Name: Patrick Seelheim
Diploma / M.Sc degree: Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany
(September 2009)
PhD Project: Cooperative Effects of the Human ATP-Binding Cassette Transporter ABCC3 in Surfaces-Immobilized Membrane Systems
Abstract of Research Project
Human ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters mediate the active
transport of various physiological and xenobiotic substrates across
cellular membranes. They are essential for cellular detoxification,
maintaining the asymmetry of plasma membranes, the integrity of the
blood brain barrier and related to multi-drug resistance of cancer
cells. Despite their importance, the actual mechanism of ATP hydrolysis
and substrate translocation is still unclear. There is evidence
though that the active transporter consists of two subunits that show
significant positive cooperativity.
To further elucidate the transport mechanism and the molecular origin of
cooperativity, a solid-supported model system for studying ABC
transporters is needed. Such a system could be set up by either
immobilizing proteoliposomes containing affinity-purified ABC
transporters - human ABCC3 in our case - on functionalized surfaces or
by direct attachment of the protein to a surface and subsequent assembly
of a lipid bilayer by detergent dilution technique. For the first
approach ABCC3-containing proteoliposomes doped with a biotinylated
anchor lipid can be tethered to streptavidin-functionalized gold surfaces.
Alternatively, we try to directly attach tagged subunits of the
transporter to structured silicon surfaces bearing adequate functional
groups like nickel nitrilo triacetic acid and streptavidin. This would
enable us to study the interaction between the protein's subunits.
Principal characterization and quality control of the immobilization
will be done by quartz crystal microbalance, atomic force microscopy,
surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy and ATPase activity assays. The
actual transport of known substrates will be monitored by fluorescence
based techniques and reveal kinetic parameters including the Hill
coefficient as a measure for cooperativity.
P. Seelheim, H.-J. Galla
Tethered proteoliposomes containing human ABC transporter MRP3: new perspectives for biosensor application based on transmembrane proteins
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 431(3) (2013), 519-523.
P. Seelheim, A. Wüllner, H.-J. Galla
Substrate translocation and stimulated ATP hydrolysis of human ABC transporter MRP3 show positive cooperativity and are half-coupled
Biophysical Chemistry 171 (2013), 31-37.
J. J. Weigand, N. Burford, R. J. Davidson, T. S. Cameron, P. Seelheim
New Synthetic Procedures to Catena-Phosphorus Cations: Preparation and Dissociation of the First cyclo-Phosphino-halophosphonium Salts
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131 (2009), 17943-17953.
Patrick-Christian Seelheim
eMail: Patrick-Christian Seelheim