Dr. Alla Weidenfeller


Dr. Alla Weidenfeller (b. Zozulya)

Ph.D.: Cerebral Endothelial Cells IN VITRO: Influence of Glia-Derived Extracellular Matrix and Matrix Metalloproteinases on BBB Properties(July 2nd, 2004)

Diploma / M.Sc degree: Kyiv National University, Ukraine (June 2000)

Current Position: Postdoctoral Associate at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA

Homepage: https://mywebspace.wisc.edu/weidenfeller/web/englisch/index.htm

eMail: zozulya@uni-muenster.de


A. Zozulya, C. Weidenfeller, and H.J. Galla
Inducing blood-brain barrier properties in cultured endothelial cells
In: Blood-Brain Interfaces-From Ontogeny to Artificial Barriers, Dermietzel, Spray, Nedergaard (Eds): Wiley Press, 2006 (in press)

C. Weidenfeller, S. Schrot, A. Zozulya, H.J. Galla
Murine brain capillary endothelial cells exhibit improved barrier properties under the influence of hydrocortisone.
Brain Research 1053 (2005), 162-174.