Science Kharkov National University, Kharkov, Ukraine National Scientific Centre for Medical and Biotechnical Research, Ukraine **************************************************** First Announcement NONCOMMUTATIVE STRUCTURES IN MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS An Advanced Research Workshop of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (ARW NATO) 24-27 September 2000 Kiev, Ukraine TIPTOP Announcement **************************************************** A NATO ARW is a meeting of two to five days' duration, involving between 20 and 50 participants. A NATO ARW is not an international conference or symposium but rather a forum for advanced level, intensive discussions between qualified experts from different countries, and often from different research sectors. ***************************************************** Organizing and Scientific Committee Co-Director Co-Director from NATO country: from CP country: Prof. JULIUS WESS Prof. STEVEN DUPLIJ Max-Planck-Institute fur Physik Theory Division Werner-Heisenberg-Institute Nuclear Physics Laboratory Fohringer Ring 6 Kharkov National University D-80805 Munchen, Germany 61077 Kharkov, Ukraine *************************************************** Members: Prof. I. BARS - Professor of Physics Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0484 Prof. L. FADDEEV - Director of Institute St.Petersburg Steklov Mathematical Institute, Fontanka 27, St.Petersburg, Russia Prof. E. IVANOV - Leader of the Research Group Supersymmetry Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR, Dubna, 141980 Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia Prof. A.U. KLIMYK - Head of Department of Mathematical Methods in Theoretical Physics Institute for Theoretical Physics, NAS of Ukraine, Metrologichna str. 14-B, Kiev, 252143 Ukraine Prof. H. NICOLAI - Director, Division for Quantum Gravity and Unified Theories Max-Planck-Institut fur Gravitationsphysik, Albert-Einstein-Institut, Schlaatzweg 1, D-14473 Potsdam, Germany Prof. C. QUESNE - Research Director, National Fund for Scientific Research Physique Nucleaire Theorique et Physique Mathematique, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Campus de la Plaine CP229, Boulevard du Triompheń B-1050 Brussels, Belgium Prof. K. S. STELLE - Professor of Physics Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, University of London, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BZ, UK Prof. P. VAN NIEUWENHUIZEN - Director, C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stony Brook, USA Prof. A. VAN PROEYEN - Research Director, Flemish Research Foundation Institute For Theoretical Physics, K.U. Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200D, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium **************************************************** Scientific Secretary: Dr. P. SMALKO - General Manager Nat. Sci. Centre for Medical and Biotech. Research/NAS of Ukraine 54 Volodymyrska St., Kiev-30, 01030, Ukraine ***************************************************** Local Organizing Committee: Prof. A. P. SHPAK, First Vice-President of NAS of Ukraine, NAS of Ukraine, 54 Volodymyrska St., Kiev-30, 01030, Ukraine Dr. V. A. SVIZHENKO, Vice Minister of Ministry of Ukraine for Education and Science Dr. V. G. ZIMA, Department of Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Kharkov National University, Kurchatova 31, Kharkov 61108, Ukraine Dr. N. A. CHASHCHYN - Director, Nat. Sci. Centre for Medical and Biotech. Research/NAS of Ukraine 54 Volodymyrska St., Kiev-30, 01030, Ukraine ***************************************************** Scope and Purpose: The main goal of this NATO Advanced Research Workshop is to bring together scientists from quantum field theory, string theory and quantum gravity with researchers in as well as experts on representation theory of these algebras will have a stimulating effect on each side and will lead to new developments. In each field there is a highly developed knowledge by experts which can only be transformed to another field by having close personal contact through discussions, talks and reports. The Workshop will promote the development of new directions in the field of modern theoretical and mathematical physics combining the efforts of scientists from NATO, East European countries and NIS (Former Soviet Union). ******************************************************************** Registration Form for the Advanced Research Workshop of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization NONCOMMUTATIVE STRUCTURES IN MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS 24-27 September 2000 Please fill out and return to: STEVEN DUPLIJ Theory Division Nuclear Physics Laboratory Kharkov National University 61077 Kharkov, Ukraine Fax: +38-0572-219818 (by demand) E-mail: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I plan to attend the ARW workshop. I prefer an oral [ ] poster [ ] presentation on the following topic: ____________________________________________________________ Name________________________________________________________ Affiliation_________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________ Telephone___________________________________________________ Fax_________________________________________________________ E-mail______________________________________________________ Please return this form and an abstract, if you plan to present, before August 1, 2000. ************************************************************* Plain text version of abstract. Please send Word 95.97/2000 DOC file. ---------------------------------------------- SAMPLE ABSTRACT A4 (210 x 297 mm) 3 cm Bottom NATO Advanced Research Workshop Left margin 3.5 cm 2.5 cm Right margin DEVELOPMENT OF SUSY... B. Petrov, Yu. Ivanov .... ~~~~~~~~ Institute of Theoretical Physics, Kiev, Ukraine The main goal of this NATO Advanced Research Workshop is to discuss new trends and key scientific advances that can fuel future innovations in biosensors, to give the ground for close collaboration of the participants ... The authors would like to acknowledge the generosity of NATO in its support for this workshop . ************************************************************ Suggested Topics for Discussion: I. Novel approaches in quantum groups. II. New trends in developing supersymmetric unified models. ************************************************************* Fees: While individuals will not be charged a registration fee for the workshop there will be a charge for transportation and the social program. The cost of accommodation (including meals) for registered participants will not exceed $100 per day. Some funding is available to support presenters of select contributions. Travel and living expenses of key speakers will be covered in full. It is planned to cover living expenses of other participants from NATO and Partner countries in full. Travel expenses of other participants from NATO and Partner countries will be covered partially, within limits provided by NATO (for participants from NIS - in full). Most probably, it will be about 50-60% of the cost of air ticket in ECONOMY class. Each extra day of attendance (before 24 and after 27 September) should be paid by the participant on arrival (in cash, 100US$/day - accommodation and meals). ************************************************************* Working language of the meeting: English. ************************************************************ Proceedings: The abstracts will be published as a separate issue before the Workshop. The scientific report of ARW will be published in NATO ASI Series as a separate book by Kluwer Academic Publishers. Please think about preparation of articles till 10-15 pages in (AMS)Latex 2e now. They will be accepted during the time before and 1 month after the Workshop. ************************************************************* Deadline: Deadline for submission of abstracts and/or registration forms is August 1, 2000. They should be mailed or e-mailed (much preferably) to: STEVEN DUPLIJ Theory Division Nuclear Physics Laboratory Kharkov National University 61077 Kharkov, Ukraine Fax: +38-0572-219818 (by previous demand) E-mail: ************************************************************** Instructions For Preparing Abstracts: 1. Members of the Scientific Committee will evaluate the acceptability of the submitted abstracts on the basis of relevance to the ARW, significance of the topic, and clarity of the presentation. 2. General Instructions for submission of abstracts. The abstracts must be submitted in two ways: - on paper* three copies (in exceptional case); - via E-mail (in ASCII or DOC) to * *Note that the paper copies are unnecessary if the Author(s) are able to email the abstract prepared as a binary encoded file in the PC version of MS Word 6/7/97/2000 for Windows (Rich Text Format is preferable). The deadline for submission of abstracts is August 1, 2000. Fax transmissions are acceptable in exceptional case with previous notification. ********************************************************************** STYLE GUIDELINES: The accuracy of the abstracts is the responsibility of the authors. Any errors made in the submitted abstract may appear in the published abstract. The abstracts should be prepared using justified, single-spaced, 12- point font (laser printer quality) on A4 210x297 mm paper. The header, Title, abstract and acknowledgement(s) should occupy a space 3.0 cm from the top of the page, 3.5 cm from the left, 2.5 from the right, and 2.5 cm from the bottom of the page. Header - "NATO Advanced Research Workshop" must be typed in the immediate upper left hand corner followed by a line space and the main topic for which you submitted the abstract. TITLE - Upper case letters after one line-space. Authors - Type each author's name italicized. Underline presenting author's name. Use periods with no space between initials. Omit academic degrees. List all authors' names before typing any affiliations. Affiliations - List affiliations after list of authors and one line space. Type the name of the institution, city, and country in a contiguous line. Body - The text should be entered two line spaces after affiliations in a single paragraph (Do not indent first line). Tables, illustrations halftones and color photography are not acceptable. Acknowledgements - One line space after the text, no more than two lines of acknowledgements in italicized 10 point Refer to sample abstract "kiev-abs.doc". ************************************************************** Plain text version of the above is here. ************************************************************* Created May 26, 2000 © 2000 by Steven Duplij