Katarzyna Koroniak


Name: Katarzyna Koroniak
Diploma / M.Sc degree: Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
(June 2005)
Title: Synthesis and physico-chemical properties of fluorinated analogues of long chain sphingolipids

Homepage: www.uni-muenster.de/Chemie.oc/research/hau/personen/koroniak.htm

Abstract of Research Project
Sphingolipids belong to the group of lipids that contain amino alcohols such as D-erythro-sphingosine. The main function of these species in living organisms is maintenance of the membrane structure. Additionaly, specific sphingolipids can play an important role in many physiological processes.



The goal of this work is synthesis of different fluorinated and non-fluorinated long chain analogues of sphingolipids and the comparison of their physico-chemical properties as well as their biological activity. The influence of fluorine substituents on the properties of these compounds will be studied using Langmuir film balance measurements as well as scanning force microscopical (SFM) techniques. The ability of these compounds to form artificial layer systems on the water/air interface might make them a good model for biological membranes.


K. Koroniak, G. Haufe
Synthesis of Enantiopure Fluorinated Ceramides - Analogues of Natural Sphingolipids
Synthesis (2010), 3305-3314.

K. Koroniak, G. Haufe
Stereoselective synthesis of fluorinated and non-fluorinated triazolo analogs of ceramides
Synthesis (3) (2010), 498-504.

Katarzyna Koroniak
eMail: Katarzyna Koroniak