Prof. Dr. Ralph Thomas BECKER

Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie - Paläontologie
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Corrensstr. 24
D-48149 Münster
Tel.: +49 251 83-33951
Fax: +49 251 83-33968


Geburt: 25.9.1959 in Hohenlimburg (j. Hagen)

Staatsangehörigkeit: Deutsch

Familienstand: verheiratet (2 Kinder)

Addresse: Tieckstr. 3, 48268 Greven, 02571-583622

  • Ausbildungs- und Berufsweg

    09.69-06.78 Gymnasium Hohenlimburg, Abschluß Abitur.

    Geologie-Studium an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
    Abschluß Diplom (mit Auszeichnung).
    Studienschwerpunkte: Paläontologie (Prof. H. MENSINK), Sedimentologie (Prof. H. FÜCHTBAUER), Regionale und Historische Geologie (Prof. B. SCHRÖDER), Vulkanologie (Prof. H.-U. SCHMINCKE).


    Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft am Institut für Geologie, RUB:
    Projekt: Zur Entwicklung des Briloner Riffes im E-Sauerland.


    Promotionsstipendiat, Graduiertenförderung NRW.
    Thema: Stratigraphische Gliederung und Ammonoideenfauna im Nehdenium (Oberdevon II) von Europa und Nordafrika (Betreuer: Prof. Dr. H. MENSINK).


    National Environment Research Council (NERC)/England:
    Geländeassistenzen in Spanien, S-Frankreich, Marokko, Alberta/Canada und Montana/USA.
    08.88-06.90 Postgraduate Research Assistant, Department of Geology, University Southampton. Thema: "Numerical Analysis of Mid-Paleozoic Evolutionary Events".


    Freier Mitarbeiter von GEOCHEM und CONOCO Ltd./London:
    Gutachter über das "Marine Devonian of the northern Cornwall-Rhenish


    Promotion mit Auszeichnung (Dissertation eingereicht im Juni 1990);
    Gutachter (nach dem Tode von Prof. H. MENSINK): Prof. Dr. B. SCHRÖDER (Bochum) und Prof. Dr. G. FLAJS (Aachen).
    Preisträger der Verleihung an Studenten der RUB im Jahr 1991.
    06.91-05.93 Forschungsstipendiat der DFG, tätig am Paläontologischen Institut der FU Berlin. Thema: Ammonoideen-Phylogenese, Stratigraphie und globale Faziesverschiebungen - Zusammenhänge in pelagisch geprägten Außenschelfen des Famenniums.
    06-08.93 NERC-Forschungsarbeiten im Canning Basin/NW-Australien.
    04.94-10.95 Habilitationsstipendiat der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft an der FU Berlin. Thema: "Globale Faziesveränderungen und Evolutionsökologie in oberdevonischen Außenschelfen“.
    11.95-09.01 Oberkustos für Invertebraten-Paläontologie am Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    Habilitation an der FU Berlin. Habilitationsschrift: „Hochauflösende Biostratigraphie, Ammonoideen-Evolution und globale Faziesverschiebungen – Zusammenhänge in Außenschelfgebieten des Oberdevon“
    6.09.01 Ernennung zum Universitätsprofessor (C4) an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster
    08.04-07.12 Chairman der International Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy und
    Voting Member der International Stratigraphic Commission (ICS)
    seit 01.15
    Geschäftsführender Direktor des Institutes für Geologie und Paläontologie der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität
  • Publikationen R. T. BECKER, 1984 – (Sommer) 2001

     Journal articles and book chapters    Abstracts    Dokumente, Berichte und Exkursionsführer

    Journal articles and book chapters

    1. BECKER, R.T., BLESS, M.S.M., BRAUCKMANN, C., FRIMAN, L., HIGGS, K., KEUPP, H., KORN, D., LANGER, W., PAPROTH, E., RACHEBEUF, P., STOPPEL, D., STREEL, M. & ZAKOWA, H. (1984): Hasselbachtal, the section best displaying the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary beds in the Rhenish Massif (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). – Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 67: 181-191.
    2. BECKER, R.T. (1985): Devonische Ammonoideen aus dem Raum Hohenlimburg-Letmathe (Geologisches Blatt 4611 Hohenlimburg). – Dortmunder Beiträge zur Landeskunde, naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 19: 19-34.
    3. BECKER, R.T. (1986): Ammonoid Evolution before, during and after the “Kellwasser Event” – review and preliminary new results. – In: WALLISER, O.H. (Ed.), Global Bio-Events. A critical approach, Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, 8: 181-188.
    4. BECKER, R.T. (1988): Ammonoids from the Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary in the Hasselbachtal Valley (Northern Rhenish Mountains). – Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 100: 193-213.
    5. BECKER, R.T., FEIST, R., FLAJS, G., HOUSE, M.R. & KLAPPER, G. (1989): Frasnian-Famennian extinction events in the Devonian at Coumiac, Southern France. – Compte Rendus de l´Academie des Sciences Paris, 309 (Série II): 259-266.
    6. BECKER, R.T., HOUSE, M.R., KIRCHGASSER, W.T., KLAPPER, G. & PLAYFORD, P. (1991): Sedimentary and faunal sequences across the Frasnian-Famennian boundary in the Canning Basin of NW Australia. – Historical Biology, 5: 183-196.
    7. BECKER, R.T. (1992): Zur Kenntnis der Hemberg-Schichten und Annulata-Schiefer im Nordsauerland (Oberdevon, GK 4611 Hohenlimburg). – Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, E3: 3-41.
    8. 8. BECKER, R.T. (1993): Stratigraphische Gliederung und Ammonoideen-Faunen im Nehdenium (Oberdevon II) von Europa und Nord-Afrika. – Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 155: 405 S.
    9. BECKER, R.T. (1993): Analysis of ammonoid palaeobiogeography in relation to the global Hangenberg (terminal Devonian) and Lower Alum Shale (Middle Tournaisian) Events. – Annales de la Société Géologique de Belgique, 115 (2): 459-473.
    10. KÜRSCHNER, W., BECKER, R.T., BUHL, D. & VEIZER, J. (1993): Strontium isotopes of conodonts from the Devonian-Carboniferous transition of the Northern Rhenish Slate Mountains. - Annales de la Société Géologique de Belgique, 115 (2): 595-621.
    11. BLESS, M.J.M., BECKER, R.T., HIGGS, K., PAPROTH, E., & STREEL, M. (1993): Eustatic cycles around the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary and the sedimentary and fossil record in Sauerland (Federal Republic of Germany). - Annales de la Société Géologique de Belgique, 115 (2): 689-702.
    12. BECKER, R.T. & PAPROTH, E. (1993): Auxiliary stratotype section for ther Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary: Hasselbachtal. - Annales de la Société Géologique de Belgique, 115 (2): 703-706.
    13. BECKER, R.T. (1993): Eine Fauna mit Hollinella (Ostracoda, Palaeocopina) und Belgibole ((Trilobita, Phillipsiidae) aus dem oberen Kulm von Letmathe (nördliches Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). – Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, E9: 135-145.
    14. BECKER, R.T. & HOUSE, M.R. (1993): New early Upper Devonian (Frasnian) goniatite genera and the evolution of the “Gephurocerataceae”. – Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, E9: 111-133.
    15. BECKER, R.T., HOUSE, M.R. & KIRCHGASSER, W.T. (1993): Devonian goniatite biostratigraphy and timing of facies movements in the Frasnian of the Canning Basin, Western Australia. – In: HAILWOOD, E.A. & KIDD, R.B. (Eds.), High Resolution Stratigraphy, Geological Society, Special Publication, 70: 291-318; London (The Geological Society).
    16. BECKER, R.T. (1993): Anoxia, eustatic changes and Upper Devonian to lowermost Carboniferous global ammonoid diversity. – In: HOUSE, M.R. (Ed.), The Ammonoidea, Evolution and Environmental Change, The Systematics Association, Special Volume, 47: 105-164.
    17. BECKER, R.T. & HOUSE, M.R. (1994): Kellwasser Events and goniatite successions in the Devonian of the Montagne Noire with comments on possible causations. - Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, W. ZIEGLER-Festschrift, II, 169: 45-77.
    18. BECKER, R.T. & HOUSE, M.R. (1994): International Emsian to Mid-Givetian (Devonian) goniatite zonation with new records from Morocco. – Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, W. ZIEGLER-Festschrift, II, 169: 79-135.
    19. BECKER, R.T. & SCHREIBER, G. (1994): Zur Trilobiten-Stratigraphie im Letmather Famennium (Nordsauerland). – Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, E13: 369-387.
    20. KLAPPER, G., FEIST, R., BECKER, R.T. & HOUSE, M.R. (1994): Definition of the Frasnian-Famennian Stage boundary. – Episodes, 16 (4): 433-441 [= SDS Newsletter, 11: 26-34].
    21. BECKER, R.T. (1995): Taxonomy and Evolution of Late Famennian Tornocerataceae (Ammonoidea). – Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, Gundolf-ERNST-Festschrift, E16 (2): 607-643.
    22. WALLISER, O.H., BULTYNCK, P., WEDDIGE, K., BECKER, R.T. & HOUSE, M.R. (1995): Definition of the Eifelian/Givetian Stage boundary. – Episodes, 18 (3): 107-115 [= SDS Newsletter, 12: 23-31, 1996]
    23. MAY, A. & BECKER, R.T. (1996): Ein Korallen-Horizont im Unteren Bänderschiefer (höchstes Mittel-Devon) von Hohenlimburg-Elsey im Sauerland (MTB 4611 Hohenlimburg; Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). – Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, E18: 209-241.
    24. BECKER, R.T. (1996): New faunal records and holostratigraphic correlation of the Hasselbachtal D/C Boundary Auxiliary Stratotype (Germany). - Annales de la Société Géologique de Belgique, 117 (1): 19-45.
    25. BECKER, R.T. & KULLMANN, J. (1996): Palaeozoic ammonoids in space and time. – In: LANDMAN, N., TANABE, K. & DAVIS, R. (Eds.), Ammonoid Paleobiology, Topics in Geobiology, 13: 711-753, New York (Plenum Publishers).
    26. ALBERTI, G.K.B., BECKER, G., BECKER, R.T., CARLS, P., GROOS-UFFENORDE, H., KORN, D., MALETZ, J., MAY, A., MITTMEYER, H.G., RABIEN, A., SCHINDLER, E., STRUVE, W., WALLISER, O.H., WEDDIGE, K.& ZIEGLER, W. (1997): Devon-Korrelationstabelle. – Senckenbergiana lethaea, 76 (1/2): 267-286.
    27. BECKER, R.T. & HOUSE, M.R. (1997): Sea-level changes in the Upper Devonian of the Canning Basin, Western Australia. – Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 199: 129-146.
    28. FEIST, R. & BECKER, R.T. (1997): Discovery of Famennian trilobites in Australia (Late Devonian, Canning Basin, NW Australia). – In: RACHEBOEUF, P.R. & GAYET, M. (Eds.), Actualités paléontologiques, en l´honneur de Claude Babin, Lyon, 21-22 mai 1996, Geobios, Mémoire Spécial, 20: 231-242.
    29. KLAPPER, G. & BECKER, R.T. (1999): Comparison of Frasnian (Upper Devonian) Conodont Zonations. – Bolletino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 37 (2/3): 339-348.
    30. BECKER, R.T., HOUSE, M.R., MENNER, V.V. & OVNATANOVA, N.S. (2000): Revision of ammonoid biostratigraphy in the Frasnian (Upper Devonian) of the Southern Timan (Northeast Russian Platform). – Acta Geologica Polonica, 50 (1): 67-97.
    31. BECKER, R.T. & HOUSE, M.R. (2000): Devonian ammonoid zones and their correlation with established series and stage boundaries. - Courier Forschungs-Institut Senckenberg, 220: 113-151.
    32. HOUSE, M.R., BECKER, R.T., FEIST, R., FLAJS, G., GIRARD, C. & KLAPPER, G. (2000): The Frasnian/Famennian boundary GSSP at Coumiac, Southern France. - Courier Forschungs-Institut Senckenberg, 225: 59-75.
    33. BECKER, R.T. (2000): Taxonomy, evolutionary history, and distribution of the middle to late Famennian Wocklumeriina (Ammonoidea, Clymeniida). – Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin, Geowissenschaftliche Reihe, 3: 27-75.
    34. HOUSE, M.R., MENNER, V.V., BECKER, R.T., KLAPPER, G., OVNATANOVA, N.S. & KUZ´MIN, V. (2000): Reef episodes, anoxia and sea level changes in the Frasnian of the southern Timan (NE Russian platform). – In: INSALACO, E., SKELTON, P. W. & PALMER, T.J. (Eds.), Carbonate Platform Systems: components and interactions, The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 178: 1-30.
    35. MENNER, V.V., SHUVALOVA, G.A., OBUKHOVSKAYA, T.G., OVNATANOVA, N.S., HOUSE, M.R. & BECKER, R.T. (2000): The correlation of the regional stages and the Frasnian spore, conodont, and ammonoid assemblages of the Timan-Pechora Province with standard zonations. – Ichthyolith Issues, Special Publication, 6: 77-79.
    36. BECKER, R.T. & HOUSE, M.R. (2000): Emsian and Eifelian ammonoid succession at Bou Tchrafine (Tafilalt Platform), Anti-Atlas, Morocco). – Notes et Mémoires du Service géologique du Maroc, 399: 21-26.
    37. BECKER, R.T. & HOUSE, M.R. (2000): Late Givetian and Frasnian ammonoid succession at Bou Tchrafine (Anti-Atlas, Southern Morocco). – Notes et Mémoires du Service géologique du Maroc, 399: 27-35.
    38. BECKER, R.T. & HOUSE, M.R. (2000): The Famennian ammonoid succession at Bou Tchrafine (Anti-Atlas, Southern Morocco). - Notes et Mémoires du Service géologique du Maroc, 399: 37-42.
    39. BECKER, R.T. & HOUSE, M.R. (2000): Devonian ammonoid succession at Jbel Amelane (western Tafilalt, Southern Morocco). - Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique du Maroc, 399: 49-56.
    40. BECKER, R.T., HOUSE, M.R. (2000): Sedimentary and faunal succession of the allochthonous Upper Devonian at Gara d´Mrirt (eastern Moroccan Meseta). - Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique du Maroc, 399: 109-114.
    41. BECKER, R.T., BOCKWINKEL, J., EBBIGHAUSEN, V. & HOUSE, M.R. (2000): Jebel Mrakib, Anti-Atlas (Morocco), a potential Upper Famennian Substage Boundary Stratotype Section. - Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique du Maroc, 399: 75-86 [= SDS Newsletter, 16: 14-22].
    42. BECKER, R.T. & MENNER, V.V. (2000): Appendix: Frasnian ammonoid records of the South Timan. – In: BELYAEVA, N. V. & IVANOV, A.O. (Eds.), South Timan Field Trip Guidebook, July 6-11, 2000, Ichthyolith Issues, Special Publication, 6, Supplement: 77-81.


    1. BECKER, R.T. (1987): The Kellwasser-Event and its significance for ammonoid evolution and biostratigraphy. – Second International Symposium on the Devonian System, Calgary, Alberta, Canada – August 17-20, 1987, Program and Abstracts: 27.
    2. BECKER, R.T. (1990): Numerical analysis of Mid-Palaeozoic evolutionary events in ammonoids. – Symposium F. ROMAN, 3rd International Symposium, Cephalopods: Present and Past, Lyon, (France), 17-21 Juillet 1990, Book of Abstracts: 15.
    3. BECKER, R.T., HOUSE, M.R. & KIRCHGASSER, W.T. (1990): Bioevents at the Frasnian-Famennian boundary in Northwestern Australia. – IGCP Projects “Global Biological Events” “Precambrian-Cambrian Event Stratigraphy, 25-27 September 1990, Oxford, Abstracts: 1 S.
    4. BECKER, R.T., HOUSE, M.R. & KIRCHGASSER, W.T. (1991): Timing of carbonate facies movements in the Late Devonian of Western Australia. – In: HAILWOOD, E. & KIDD, R. (Eds.), High Resolution Stratigraphy in Modern and Ancient Marine Sequences, Part II, 9-10 Jan. 1991, London, Burlington House, Meeting of Marine Studies Group and Stratigraphy Committee of the Geological Society: 8 [= Geological Society, Newsletter, 19 (6): 37].
    5. BECKER, R.T. (1991): Anoxia, eustatic changes and late Devonian ammonoid evolution. – In: HOUSE, M.R. (Ed.), The Ammonoidea, Evolution and Environmental Change, The Systematics Association Symposium, London, Program with Abstracts: 9.
    6. BECKER, R.T. (1992): Regional developments of the global hypoxic Annulata Event (Middle Famennian). – In: WALLISER, O.H. (Ed.), V. International Conference on Bio-Events, Phanerozoic Global Bio-Events and Event-Stratigraphy, Göttingen, Abstracts: 13-14.
    7. BECKER, R.T. & HOUSE, M.R. (1992): Refined Devonian ammonoid biostratigraphy. – In: TENG, W.C. & JIAXIANG, L. (Eds.), International Symposium on Devonian System and its Economic Oil and Mineral Resources, September 9-12, 1992, Guilin, P.R. China, Abstracts: 22-23.
    8. KÜRSCHNER, W., BECKER, R.T., BUHL, D. & VEIZER, J. (1993): Strontium isotopes in conodonts: Devonian-Carboniferous transition; the northern Rhenish Slate Mountains, Germany. – In: STREEL, M. (Ed.), Early Carboniferous Stratigraphy, Liege 1993, Meeting Program and Abstracts: 1 S.
    9. BECKER, R.T. (1993): Kellwasser Events (Upper Frasnian, Upper Devonian) in the Middle Atlas (Morocco). Implications for plate tectonics and anoxic event generation. – In: Global Boundary Events, An Interdisciplinary Conference, Kielce – Poland, September 27-29, 1993, Abstracts: 9, Warszawa.
    10. BECKER, R.T. (1994): The onset of the global Famennian regression and its evolutionary consequences. – In: HOUSE, M.R. (Ed.), July, 9-22 1994 Moscow Symposium “Devonian Eustatic Changes of the World Ocean Level”, Moscow and Ukhta, Abstracts Volume: 7, Moscow.
    11. BECKER, R.T., HOUSE, M.R. & PLAYFORD, P.E. (1994): Sea-level changes in the Upper Devonian of the Canning Basin, Western Australia. - In: HOUSE, M.R. (Ed.), July, 9-22 1994 Moscow Symposium “Devonian Eustatic Changes of the World Ocean Level”, Moscow and Ukhta, Abstracts Volume: 7-8, Moscow.
    12. BECKER, R.T. (1994): Global environmental changes and Upper Devonian ammonoid evolution. – In: 64. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, 26-30. September 1994, Budapest, Ungarn, Vortrags- und Posterkurzfassungen: 6 (Ungarische Geologische Gesellschaft).
    13. BECKER, R.T. (1994): Faunal and sedimentary succession around the Frasnian-Famennian boundary in the eastern Moroccan Meseta. – In: 64. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, 26-30. September 1994, Budapest, Ungarn, Vortrags- und Posterkurzfassungen: 44 (Ungarische Geologische Gesellschaft).
    14. BECKER, R.T. & HOUSE, M.R. (1995): High-resolution ammonoid biostratigraphy and the timing of facies shifts in the Upper Devonian of the Canning Basin. – In: BROCK, G.A. (Ed.), 1st Australian Conodont Symposium (Auscos-1) and the Boucot Symposium, 18-21 July 1995, Abstracts & Programme, Macquarie University Centre for Ecostratigraphy and Palaeobiology (MUCEP), Special Publication, 1: 12-13, Sydney.
    15. BECKER, R.T. (1995): Feinstratigraphie und die Entwicklung der Riffkomplexe im Famennium des Canning Basin (NW-Australien). – In: BOETZKES, M. & STEIN, G. (Eds.), 65. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Hildesheim, 25. bis 30. September 1995, Terra Nostra, 4/95: 19, Hildesheim (Roemer Museum).
    16. BECKER, R.T. (1996): Functional, morphological and palaeobiological aspects of Upper Devonian ammonoid morphotypes. – In: OLÓRIZ, F. & RODRÍGUEZ-TOVAR, F.J. (Eds.), IV International Symposium, Cephalopods – Present and Past, Granada, July 15-17, 1996, Abstracts Volume: 23, Granada (Servicio de Reprografía Facultad de Ciencies).
    17. HOUSE, M.R. & BECKER, R.T. (1996): Origin and Evolution of the Beloceratidae. - In: OLÓRIZ, F. & RODRÍGUEZ-TOVAR, F.J. (Eds.), IV International Symposium, Cephalopods – Present and Past, Granada, July 15-17, 1996, Abstracts Volume: 81-82, Granada (Servicio de Reprografía Facultad de Ciencies).
    18. HOUSE, M.R., MENNER, V.V., OVNATANOVA, N.S., KUZMIN, A.V., BECKER, R.T. & YATSKOV, S. (1996): Mid-Palaeozoic reef episodes in the Frasnian of the Timan and Pechora area and their association with anoxia and sea level changes. – In: WRIGHT, P. & BURCHETTE, T. (Eds.), Carbonate Ramps. Oceanographic and Biological Controls, Modelling and Diagenesis, Meeting of the Geological Society of London, Abstracts: 1 S.
    19. BECKER, R.T. (1996): Zur Evolutionsökologie bei Ammonoideen des unteren und mittleren Famenniums. – In: 66. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, 22. – 28. September 1996, Leipzig, Vortrags- und Posterkurzfassungen, Terra Nostra, 96/6: 19, Leipzig.
    20. HOUSE, M.R., MENNER, V.V., OVNATANOVA, N.S., KUZMIN; A.V., BECKER, R.T. & YATSKOV, S.V. (1997): Mid-Palaeozoic reef episodes in the Frasnian of the Timan and Pechora area and their association with anoxia and sea level changes. – In: Biostratigraphy in Production and Development Geology, Meeting of the Geological Society Petroleum Group, Aberdeen, June 1997: 1 S.
    21. BECKER, R.T., HOUSE, M.R. & KIRCHGASSER, W.T. (1997): High-Resolution Biostratigraphy and the Development of Reef Complexes in the Famennian of the Canning Basin (Western Australia). - In: Biostratigraphy in Production and Development Geology, Meeting of the Geological Society Petroleum Group, Aberdeen, June 1997: 1 S.
    22. BECKER, R.T., HOUSE, M.R. & KLAPPER, G. (1997): Event Sequence and Sealevel-Changes in the Upper Givetian and Frasnian of the Tafilalt (Southern Morocco). – In: The Amadeus GRABAU Symposium: International Meeting on Cyclicity and Bioevents in the Devonian System, University of Rochester, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Rochester, New York, July 20-27, 1997, Program and Abstracts: 18.
    23. BECKER, R.T. & KORN, D. (1997): Ammonoid extinctions and radiations around the D/C Boundary. – In: CEJCHAN, P. & HLADIL,J. (Eds.), UNESCO-IGCP Project #335 “Biotic Recoveries from Mass Extinctions”, Final Conference “Recoveries ´97”, Abstract Book: 13-14, Praha.
    24. KORN, D. & BECKER, R.T. (1997): Morphospace occupation of Ammonoids at the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary. – In: CEJCHAN, P. & HLADIL,J. (Eds.), UNESCO-IGCP Project #335 “Biotic Recoveries from Mass Extinctions”, Final Conference “Recoveries ´97”, Abstract Book: 12-13, Praha.
    25. BECKER, R.T., HOUSE, M.R. & MARSHALL, J.E.A. (1997): The allochthonous Upper Devonian at Mrirt (eastern Moroccan Meseta) – North African continuation of a Montagne Noire carbonate platform? – In: FEIST, R. (Ed.), First International Conference on North Gondwanan Mid-Paleozoic Biodynamics, Vienna, 17-21 Septembre 1997, IGCP Project Nr. 421, Meeting Program and Abstracts: 7-8, Vienna (Geologische Bundesanstalt).
    26. BECKER, R.T. (1997): Ursprung und Evolution der Dreiecksclymenien und ihrer Verwandten (Wocklumeriina n. suborder; oberes Oberdevon). – In: ESCHGHI, I. & RUDOLF, H. (Eds.), 67. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Vom 21.-28. September 1997 in Daun/Vulkaneifel, Vortrags- und Posterkurzfassungen, Terra Nostra, 97/6: 26-27.
    27. BECKER, R.T. (1998): Biogeographic studies of Late Devonian ammonoid faunas. – In: MAWSON, R., TALENT, J., WILSON, G. & COCKLE, P. (Eds.), UNESCO-IGCP Project 421, North Gondwanan mid-Palaeozoic bioevent/biogeography patterns in relation to crustal dynamics, Isfahan Meeting IGCP 421, 5-20 December, 1998, Abstract Book: 5, Sydney (Macquarie University Printery).
    28. KLAPPER, G. & BECKER, R.T. (1998): Comparison of Frasnian (Upper Devonian) conodont zonations. – In: BAGNOLI, G. (Ed.), ECOS VII, Italia 1998, Seventh International Conodont Symposium held in Europe, Bologna-Modena June 18-22, 1998, Abstracts: 53-54, Bologna (Tipografia Compositori).
    29. BECKER, R.T., BOCKWINKEL, J., EBBIGHAUSEN, V. & HOUSE, M.R. (1999): The Famennian ammonoid succession of the southern Maider. – In: FEIST, R.,TALENT, J. & ORTH, B. (Eds.), UNESCO-IGCP Project 421, North Gondwanan mid-Palaeozoic bioevent/biogeography patterns in relation to crustal dynamics, Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy – SDS / IUGS, Errachidia Meeting SDS – IGCP 421, April 23rd – May 1st 1999, Abstract Book: 1-2, Montpellier (Université of Montpellier II).
    30. HOUSE, M.R. & BECKER, R.T. (1999): Goniatite biozonation of the Pharciceras Stufe (late Givetian – basal Frasnian). – In: FEIST, R.,TALENT, J. & ORTH, B. (Eds.), UNESCO-IGCP Project 421, North Gondwanan mid-Palaeozoic bioevent/biogeography patterns in relation to crustal dynamics, Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy – SDS / IUGS, Errachidia Meeting SDS – IGCP 421, April 23rd – May 1st 1999, Abstract Book: 22-23, Montpellier (Université of Montpellier II).
    31. HOUSE, M.R., MENNER, V.V., OVNATANOVA, N., BECKER, R.T., KLAPPER, G., KUZ´MIN, A. & YATSKOV, S.V. (1999): Mid-Palaeozoic anoxic, eustatic and reef episodes in the Frasnian of the Timan and Pechora area of Russia. – The 1999 LYELL Meeting, Organism-Environment Feedbacks in Carbonate Platforms and Reefs, 1-2 March, 1999, at the Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, Programme and Abstracts: 15-16 [= Errachidia Meeting IGCP 421, Abstract Book: 24].
    32. MENNER, V.V., OVNATANOVA, N.S., HOUSE, M.R. & BECKER, R.T. (1999): Specifying the correlation of the Frasnian regional stages in the Timan-Pechora province with the conodont and ammonoid zonation. – 4th Baltic Stratigraphic Conference, Riga, Abstracts: 1 S.
    33. FEIST, R., BECKER, R.T. & YAZDI, M. (1999): First Late Devonian trilobites from Iran. – 6th International Meeting of IGCP 421, Peshawar, 20.-21. September 1999: 1 S.
    34. WEBSTER, G., BECKER, R.T. & MAPLES, C. (1999): Two new late Famennian crinoids from the Jebel Mrakib section of southeastern Morocco. - 6th International Meeting of IGCP 421, Peshawar, 20.-21. September 1999: 1
    35. BECKER, R.T. (1999): Phylogeny and systematics of the Wocklumeriina (Ammonoidea, Clymeniida, middle to late Famenian). – In: HISTON, K. (Ed.), V International Symposium, Cephalopods – Present and Past, Vienna 6-9th September 1999, Abstracts Volume, Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 46: 19.
    36. BOCKWINKEL, J., BECKER, R.T. & EBBIGHAUSEN, V. (1999): Variability and taxonomy of Maeneceras (Goniatitida, Sporadoceratidae) from the early Famennian of Southern Morocco. – In: HISTON, K. (Ed.), V International Symposium, Cephalopods – Present and Past, Vienna 6-9th September 1999, Abstracts Volume, Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 46: 21.
    37. EBBIGHAUSEN, V., BECKER, R.T. & BOCKWINKEL, J. (1999): Morphometric analyses of Paratornoceratinae (Goniatitida) from the early Famennian of Southern Morocco. – In: HISTON, K. (Ed.), V International Symposium, Cephalopods – Present and Past, Vienna 6-9th September 1999, Abstracts Volume, Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 46: 35.
    38. HOUSE, M.R. & BECKER, R.T. (1999): The phylogeny of pharciceratids and their relatives (Ammonoidea, Anarcestida; late Givetian to middle Frasnian). – In: HISTON, K. (Ed.), V International Symposium, Cephalopods – Present and Past, Vienna 6-9th September 1999, Abstracts Volume, Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 46: 51.
    39. BECKER, R.T. (1999): Zur Paläobiogeographie oberdevonischer Ammonoidea. – In: 69. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, 20.9. – 26.9.99 in Zürich, Terra Nostra, 99/8: 11.
    40. HOUSE, M.R. & BECKER, R.T. (2000): Mid Palaeozoic Black Deaths: Hypoxia, Extinction and Diversification. – 31th International Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Abstracts, 1 S. (CD).
    41. BECKER, R.T. & HOUSE, M.R. (2001): New Data on Devonian hypoxic and eustatic events in southern BECKER, R.T. (2000): Neue Erkenntnisse zur Stratigraphie, Fauna und Palaeobiogeographie des iranischen Oberdevons. – In: 70. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, vom 24.-30. September 2000 in Coburg, Vorträge und Poster, Terra Nostra, 00/3: 22.
    42. BECKER, R.T. & HOUSE, M.R. (2001): New Data on Devonian hypoxic and eustatic events in southern Morocco. - 15th International Senckenberg Conference, Joint meeting IGCP 421/SDS, May 2001, Abstracts: 12.
    43. ABOUSSALAM, S.Z., BECKER, R.T. & SCHULTZE, H.-P. (2001): The global Taghanic Biocrisis in the Upper Givetian (Middle Devonian). – In: JANSEN, U., KÖNIGSHOF, P., PLODOWSKI, G. & SCHINDLER, E. (Eds.), 15th International Senckenberg Conference, Joint meeting IGCP 421/SDS, May 2001, Abstracts: 1 [= Terra Nostra, 01/6: 135-136].
    44. SPREY, A. & BECKER, R.T. (2001): Morphometry of Phoenixites frechi (Goniatitida; Upper Devonian) – the opportunist of the global Kellwasser Crisis. – In: JANSEN, U., KÖNIGSHOF, P., PLODOWSKI, G. & SCHINDLER, E. (Eds.), 15th International Senckenberg Conference, Joint meeting IGCP 421/SDS, May 2001, Abstracts: 90 (= Terra Nostra, 01/6: 217-218).
    45. BECKER, R.T. (2001): Diversitätsschwankungen mittelpalaeozoischer Ammonoidea – Indikator globaler Umwelt-Veränderungen in pelagisch geprägten Außenschelfen. – In: 3,5 Milliarden Jahre Biodiversität, Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft und der Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik, 17. bis 21. September 2001 in Oldenburg, Terra Nostra 01/6: 14-15.

    (zitierfähige) Dokumente, Berichte und Exkursionsführer internationaler stratigraphischer Kommissionen

    1. BECKER, R.T. & HOUSE, M.R. (1986): Potential stratotype sections for the Frasnian-Famennian boundary with good goniatite records. – Document submitted to the Devonian Subcommission, IUGS, Prague, August 1986: 15 S. + 4 Abb.
    2. PAPROTH, E., BECKER, R.T., CLAUSEN, C.-D., KOMPA, R., KORN, D. & STOPPEL, D. (1986): Field trip to the Late Devonian outcrops in the Northern Rheinisches Schiefergebirge (federal Republic of Germany). – Aachen 1986, Field Conference “Late Devonian Events around the Old Red Continent, Excursion Guide, 12 S + 27 Abb. + 4 Tabs., Aachen.
    3. FEIST, R., BECKER, R.T., HOUSE, M.R., KLAPPER, G. & PRICE, J.D. (1987): Stratotype proposal for the Frasnian-Famennian boundary in the Montagne Noire. – Document submitted to the Devonian Subcommission, IUGS, Calgary, August 1987: 13 S. + 3 Abb.
    4. BECKER, R.T. et al. (1988): The Hasselbachtal section – additional notes and remarks on the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary beds at the northern border of the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge. – IUGS Working Group on the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary, Courtmacsherry Meeting, May 1988, Proceedings: 5 S. + 1 Abb.
    5. BECKER, R.T. (1988): Comments on the correlation of the Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary beds in the Hasselbachtal section. - IUGS Working Group on the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary, Courtmacsherry Meeting, May 1988, Proceedings: 2 S.
    6. BECKER, R.T. (1988): Ammonoid sequence around the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary – the state of the art. - IUGS Working Group on the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary, Courtmacsherry Meeting, May 1988, Proceedings: 3 S. + 1 Abb.
    7. BECKER, R.T., HOUSE, M.R. & ASHOURI, A.-R. (1988): Potential Stratotype section for the Frasnian-Famennian boundary at El Atrous, Tafilalt, Morocco. – Document submitted to the Devonian Subcommission, IUGS, Rennes, August 1988: 6 S. + 3 Abb.
    8. HOUSE, M.R., BECKER, R.T., FEIST, R. & KLAPPER, G. (1988): Stratotype proposal for the Frasnian/Famennian boundary in the Montagne Noire. - Document submitted to the Devonian Subcommission, IUGS, Rennes, August 1988: 10 S. + 4 Abb.
    9. BECKER, R.T., HOUSE, M.R. & ASHOURI, A.-R. (1989): The Frasnian-Famennian boundary at El Atrous, Tafilalt, Morocco. – Document submitted to the Devonian Subcommission, IUGS, Washington, July 1989: 10 S. + 7 Abb.
    10. BECKER, R.T., FEIST, R., HOUSE, M.R., BABIN, C., FLAJS, G., KLAPPER, G., LETHIERS, F., PEDDER, A., RACHEBEUF, P. & TRUYOLS-MASSONI, M. (1990): The Frasnian-Famennian boundary and adjacent strata of the Eastern Montagne Noire. – In: FEIST, R. (Ed.), Guide book of the Field Meeting, Montagne Noire 1990, International Union of Geological Sciences, Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy: 69 S., Montpellier.
    11. BECKER, R.T. & HOUSE, M.R. (1990): The Montagne Noire goniatite record around the Frasnian/Famennian boundary. – Document submitted to the Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Frankfurt, 1990: 21 S.
    12. BECKER, R.T. & HOUSE, M.R. (1991): Eifelian to Early Givetian goniatites at Bou Tchrafine and Jebel Amelane, Tafilalt (Anti-Atlas, S-Morocco). – In: WALLISER, O.H. (Ed.), Morocco 1991, Field Meeting of the Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Guide-Book: 59-73, Göttingen.
    13. BECKER, R.T., KORN, D., PAPROTH, E. & STREEL, M. (1993): Beds near the Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary in the Rhenish Massif, Germany. – IUGS, Subcommission on Carboniferous Stratigraphy (SCCS), 10 to 12 June, 1993, Guidebook: 86 S., Liège (Services associés de paleontology de l´ULg).
    14. BECKER, R.T. (1993): News, Reports, etc.: Dr. R. Thomas BECKER, Berlin. – SDS Newsletter, 10: 46.
    15. BECKER, R.T. (1994): Membership News: R. Th. BECKER (Berlin). – SDS Newsletter, 11: 50.
    16. BECKER, R.T. & HOUSE, M.R. (1995): Devonian ammonoid generic ranges and extinction and diversification events. – SDS Newsletter, 12: 44-45.
    17. BECKER, R.T. (1996): Membership News: R. Thomas BECKER (Berlin). – SDS Newsletter, 12: 32-33.
    18. BECKER, R.T. (1996): News from the Membership: R.T. BECKER (Berlin). – SDS Newsletter, 13: 15-16.
    19. BECKER, R.T. (1997): Minutes of the SDS Business Meeting, 21th July, Rochester. – SDS Newsletter, 14: 2-5.
    20. BECKER, R.T. (1997): Reports from the Membership: R. Thomas BECKER (Berlin). – SDS Newsletter, 14: 34.
    21. BECKER, R.T. (1998): Prospects for an international substage subdivision of the Famennian. – Document submitted to the International Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Annual Meeting at Bologna, 1998: 6 S. + 1 Abb. [= SDS Newsletter, 15: 14-17].
    22. BECKER, R.T. & HOUSE, M.R. (1998): Proposals for an international substage subdivision of the Frasnian. – Document submitted to the International Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Meeting at Bologna, 1998: 8 S. + 1 Abb. [= SDS Newsletter, 15: 17-22]
    23. BECKER, R.T. (1998): Minutes of the SDS Business Meeting, 23rd June, Bologna. – SDS Newsletter, 15: 2-6.
    24. BECKER, R.T. (1998): Report from the Membership: TM R. Thomas BECKER (Berlin). – SDS Newsletter, 15: 65.
    25. BECKER (1999): Minutes of the SDS Business Meeting, 25th April, Erfoud and 1st May, Rabat. – SDS Newsletter, 16: 3-8.
    26. BECKER, R.T. (1999): Reports from the Membership: TM R. Thomas BECKER (Berlin). – SDS Newsletter, 16: 30-31.
    27. ABOUSSALAM, Z.S. & BECKER, R.T. (2000): Conodont diversity around the Taghanic Event. – Document of the International Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Annual Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, August 2000, 12 S.
    28. BECKER, R.T. (2000): Minutes of the SDS Business Meeting, 7th August 2000, Rio de Janeiro. – SDS Newsletter, 17 (Addendum): 2-6.
    29. BECKER, R. T. (2001): The Importance of Devonian Substages. - Document of the International Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Annual Meeting, Toulouse 2002: 2 S. [= SDS Newsletter, 2001, 18: 13-14].
    30. BECKER, R.T. (2001): Alternatives for a substage subdivision of the Famennian. – Report of the Famennian Working Group of the International Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy (SDS), Frankfurt, May 2001: 2 S. + 1 Abb.
    31. BECKER, R.T. & ABOUSSALAM, Z.S. (2001): Proposals for the definition of an Upper Givetian substage. – Document submitted to the International Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Annual Meeting, Frankfurt 2001: 10 S. [= ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & BECKER, R. T., SDS Newsletter, 2001, 18: 28-41.]
    32. BECKER, R.T., MENNER, V.V., OVNATANOVA, N.S., KUZ´MIN, A. & HOUSE, M.R. (2001): A potential Middle Frasnian stratotype section at Chut River (southern Timan, Russia). - Document submitted to the International Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Annual Meeting, Frankfurt 2001: 8 S. [= SDS Newsletter, 2001, 18: 45-54.]