
We consider contextual equivalence in an ML-like language, where contexts have access to both general references and continuations. We show that in a finitary setting, i.e. when the base types are finite and there is no recursion, the problem is decidable for all programs with first-order references and continuations, assuming they have continuation- and reference-free interfaces. This is the best one can hope for in this case, because the addition of references to functions, to continuations or to references makes the problem undecidable.

The result is notable since, unlike earlier work in the area, we need not impose any restrictions on type-theoretic order or the use of first-order references inside terms. In particular, the programs concerned can generate unbounded heaps.

Our decidability argument relies on recasting the corresponding fully abstract trace semantics of terms as instances of automata with a decidable equivalence problem. The automata used for this purpose belong to the family of automata over infinite alphabets (aka data automata), where the infinite alphabet (dataset) has the shape of a forest.

This is joint work with Benedict Bunting presented at LICS 2024.

Last modified: Mon Jul 15 15:15:16 CEST 2024