Dr. Heinz Deters


Name: Dr. Heinz Deters
Diploma / M.Sc degree: Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany
(March 2008)

PhD Project: Structural elucidation of yttrium-containing laser materials

Abstract of Research Project

In comparison with single crystals, glasses offer considerable compositional flexibility and are able to accommodate and disperse larger quantities of rare-earth (RE) ions. In this manner glasses serve as great hosts for RE ions and are therefore very useful for laser applications. Because the structure of a certain host material, in particular the local environment of the RE ions, has a strong influence on the emission properties, structural information is essential in order to predict the required properties depending on composition.
Usually, solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is used for the structural elucidation of glasses, but unfortunately, the RE species themselves are not directly accessible to solid-state NMR investigations due to their paramagnetism. To get to know the local environment of the RE ions, this problem can be approximated making use of the following strategies:

  1. The RE ions can be replaced by diamagnetic mimics having similar ionic radii. These mimics like yttrium can be measured by NMR spectroscopy.
  2. Paramagnetic and compositional effects on the NMR-spectra of the glass-forming species (like 11B, 27Al, 31P etc. can be considered.
  3. Pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, particularly the electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) technique, is a very promising tool to identify the nuclei within the immediate environments of the paramagnetic dopant ions.
Using these strategies, different yttrium-containing glass systems, e.g. aluminoborate, aluminophosphate or even fluoride glasses, will be considered.


R.-D. Hoffmann, T. Mishra, B. Heying, U. C. Rodewald, S. F. Matar, H. Deters, H. Eckert, R. Pöttgen
ScPdZn and ScPtZn with YAlGe Type Structure – Group-Subgroup Relation and 45Sc Solid State NMR Spectroscopy
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 638 (2012), 1–9.

H. Deters, H. Eckert
Characterization of the glass-to-vitroceramic transition in yttrium aluminum borate laser glasses using solid state NMR
Solid State Nucl. Magn. Reson. 41 (2012), 48-59.

H. Deters, J. F. de Lima, C. J. Magon, A. S. S. de Camargo, H. Eckert
Structural Models for Yttrium Aluminium Borate Laser Glasses: NMR and EPR Studies of the System (Y2O3)0.2-(Al2O3)x-(B2O3)0.8-x
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13 (2011), 16071-16083.

S. Balamurugan, U. C. Rodewald, T. Harmening, L. v. Wüllen, D. Mohr, H. Deters, H. Eckert, R. Pöttgen
PbO/PbF2 Flux Growth of YScO3 and LaScO3 Single Crystals — Structure and Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy
ChemInform 42(2) (2011).

S. Balamurugan, U. C. Rodewald, T. Harmening, L. v. Wüllen, D. Mohr, H. Deters, H. Eckert, R. Pöttgen
PbO / PbF2 Flux Growth of YScO3 and LaScO3 Single Crystals – Structure and Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy
Z. Naturforsch. 65b (2010), 1199–1205.

H. Deters, A. S. S. de Camargo, C. N. Santos, H. Eckert
Glass-to-Vitroceramic Transition in the Yttrium Aluminoborate System: Structural Studies by Solid-State NMR
J. Phys. Chem. C 114 (2010), 14618–14626.

H. Deters, A. S. S. de Camargo, C. N. Santos, C. R. Ferrari, A. C. Hernandes, A. Ibanez, M. T. Rinke, H. Eckert
Structural Characterization of Rare-Earth Doped Yttrium Aluminoborate Laser Glasses Using Solid State NMR
J. Phys. Chem. C 113(36) (2009), 16216-16225.

Heinz Deters
eMail: Heinz Deters