GI-Forum WS 2016/17

Datum Thema Vortragender Institution
18.10.2016 Institutsversammlung
25.10.2016 Modelling and demonstrating the safety of medical devices and systems within their context Michael Harrison UCL/Universität Newcastle
01.11.2016 Kein GI-Forum (Allerheiligen)
08.11.2016 Where Citizen Science and Geographic Information Science meet? Muki Hacklay UCL
15.11.2016 Challenges for national mapping agencies in smart cities and for future geospatial information Jeremy Morley Ordnance and Survey, UK
22.11.2016 A plea for combining scenario projections and Pareto frontiers Judith Verstegen IfGI, WWU Münster
29.11.2016 Institutsversammlung
06.12.2016 Bridges between GIS and R Roger Bivand NHH Bergen, Norwegen
13.12.2016 From location-based to connection-based visualization Liqiu Meng TU München
Kein GI-Forum (Weihnachten)
10.01.2017 Entfällt.
17.01.2017 Model-based approaches to community ecology Christoph Scherber WWU Münster
24.01.2017 Analysis and Enrichment of Trajectory Data Monika Sester Universität Hannover
31.01.2017 Real-time Geo-information Fusion Florian Hillen IfGI, WWU Münster
07.02.2017 Institutsversammlung