Analytical equipment

The working group is equipped with modern instrumentation for analysing a variety of materials for their stable isotopic composition. The laboratory is part of the Münster Isotope Research Center (MIRC), a national equipment center funded by the German Research Foundation.


ThermoScientific MAT 253

A ThermoScientific MAT 253 gas isotope mass spectrometer interfaced with a fluorination system for analysing multiple sulphur isotopes (32S, 33S, 34S, 36S). For this purpose, silver sulphide is prepared in Ni reactors with fluorine as sulphur hexafluoride (SF6).

ThermoScientific Delta V Advantage
Flash EA IsoLink CN (elemental analyser) with autosampler and Con Flo IV box coupled with a ThermoScientific Delta V Advantage mass spectrometer.
© Historische und Regionale Geologie

ThermoScientific Delta V Advantage

A ThermoScientific Delta V Advantage gas isotope mass spectrometer for determining carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur isotopes. The equipment allows offline measurements of individual samples as well as measurements in continuous flow operation.

  • Our configuration consists of the following components:

    • a dual inlet system for measuring individual gas samples that were previously prepared offline
    • a Con Flo IV interface
    • a Flash EA IsoLink CN elemental analyser for preparing solid samples for the determination of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur isotopes
ThermoScientific Delta V Plus
ThermoScientific Delta V Plus mass spectrometer with GasBench II (left in the background), Con Flo III interface (middle in the background) and ThermoQuest TC/EA (on the Delta V Plus).
© Historische und Regionale Geologie

ThermoScientific Delta V Plus

A ThermoScientific Delta V Plus gas isotope mass spectrometer for determining carbon, oxygen and hydrogen isotopes. The equipment enables measurements in continuous flow operation.

  • The following components are part of the device configuration:

    • a ConFlo III interface
    • a high temperature conversion unit (TC/EA, Thermo Quest) for sample preparation for the determination of oxygen isotope ratios in inorganic and organic samples
    • a Gas Bench II for fully automatic analysis of water, dissolved inorganic carbon and solid carbonates.
Front view of the CS 580 elementary analyser.
© Historische und Regionale Geologie


An ELTRA CS 580 Carbon Sulphur Elemental Analyser for the quantitative analysis of carbon and sulfur in solids.

Vacuum destillation line

Stable Isotope Laboratory

A stable isotope laboratory with standard off-line preparation techniques for carbon, oxygen and sulphur in liquid and solid samples of geological interest. The wet chemical preparation and/or the combustion techniques can be followed by cryogenic distillation in a glass vacuum line.