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Cryptography and Certificates

Rainer Perske

ca. 90 Min.

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Table of contents

  1. Part 1: The problem

  2. Part 2: Cryptographic building blocks

  3. Part 3: Certificates and Certification Authorities

  4. Part 4: WWUCA and DFN-PKI

  5. Part 5: Getting certificates

Part 1: The problem

  1. Communication problems

  2. Cryptography as problem solution

Communication problems

Cryptography as problem solution

Part 2: Cryptographic building blocks

  1. Symmetric cryptography (secret key systems)

  2. Properties of secret key systems

  3. Asymmetric Cryptography (public key systems)

  4. Public key systems: When which key?

  5. How do public key systems help?

  6. Properties of public key systems

  7. Key sizes and security

  8. Cryptographic essences (fingerprints)

  9. Combine systems for speed – sign and verify

  10. Combine systems for speed – encrypt and decrypt

  11. Summary

Symmetric cryptography (secret key systems)

Properties of secret key systems