Institute of Political Science
Room 311
Scharnhorststrasse 100
48151 Münster
Phone: +49 251 83-25313
Dr. Mamut, Pia
Research Areas
- Environmental Governance
- Power and Discourse
- Social Theory
- Sustainability
- Energy Policy
- Doctoral Studies in Political Science, WWU Muenster Scholarship of 'Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft' and of 'innogy Stiftung' as part of the Think Lab „Energie – Gesellschaft – Wandel“
- Master of Science Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science Lund University, Lund, Sweden
- Double Diploma Public Administration, B. A., European Studies, B. Sc., Westphalian Wilhelms-University Muenster, Germany; University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands
- . . ‘Sustainable consumption and the power of economic growth: exploring alternatives to the growth-dependency narrative.’ Consumption and Society 1, No. 2: 1–21. doi:
- Gumbert, Tobias; Mamut, Pia; Fuchs, Doris (): ‘Economic growth as a structural defect of democracy? On the challenges of restructuring growth-dependent social institutions in pursuit of wellbeing within planetary boundaries’. 28. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (DVPW), Online, .
- Buschmann, Pia (): ‘Steadfast Barriers to Sustainability: Discursive Lock-ins in the German Energiewende ’. INOGOV International Spring School. Governing Climate Change: Polycentricity in Action?, Open University, Heerlen, the Netherlands, .
- Buschmann, Pia; Angela Oels (): ‘Steadfast Barriers to Sustainability: Discursive Lock-ins in the German Energiewende ’. Symposium on Learning and Innovations in Resilient Systems, Open University, Faculty Management, Science and Technology, .
- Buschmann, Pia (): ‘Building citizen and political will for 100% Renewable Energy: Global learnings from Germany's energy transition’. Renewable Cities: Global Learning Forum 2015 (Renewable Cities, Simon Fraser University’s Centre for Dialogue), Vancouver, Canada, .
- Buschmann, Pia (): ‘100% RES Communities: Reality across Europe’. 100% Renewable Energy (IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency), Webinar, .
- Buschmann, Pia (): „Energiewende in Münster“. Energiewende in Münster (Klimaschutzbeirat Münster), Münster, Deutschland, .
- Buschmann, Pia (): ‘Building Political Will For 100% Renewable Energy’. Parliamentary Hearing on Building Political Will for 100% Renewable Energy (World Future Council), European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium, .