© V. Liesche

Parent-Child-Rooms and child care

At the Fachbereich 10 there are three rooms for the care of children at own responsibility. They are equipped with toys, couch, changing table, sink, refrigerator and computer workplace: Einsteinstraße 62, Orléans-Ring 10, Johann-Krane-Weg 39. The rooms are open during daytime. Parents can for example work here while the little ones play.
Regular child care is provided every week on Thursdays during the mathematical colloquium and on other days from 3:30 to 6:00pm in the parent-child-room in Orléans-Ring 10. Moreover, during conferences at the Fachbereich 10, other scientific events as well as meetings, childcare for children of participating members or guests is offered upon request.

Emergency childcare

Emergency child care for employees, such as caring for sick children at home during teaching hours or other events, is being established. For this to work, the child minder must be well known to the child. For this purpose, the childcare is offered on several days per week from 3:30 to 6:00 pm in the parent-child-room of the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster in Orléans-Ring 10. There, the children can get to know a permanent group of child minders who will take over childcare in case of emergency, if necessary also at home. The child minders are trained accordingly. In addition, for infant children also get-to-know child care at home can be applied for.
Please contact the Equal Opportunities Commission of the FB10 if you would like to participate in this programme.

Support by the University of Münster

The Family Service Office [de] offers expert support to employees of the University concerning child care information and provides contact to child service providers.

Mobile kidsroom "Kidsbox"

The Kidsbox is a mobile playroom with toys for children from zero to ten years, a travel bed and much more. Employees who are planning a conference or have to bridge care problems can borrow the Kidsbox free of charge from the Family Service Office.

Travel companion for childcare

Parents of infant children traveling on business trips may, in justified cases, be accompanied by the child and a child minder. For both of them the travel and accommodation costs are covered.
Contact and information under gleich10@wwu.de.

One-person offices

Pregnant women and parents of young children can obtain one-person offices. Especially in this phase it is important to have undisturbed retreats and still be present at the department to participate in discussions and events. Since scientific work in mathematics, computer science and didactics hardly ever takes place in laboratories, but almost exclusively in one’s own office, the one-person offices are intended to create this possibility of retreat and enable continued work during pregnancy. The Fachbereich 10 also provides suitable equipment for the office (e.g. gymnastic ball, standing desk, armchair, toys, crib, mobile changing table, etc.) for this group of people.

Travel funds after return from family-related time-out

Employees returning from family-related time-out (parental leave, care of relatives, etc.) can receive additional travel, guest and SHK funds, etc. from the Fachbereich 10. This is to enable them to participate in conferences, to establish and continue collaborations and research projects, and thus to facilitate their reentry into their scientific career.

Transitional funding of the own position

If, due to family-related time-out, a corresponding extension of one’s own position is not possible because the third-party funded project has expired, the missed employment time can be made up for by extending the contract. In the case of university positions or DFG projects, this is in any case the regulation of the University Münster or the DFG, but not in the case of some other third party funded projects. The Fachbereich 10 steps in here and funds the extension.

Job extension during maternity leave

If the employment contract of a (scientific or non-scientific) employee ends no more than two months before the start of maternity leave, the contract can be extended by three months, but at least until the end of the maternity leave.  
Explanation: During maternity leave, the health insurance pays a “Mutterschaftsgeld” (maternity allowance) of 13 euros per day, which is topped up by the employer to the previous average monthly net salary. If the employment contract ends before or during maternity leave, the employer and also its salary supplement no longer exist. Then only the sickness allowance of the health insurance is paid. An early start of the parental allowance is also possible. But all this brings financial disadvantages.
Restriction: For scientific employees, this applies only within the framework of the maximum duration of the fixed-term contract under the German Science Contract Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz).

Family-friendly University

The University of Münster supports the compatibility of studies, academic career and family life through multiple measures and programmes. The family portal familienleben informs about activities, legal and financial aspects of family-related matters and provides contacts for further information.
The Family Service Office [de] serves as a coordination and advice centre for all staff members regarding questions of how to combine family and career. They also inform and organise measures and programmes ranging from childcare and day-care activities during school holidays through advice on parental leave of absence to support for carers of family members. Newsletter [de]

The Dual Career Service helps spouses and partners of academic staff to develop and create their own professional perspective in the region.
The Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster also offers supportive measures. Support for families