Working Group 2.2
Beijing Seminar
28 September - 4 October 1996.
Abstracts of the lectures
Egidio Astesiano
Integrating Data and Process Specifications
We present an approach to the formal specification of systems
(reactive/dynamic/concurrent), which extends some of the key ideas and
techniques of the algebraic specification of abstract data types.
The approach covers the various phases of the specification process, from
requirement to design, via implementation steps.
As a distinguishing feature, compared to others, the method does not just
combine the specification of usual static data types with some paradigm
for describing processes, but qualifies processes as particular data,
abstractly characterised by their dynamic properties.
the models of a specification are classes of many-sorted structures
(usually many-sorted first-order, possibly partial, structures)
processes are modelled by labelled transition systems, identifying a
process state with a dynamic element in a structure, where the activity of
dynamic elements is characterised by transition predicates.
As a consequence of the above two key assumptions, we have the benefits of
the algebraic approach and of the various techniques flourished around
labelled transition systems, plus some extra bonus due to the combination;
in particular
we can adopt classical techniques for structuring and modularizing
specifications (incremental specifications,parameterization,implementation
operational and bisimulation techniques (as in CCS and similia) can be
since processes are data, we naturally get higher-order concurrency
it is easy as well to provide specifications of object systems.
The main target of the method is not the specification of algorithms or
programs, but of possibly large systems; thus we are very much concerned
with the software engineering aspects of the specification process.
Currently we are investigating the relationship between formal and informal
aspects,following what we have called a "two-rail approach".
The method has been developed in the years since '84 and applied in various
significant test cases and examples, also in cooperation with
Jaco de Bakker
Semantics for 27 Languages
The aim of our lecture series is to provide an introduction to the
following book:
J.W. de Bakker and E.P. de Vink, Control Flow Semantics,
The MIT Press, 1996
Linear Semantics for a Schematic Parallel Language
We start with some motivation for the use of metric structures in
semantics, emphasizing as objectives our wish to
provide full models of both terminating and nonterminating behaviour
--- stemming from the observation that present-day systems are reactive
rather than I/O oriented
provide a unified treatment of both sequential and concurrent languages.
We then use a (schematic or uninterpreted) process description language
L0 with interleaving concurrency as a vehicle to illustrate the
We introduce the elements of the metric machinery: distances on (sets of)
words, contractive functions and Banach's fixed point theorem (BFPT), the
compact powerdomain, etc.
the operational semantics (O) for L0 is derived from a transition
system specification (in the SOS style) and the denotational semantics
is developed using several instances of higher-order (contractive) operators
and their unique fixed points (based on BFPT)
the equivalence of O and D is obtained by another application
of BFPT.
Linear Semantics for a Shared-Variable Parallel Language
By way of recalling the main ideas of the first lecture, we begin with
a brief discussion of some further examples of schematic languages,
mentioning concepts such as process creation or backtracking. Next, we
introduce the class of interpreted or state-based languages. As first
example we take L1, a language with assignment, conditionals and the
while statement. Though seemingly quite different from L0, the
semantic models for L1 use much of the earlier machinery. As new
feature we introduce states as mappings from individual variables to
their values. We also encounter the control flow tools of resumptions
(in the design of O) and of continuations (for D).
The main example here is the language L2, obtained from L1 by extending
it with shared-variable parallelism. The associated O is now no longer
compositional, and new ideas are in order to design the compositional
semantics D for L2. The question as to how O and D are related is
briefly addressed, also touching upon the problem of full abstractness.
Egon Boerger
Formal Specification and Verification of Pipelining in RISC
A formal specification of Hennessy's and
Patterson's RISC architecture DLX and of the usual pipelining scheme
(taking care of structural hazards, data hazards and control hazards)
is given by a series of stepwise refined evolving algebras.
The correctness proof is outlined.
The lecture is based on joint work with S. Mazzanti
(University of Pisa) which is in the process of being submitted for
It presupposes only some basic understanding of
what a computer architecture is.
He Jifeng
Deriving Handshake Modules for a Multi-Target Hardware
This talk adopts the CSP framework for deriving a compilation scheme
from a simple imperative language to handshake protocols. Handshake modules
are processes that communicate with one another using two-phase handshake
The handshake modules generated by the compilation
scheme can be implemented as asynchronous or clocked circuits. The derivation
techniques have been applied to a current language which is a superset of
the language discussed.
Lesli Lamport
The Formal Specification of Computer Systems with TLA+
Part 1. Ordinary Mathematics
The largest source of complexity in the specification of most real
systems lies in describing data structures and operations on them.
TLA+ handles this complexity by combining the concepts of ordinary
mathematics with module structure. This will be illustrated by
showing how BNF grammars can be defined in TLA+.
Part 2. Reactive Systems
Specifying reactive systems requires describing the temporal ordering
of events. We do this by using the Temporal Logic of Actions (TLA),
which adds to ordinary mathematics a new class of variables (flexible
variables) and temporal operators. This will be illustrated by
specifying some very simple system.
Jay Strother Moore
A Mechanically Checked Proof of the AMD5K86 Floating Point
Division Algorithm
ACL2 is a reimplemented extended version of the Boyer and Moore
theorem prover, intended for large scale verification projects. We
describe a recent application of this new theorem prover. ACL2 was
used to prove the correctness of the floating-point division algorithm
for the AMD5K86, the first Pentium-class microprocessor produced by
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. This required formalizing and deriving
much of the "folklore" of floating-point arithmetic. We describe the
algorithm, the theorem proved, and some of the key lemmas.
Peter David Mosses
CoFI: The Common Framework Initiative for Algebraic
Specification and Software Development
The Common Framework Initiative for Algebraic Specification
(CoFI---may be pronounced like `coffee') is an open international
collaboration. The main immediate aim is to design a coherent family
of algebraic specification languages, based on a critical selection of
constructs from the many previously-existing such languages---without
sacrificing conceptual clarity of concepts and firm mathematical
foundations. The long-term aims include the provision of tools and
methods for supporting industrial use of the CoFI languages.
After motivating the CoFI we outline its aims and scope, and sketch
one general design decision that has already been taken. Up-to-date
information about the progress of the CoFI and details of the
language design proposals are available from the CoFI Home Page on WWW,
URL: http://www.brics.dk/Projects/CoFI. (The lecturer is the overall
coordinator of the Common Framework Initiative.)
Theory and Practice of Action Semantics
Action Semantics is a framework for the formal description of
programming languages. Its main advantage over other frameworks is
pragmatic: action-semantic descriptions (ASDs) scale up smoothly to
realistic programming languages. This is due to the inherent
extensibility and modifiability of ASDs, ensuring that extensions and
changes to the described language require only proportionate changes
in its description. (In denotational or operational semantics, adding
an unforeseen construct to a language may require a reformulation of
the entire description.)
After sketching the background for the development of action
semantics, we summarize the main ideas of the framework, and provide a
simple illustrative example of an ASD. We identify which features of
ASDs are crucial for good pragmatics. Then we explain the foundations
of action semantics, and survey recent advances in its theory and
practical applications. Finally, we assess the prospects for further
development and use of action semantics.
The action semantics framework was initially developed at the
University of Aarhus by the lecturer, in collaboration with
David Watt (University of Glasgow). Groups and individuals scattered
around five continents have since contributed to its theory and
Madhavan Mukund
SPIC Mathematical Institute, India
Automated verification in a temporal logic framework
During the past ten or fifteen years, temporal logic has become a
very basic tool for specifying properties of reactive systems.
For finite-state systems, it is possible to use techniques based
on Buchi automata to verify if a system meets its specifications.
This is done by synthesizing an automaton which generates all
possible models of the given specification and then verifying
if the given system refines this most general automaton. In
these lectures, we present a self-contained introduction to the
basic techniques used for this automated verification.
The lectures assume some familiarity with basic ideas in automata
theory and mathematical logic. However, both temporal logic and
Buchi automata will be introduced from scratch.
Ernst-Ruediger Olderog (joint work with Michael Schenke)
Design of Real-Time Systems
The transformational approach to the stepwise design of communicating
systems is extended to cover real-time. The design starts from requirements
formulated in a subset of Duration Calculus, developed by Zhou Chaochen and
others, and aims at the specification of distributed communicating programs
in a timed OCCAM-like programming language implementing the real-time
requirements. The approach uses mixed term techniques where syntax pieces
of Duration Calculus and the program specification language SLtime
are mixed in a semantically correct manner. The transformation rules are
applied to such mixed terms and replace more and more parts of the original
requirements by parts of SLtime.
Paritosh K. Pandya
Proving Compiling Correctness using Refinement Algebra
In this lecture, we will describe Hoare's refinement algebra approach
to proving the correctness of compiler specifications. In refinement
algebra, an inequation p refines q captures the fact that the
observable behaviour of program q is as good or better than
that of p. Thus, q can be used in place of p in
all situations. A set of inequational algebraic laws axiomatise the
refinement order. They serve as a basis for carrying out provably
correct transformations of programs. They allow proofs of refinement
of systems to be given by simple inequational rewriting. Such proofs
are transparent and easy to check mechanically. Moreover, the laws
often serve as an algebraic definition of the semantics of the
programming language.
We will present some of the laws from a refinement algebra for Dijkstra's
guarded command programs. We will show how these laws can be used to
prove the correctness of a compiling specification for the
guarded command language.
In this approach, a compiler is specified as a relation between
the source and the target programs. The relation is presented as
a set of Horn Clauses, where each clause specifies one way of compiling a
construct in terms of the compilation of its components.
The semantics of the machine programs is encoded as an interpreter written
in the source language. Compiling correctness ensures that for any source
program, the interpretation of its related target code gives a refinement of
the original source program. Techniques such as simulation allow this
proof to be carried out using the laws of refinement algebra.
Amir Pnueli
Verification of a Fully Expressive Temporal Logic -
Algorithmic methods
We will introduce the full branching-time temporal logic CTL*, and
present algorithmic methods for verifying properties of finite-state
systems specified by this logic.
Deductive Verification of the Full Logic
Deductive rules and methods are presented for verifying CTL*-specified
properties of infinite-state systems. This extends the temporal
methodology for linear-time TL.
Willem-Paul de Roever
Survey of Simulation and Data Refinement Techniques
This survey focuses first on the basic concepts in data refinement,
observability and interface refinement, and then on how to prove data
refinement using simulation methods. Next soundness and
(in)completeness of various simulation methods are
discussed. Subsequently we focus on (the need for) abstraction
relations, and discuss syntactic characterization of simulation using
predicate logic. If time permits the proof of a simple example is
Specification statements
represent the maximal program satisfying a given Hoare-triple.
A major challenge for simulation
consists of expressing the weakest lower level specification
simulating a given higher level specification w.r.t. a given relation
between these two levels of abstraction. The solutions to this
challenge for upward and downward simulation in both partial and total
correctness frameworks reduce the task of proving data refinement to
proving validity of certain Hoare-triples.
Compositionality in Real-time Shared Variable Concurrency
Whereas for distributed communication of multitude of, even
compositional, proof systems for real-time exist for real-time shared
variable concurrency the picture is quite bleak. This is the more
astonishing because it can be argued that hard real-time systems are
based on shared variable concurrency. The papers by Abada and Lamport,
and Schneider, Bloom and Marzullo form notable exceptions. The former
contains a characterization of real-time shared variable concurrency
in TLA, whereas the latter presents a noncompositional method for
characterizing this concept using proof outlines. In the present paper
we present a compositional Hoare style proof system for timed
exclusive write and multiple read accesses to shared memory which is
based on a compositional semantics which is fully abstract, hence
containing the minimal amount of information required for its
characterization. Moreover this axiomatization is sound and relatively
Andrzej Tarlecki
Institutions: an abstract framework for formal
Over the recent years the theory and practice of formal software
specification and development have both benefited and suffered from a
wealth of useful logical system proposed to underly specific
approaches. To overcome many of the resulting problems, Goguen and
Burstall introduced the notion of an institution, as a certain
formalisation of the informal concept of a logical system. It turned
out that much of the theory developed in the area of algebraic
specification can be done in the context of an arbitrary institution,
thus abstracting away from the details of a specific logical
system. In this lecture I will attempt to present both basic
motivations and intuitions which led to the development of this notion
as well as the way institutions are used in the theory of software
specification and development. In particular, I will discuss how the
work on algebraic specifications in an arbitrary institution provides a
formal basis to support a methodology for the systematic development
of correct programs from specifications by means of verified
refinement steps.
Formal development of modular software systems in Extended ML
Extended ML is a framework for the formal development of software
systems in the Standard ML programming language from high-level
specifications of their required input/output behaviour. It strongly
supports the development of modular systems consisting of an
interconnected collection of generic and reuseable units, and has a
well-developed mathematical basis in the theory of algebraic
specifications. The Extended ML specification language is a simple
extension of Standard ML, in which more information may be supplied in
module interfaces (axioms in ML signatures) and less information is
required in module bodies (axioms in place of code in ML
structure/functor bodies). The Extended ML formal development
methodology establishes a number of ways of proceeding from a given
specification of a programming task towards a finished Standard ML
program. Each such step (modular decomposition, etc.) gives rise to
one or more proof obligations which must be discharged in order to
establish the correctness of that step. This will be an introduction
to Extended ML giving a user's-eye view of its main features, and
including a look at some of the technical details under the bonnet.
Zhou Chaochen
An Introduction to Duration Calculus
The Duration Calculus (abbreviated DC)
represents a logical approach to formal design
of real-time systems. DC is based on interval logic, and
uses the real numbers to model time, and
Boolean-valued (i.e. {0,1}-valued) functions over time to
model states and events of real-time systems. The duration
of a state in a time interval is the accumulated presence
time of the state in the interval. DC extends interval logic
with a calculus to specify and reason about properties of state durations.
The research of DC was introduced in the ProCoS project
(ESPRIT BRA 3104 and 7071), when the project was
investigating formal techniques for designing safety critical
real-time systems. In a project case study of a gas burner system,
it was realised that state duration had not been well studied yet
as an essential measurement of real-time behaviour of computing systems.
A research of a logic for state durations was therefore initiated
by the project in 1990.
The first paper of DC was published in 1991,
and dozens of papers of DC have been published since then, which
cover developments of logical calculi, their applications and mechanical
support tools. The success of DC also stimulates similar research in
other formal approaches.
This talk will emphasize mathematical models of real-time systems
adopted by DC and their formalizations in interval logic.
WG 2.2