Dr. Stefan Picker


Dr. Stefan Picker

Ph.D.: Innovation and Cooperation Management in Biotechnology - Technology Sourcing and the Creation of new Resources
(November 2nd, 2006)

Diploma / M.Sc degree: Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Germany (February 2003)

Current Position: R&D Manager, Henkel, Düsseldorf, Germany


eMail: stefanpicker (@) gmx.de


S. Picker, A. Ruhnke, J. Leker
"Developing knowledge management - what makes the success?"
Int. J. Technology Management (2007), forthcoming


J. Leker, S. Picker
Developing a new field of Chemistry - Education in Business Chemistry
invited speaker lecture, 40th IUPAC conference, Beijing, China, 15.08.-19.08.05

S. Picker, J. Leker
Prospects and Innovation in Biotechnology: Bringing new technology to the market
CNIC conference, Havanna, Cuba, 27.06.-01.07.2005

S. Picker, A. Ruhnke, J. Leker
Knowledge Management - Factor of Success
16th ISPIM Annual Conference, Porto, Portugal, 19.06.-22.06.05

S. Picker, J. Leker
Management in Biotechnology: Cooperation and Innovation
28th ACHEMA, Frankfurt a.M., Germany, 15.05.-19.05.06

S. Picker, J. Leker
Technology Sourcing - How biotechnology cooperation works
17th ISPIM Annual Conference, Athens, Greece, 11.06.-14.06.06

S. Picker, B. Niedergassel, B. Peddinghaus, M. Winter, J. Leker
Where to focus? Innovations in the FMCG market
13th International Product Development Management Conference,
Mailand, Italy, 11.06.-13.06.06