Dr. Thorsten Torbrügge


Dr. Thorsten Torbrügge

Ph.D.: Charakterisierung der Anionen- und Kationendynamik in der Rotorphase Silberorthophosphat (February 2nd, 2005)

Diploma / M.Sc degree: Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany
(September 2001)

Current Position: ICI Paints, Rheinberg, Germany

eMail: torbrueg@gmx.de


H. Eckert, E.M. Ratai, T. Torbrügge, M. Witschas
Quantifying Structural and Dynamic Disorder in Ionically Conducting Solid Solutions
Magnetic Resonance in Colloid and Interface Science, NATO Science Series, Klüwer Academic Publishers (2002), 15-41.