Institute for Political Science
Room: R 204
Scharnhorststr. 100
48151 Münster
Phone: +49 251 83-29408
Fax: +49 251 83-25383
Dr. Hamenstädt, Ulrich
Research Areas
- International Political Economy
- Critical Theory
- Social research methods
- Experiments in Political Science
- Defense of doctoral thesis
- Studies in Political Science, History and Economics, Universities of Marburg and Hanover
- Master Degree (M.A.), University of Hanover
- Coordinator of the Master Programme in Political Science
- Lecturer at the Institute for Political Science, University of Muenster
- On paternity leave
- On paternity leave
- Visiting researcher at the University Southampton, UK
- Research Fellow, Institute for Political Science, Chair for International Relations and Development Policy (Prof. Doris Fuchs, Ph.D.)
- Research Fellow in BMBF-Research project TRANSPOSE -Transfer of Electricity Saving Policies (Network project of the University of Muenster, Universities Berlin, Konstanz und Kassel and the Ecological Institute, Freiburg)
- Employment in the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in the area of "Economy and Employment", Frankfurt, Germany
- Students Assistant in the Department of History, University of Hanover (Prof. Dr. Irmgard Wilharm)
- Sonderveranstaltung: Career orientation: Career Service of the University of Münster [064961]
- Einführung: Central Introduction to the Master Political Science [064867][ - | SCH 100.107 | Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt]
[ - | SCH 100.107 | Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt]
[ - | SCH 100.301 | Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt]
[ - | SCH 100.3 | Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt]
[ - | SCH 100.301 | Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt]
[ - | SCH 100.3 | Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt]
[ - | SCH 100.107 | Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt]
[ - | SCH 100.4 | Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt]
[ - | SCH 100.3 | Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt] - Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [064868]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde, Dr. Markus Patberg, Dr. Max Schulte, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Dr. Tobias Albrecht, Prof. Dr. Antje Vetterlein, Carsten Wegscheider, Dr. Manon Westphal, Jun.-Prof. Antonia Graf, Prof. Dr. Thomas Dietz, Dr. Felix Petersen, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Jun.-Prof. Svenja Ahlhaus, Dr. Ivo Hernandez) - Seminar: Integrative Module I Political Science and Economics [044160]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Christian Müller, Johannes Penninger)
[ - | Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt]
[ - | Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt] - Seminar: Introduction to Global Governance Research [064854]
[ - | | wöchentlich | Mi. | SCH 100.4 | Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt] - Bachelorseminar: Experiments in Political Science [064915]
[ - | | wöchentlich | Mo. | SCH 121.503 | Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt]
- Lektürekurs: Critical theory and the Frankfurt School - the early thinkers [062047]
[ - | | wöchentlich | Mo. | SCH 100.107 | Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt] - Kolloquium: Colloquium: From the Idea to the Thesis [062060]
[ - | | wöchentlich | Mo. | Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt] - Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [062022]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde, Dr. Tobias Gumbert, Prof. Dr. Bernd Schlipphak, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Dr. Tobias Albrecht, Jun.-Prof. Antonia Graf, Prof. Dr. Thomas Dietz, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Jun.-Prof. Svenja Ahlhaus, Dr. Felix Petersen) - Seminar: Integrative Module II Political Science and Economics [042018]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Christian Müller, Johannes Penninger)
[ - | Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt]
[ - | Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt]
- Einführung: Central Introduction to the Master Political Science [060024]
- Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [060076]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Bernd Schlipphak, Dr. Max Schulte, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Marius Dotzauer, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Dr. Tobias Albrecht, Prof. Dr. Antje Vetterlein, Carsten Wegscheider, Jun.-Prof. Antonia Graf, Prof. Dr. Thomas Dietz, Dr. Sebastian Jungkunz, Dr. Felix Petersen, Prof. Doris Fuchs, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, apl. Prof. Oliver Hidalgo, Dr. Ivo Hernandez) - Seminar: Integrative Module I Political Science and Economics [040018]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Christian Müller, Johannes Penninger) - Bachelorseminar: Introduction to E-Sport Politics [060067]
- Lektürekurs: Power and Rule in Michel Foucault’s work [068032]
- Lektürekurs: Critical Political Economy in Film [068132]
- Kolloquium: Colloquium: From the Idea to the Thesis [068053]
- Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [064113]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde, Prof. Dr. Bernd Schlipphak, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Dr. Max Schulte, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Dr. Mareike Gebhardt, Jun.-Prof. Antonia Graf, Priv.-Doz. Aiko Wagner, Prof. Doris Fuchs, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Prof. Andreas von Staden) - Hauptseminar: Foucault and Gramsci as Empirical Thinkers of International Political Economy [068044]
- Seminar: Integrative Module II Political Science and Economics [048013]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Christian Müller, Verena Löffler)
- Standardkurs: Experiments in Political Sciences (with an introduction to scientific work) [066093]
- Einführung: Central Introduction to the Master Political Science [066030]
- Lektürekurs: Critical Theory and The Frankfurt School – the Early Scholars [066094]
- Lektürekurs: Karl Marx as a Political Thinker [066035]
- Lektürekurs: Michael Foucault: Surveillance and Punishment [066034]
- Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [066027]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde, Paul Meiners, Prof. Dr. Armin Schäfer, Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Dr. Karsten Mause, Prof. Dr. Antje Vetterlein, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Prof. Doris Fuchs, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, apl. Prof. Oliver Hidalgo)
- Einführung: Central Introduction to the Master Political Science [062024]
- Lektürekurs: Critical Theory and the Frankfurt School – the Early Thinkers [062055]
- Lektürekurs: Michel Foucault: Discipline and Punish [062056]
- Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [062094]
(in cooperation with Paul Meiners, Prof. Dr. Armin Schäfer, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Dr. Karsten Mause, Prof. Dr. Antje Vetterlein, Dr. Andrea Walter, Dr. Mareike Gebhardt, Prof. Dr. Thomas Dietz, Dr. Hendrik Meyer, Dr. Lea Elsässer, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Andreas Wimmel, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde, Dr. Tobias Gumbert) - Bachelorseminar: Experiments in Political Science [062059]
- Standardkurs: Politics in popular entertainment media [060038]
- Lektürekurs: Foucault's understanding of power and domination [060036]
- Lektürekurs: Marx as an economist [060037]
- Kolloquium: Colloquium: From idea to thesis [060074]
- Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [060122]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Armin Schäfer, Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer, Henning Höber, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Dr. Max Schulte, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Dr. Karsten Mause, Prof. Dr. Antje Vetterlein, Dr. Mareike Gebhardt, Dr. Manon Westphal, Dr. Mitja Sienknecht, Prof. Doris Fuchs, Prof. Dr. Mariano Barbato, Thomas Altmeppen, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, apl. Prof. Oliver Hidalgo, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde) - Hauptseminar: Films, radio plays and computer games as a subject of scientific analysis [060106]
- Hauptseminar: Foucault and Gramsci as empirical thinkers of international political economy [060091]
- Standardkurs: Critical Political Economy in films [068025]
- Lektürekurs: Critical Theory and the Frankfurt School - the Early Thinkers [068048]
- Lektürekurs: Karl Marx as a political thinker [068044]
- Lektürekurs: Michel Foucault: Discipline and Punish [068043]
- Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [068115]
(in cooperation with Franz Henne, Prof. Dr. Armin Schäfer, Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer, Prof. Dr. Bernd Schlipphak, Dr. Max Schulte, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Marius Dotzauer, Dr. Karsten Mause, Prof. Dr. Antje Vetterlein, Dr. Manon Westphal, Svenja Hense, Dr. Mareike Gebhardt, Dr. Hendrik Meyer, Prof. Dr. Thomas Dietz, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Prof. Doris Fuchs, apl. Prof. Oliver Hidalgo, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems) - Hauptseminar: ................... [068101]
- Bachelorseminar: Experiments in political science [068058]
- Lektürekurs: Marx as an economist [066030]
- Lektürekurs: Power and rule by Michel Foucault [066029]
- Kolloquium: Colloquium: From idea to thesis [066092]
- Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [066101]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Armin Schäfer, Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer, Prof. Dr. Bernd Schlipphak, Dr. Max Schulte, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Dr. Karsten Mause, PhD Le Anh Nguyen Long, Dr. Manon Westphal, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schubert, Dr. Hendrik Meyer, Jun.-Prof. Antonia Graf, Prof. Doris Fuchs, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Joachim Benedikt Pahl, Thomas Altmeppen, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde, Uwe Hunger, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems) - Hauptseminar: International political economy – Gramsci and Foucault in dialogue [066076]
- Standardkurs: Working Practice in Media and Communication Business I [064090]
- Lektürekurs: 200 years after Karl Marx: ongoing alienation? [064092]
- Lektürekurs: Michel Foucault: Discipline and Punish [064091]
- Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [064056]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde, Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer, Prof. Dr. Bernd Schlipphak, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Dr. Max Schulte, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Dr. Karsten Mause, Prof. Dr. Antje Vetterlein, Prof. Dr. Thomas Dietz, Dr. Hendrik Meyer, Dr. Mujtaba Isani) - Hauptseminar: Quantitative methods and research designs: experimental political science [064094]
- Bachelorseminar: Experiments in political science [064093]
- Standardkurs: Critical Political Economy in films (Group 2) [062025]
- Standardkurs: Critical Political Economy in films (Group 1) [062024]
- Kolloquium: Colloquium: From idea to thesis: writing your thesis supervised by Ulrich Hamenstädt [062067]
- Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [062091]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Armin Schäfer, Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer, Prof. Dr. Bernd Schlipphak, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, Dr. Max Schulte, Dr. Claudia Ritzi, Dr. Karsten Mause, PhD Le Anh Nguyen Long, Dr. Manon Westphal, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schubert, Dr. Mujtaba Isani, Jun.-Prof. Antonia Graf, Dr. Hendrik Meyer, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Prof. Doris Fuchs, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, Uwe Hunger) - Hauptseminar: Internationale Political Economy – Gramsci and Foucault in dialogue [062116]
- Standardkurs: Introduction to Communication Studies II [060084]
- Standardkurs: Complementary Fields of Studies [060083]
- Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [060058]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde, Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Prof. Doris Fuchs, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Dr. Karsten Mause, PhD Le Anh Nguyen Long, Jun.-Prof. Antonia Graf, Prof. Dr. Thomas Dietz) - Hauptseminar: Introduction to Communication Studies II [060023]
- Hauptseminar: Complexity and dissolving boundaries as a challenge to state policy [060022]
- Bachelorseminar: Experiments in political science [060085]
- Lektürekurs: Michael Foucault: Discipline and Punish [064038]
- Kolloquium: From the idea to the final paper [064073]
(in cooperation with Dr. Ivo Hernandez) - Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [064065]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems, Prof. Dr. Bernd Schlipphak, Prof. Dr. Markus Lederer, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, Prof. Dr. Susanne Feske, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Ulrike Spohn, Dr. Karsten Mause, Dr. Hendrik Meyer, Prof. Doris Fuchs, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde) - Hauptseminar: International political economy - Gramsci and Foucault in dialogue [064123]
- Bachelorseminar: Qualitative social research and Grounded Theory [064044]
- Standardkurs: Critical Theory and Frankfurter Schule [062023]
- Standardkurs: Introduction into Biopolitics [062116]
- Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [062128]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Markus Lederer, Prof. Dr. Bernd Schlipphak, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Prof. Dr. Susanne Feske, apl. Prof. Oliver Hidalgo, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Dr. Karsten Mause, Ulrike Spohn, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schubert, Prof. Dr. Dirk van den Boom, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise) - Hauptseminar: Complexity and dissolution of boundaries as a challenge to state politics [062039]
- Hauptseminar: Project Management Module [062040]
- Bachelorseminar: Experiments in Political Science [062032]
- Standardkurs: Critical Political Economy in Films [060105]
- Standardkurs: Critical Political Economy in Films [060090]
- Lektürekurs: Michael Foucault: Controlling and Punishing [060086]
- Praktikum: Internship (Master) [061943]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde, Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer, Prof. Dr. Markus Lederer, Prof. Dr. Susanne Feske, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, apl. Prof. Oliver Hidalgo, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Dr. Karsten Mause, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schubert, Prof. Dr. Thomas Dietz, Prof. Doris Fuchs) - Hauptseminar: Basic Module: Chinese for Beginners II [061025]
- Standardkurs: International political economics [063383]
- Lektürekurs: The birth of biopolitics and the history of governmentality [062899]
- Praktikum: Internship (Master) [062390]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer, Prof. Dr. Markus Lederer, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems, Prof. Dr. Susanne Feske, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, Dr. Karsten Mause, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schubert, Prof. Dr. Thomas Dietz, Dr. Jean Terrier, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Prof. Doris Fuchs, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde) - Hauptseminar: Complexity and dissolution of boundaries as a challenge to state politics [063766]
- Hauptseminar: Complexity and dissolution of boundaries as a challenge to state politics [063770]
- Bachelorseminar: End the war on drugs a - a simulation [063159]
- Lektürekurs: Michel Foucault: Governmentality [064659]
- Praktikum: Internship (Master) [064644]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems, Prof. Dr. Markus Lederer, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Prof. Dr. Susanne Feske, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Dr. Karsten Mause, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schubert, Prof. Dr. Thomas Dietz, Prof. Doris Fuchs, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Dr. Jean Terrier, Dr. Ivo Hernandez) - Hauptseminar: Political economy [063413]
- Bachelorseminar: Experiments in political science [065564]
- Lektürekurs: Civic Strategies against structural racism [067095]
- Praktikum: Internship Report (Master) [063633]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems, Prof. Dr. Markus Lederer, Prof. Dr. Bernd Schlipphak, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Prof. Dr. Susanne Feske, Dr. Max Schulte, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schubert, Prof. Doris Fuchs, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, Priv.-Doz. Ingo Take, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde) - Hauptseminar: Problems and theories in governmental-, political, and sociological perspective [064498]
- Hauptseminar: Problems and theories in governmental-, political, and sociological perspective [064483]
- Hauptseminar: Problems and theories in governmental-, political, and sociological perspective [064502]
- Vorlesung: Field of competence 1: (Foreign) language skills [064426]
- Standardkurs: Political thinking in the 20th century [066006]
- Standardkurs: Critical economy in films [066010]
- Lektürekurs: Micheal Foucault: Monitoring and Punishing [065990]
- Praktikum: Internship Report (Master) [065693]
(in cooperation with Dirk Halm, Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Prof. Dr. Susanne Feske, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schubert, Prof. Doris Fuchs, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Thorsten Hallmann, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, Priv.-Doz. Ingo Take, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde) - Hauptseminar: Policy and Economy: The Social and the Global [065598]
- Hauptseminar: Poulantzas state theory [065579]
- Standardkurs: Critical economy in films [064883]
- Standardkurs: Critical economy in films [064850]
- Praktikum: Internship (Master) [065693]
(in cooperation with Anton Basic, Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems, Prof. Dr. Susanne Feske, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, Sabine Berghahn, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schubert, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Dr. Jean Terrier, Prof. Doris Fuchs, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, Thorsten Hallmann, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde, Priv.-Doz. Ingo Take, Dirk Halm) - Hauptseminar: Complexity as a challenge and delimitation of state policy [066556]
- Hauptseminar: Komplexität und Entgrenzung als Herausforderung staatlicher Politik [064898]
- Methodenseminar: Experimente in der Politikwissenschaft [064701]
- Hauptseminar: States and Markets [064526]
- Hauptseminar: European Environmental Politics [065101]
- Hauptseminar: Reading course Globalization [065097]
- Hauptseminar: Cooperation and conflict in a globalized world: The potential, legitimacy and justice of global governance [064496]
(in cooperation with Prof. Doris Fuchs) - Methodenseminar: Experimentation in Political Science [064500]
- Standardkurs: Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen [064181]
(in cooperation with Jun.-Prof. Antonia Graf)
- Transpose: Transfer of Policy Instruments for Electricity Savings ( – )
Participation in BMBF-joint project: Federal Ministry of Education and Research | Project Number: 01UV0802A
- Transpose: Transfer of Policy Instruments for Electricity Savings ( – )
- . . ‘Empirical approaches to understanding student learning outcomes and teaching effectiveness in political science.’ European Political Science online first. doi: 10.1057/s41304-020-00278-7.
- . . ‘Movies and Social Science: An overview of the debate in Political Science.’ In The Interplay Between Political Theory and Movies: Bridging Two Worlds, edited by , 1–14. Springer VDI Verlag. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-90731-4_1.
- . . ‘Michel Foucault and the Cuckoo's Nest.’ In The Interplay Between Political Theory and Movies: Bridging Two Worlds, edited by , 49–62. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-90731-4_4.
- . . ‘Empire, Multitude, and the Fight Club.’ In The Interplay Between Political Theory and Movies: Bridging Two Worlds, edited by , 235–247. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-90731-4_15.
- . . ‘Polanyi Twisted: Polanyi’s The Great Transformation and Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist.’ In The Interplay Between Political Theory and Movies: Bridging Two Worlds, edited by , 169–180. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-90731-4_11.
- 10.1007/978-3-319-90731-4. (Ed.): . The Interplay Between Political Theory and Movies: Bridging Two Worlds. : Springer VDI Verlag. doi:
- . . „Quo vadis? Perspektiven und Herausforderungen der politikwissenschaftlichen Hochschullehre.“ Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (ZPol) 29, No. 4: 543–554. doi: 10.1007/s41358-019-00197-0.
- . . „Informelle Politik anhand von House of Cards und The Wire.“ Politikum 2019, No. 3: 62–67.
- . . „Geldpolitik und Finanzmärkte.“ In Politik und Wirtschaft: Ein integratives Kompendium, herausgegeben von , 297–323. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-06476-1_10-1.
- . . ‘Teaching Experimental Political Science – Reloaded.’ European Political Science (EPS) 2018, No. 17: 486–493. doi: 10.1057/s41304-017-0117-8.
- . . „Behind the Scenes? Fünf Thesen zum Einsatz von Filmen und Serien in der politikwissenschaftlichen Lehre .“ Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (ZPol) 27, No. 3: 397–407. doi: 10.1007/s41358-017-0105-0.
- . . Politik und Film. Ein Überblick. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-12560-8.
- . . „Projektorientierte Lehre und Team-Teaching in der Politikwissenschaft: Erfahrungen aus einem Seminar zur Planspielentwicklung.“ Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 2016, No. 2: 241–252. doi: 10.1007/s41358-016-0029-0.
- . . „Memento Reloaded: Konstruktivismus vs. Historischer Materialismus.“ In Politische Theorie im Film, herausgegeben von , 213–233. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-07206-3_10.
- 10.1007/978-3-658-07206-3. (Hrsg.): . Politische Theorie im Film. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:
- . . ‘Neoliberal Nightmares or Fear of Terrorism? A response to Japhy Wilson´s article.’ Spectrum: Journal of Global Studies 7, No. 2: 100–106.
- . . ‘Documenting Karl Marx: Rethinking Marx’ ideas on the commodity within a documentary.’ Spectrum: Journal of Global Studies 7, No. 2: 89–99.
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- . . „Experimentelle Politikwissenschaft: Über die Untersuchung von Entscheidungen in der experimentellen Forschung.“ In Entscheidungen. Geistes- und sozialwissenschaftliche Beiträge zu Theorie und Praxis, herausgegeben von , 43–54. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-07214-8_3.
- . . „Machen wir Frieden mit den Drogen“ – ein Planspiel. Münster.
- . . „Entwicklungspolitik.“ In Einführung in die Internationalen Beziehungen. Ein Lehrbuch., herausgegeben von , 213–232. Opladen: Barbara Budrich.
- . . „Kritische Theorie.“ In Einführung in die Internationalen Beziehungen. Ein Lehrbuch., herausgegeben von , 63–80. Opladen: Barbara Budrich.
- . . ‘Book Review: Jonathan Joseph, The Social in the Global: Social Theory, Governmentality and Global Politics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. 302). .’ Spectrum: Journal of Global Studies 6, No. 1: 178–180.
- . . Theorien der Politischen Ökonomie im Film. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-03949-3.
- . . ‘In the shadows of the dialectic method: Building a framework upon the thoughts of Adorno and Gramsci.’ Spectrum: Journal of Global Studies 6, No. 1: 145–161.
- . . ‘Food for Thought: The Politics of Financialization in the Global Agrifood System.’ Competition and Change 17, No. 3: 219–233. doi: 10.1179/1024529413Z.00000000034.
- . . „Operaismus und Kapitalismuskritik.“ In Nein zum Kapitalismus, aber wie? Unterschiedliche Ansätze von Kapitalismuskritik, herausgegeben von , 57–67. Konstanz.
- . . ‘Teaching Experimental Political Science. Experiences from a seminar on methods. .’ European Political Science Volume 11, No. Issue 1: 114–127. doi: 10.1057/eps.2011.12.
- . . ‘Sustainable Electricity Consumption in German Private Households. Framework Conditions for Political Interventions.’ In The Nature of Sustainable Consumption and How to Achieve it, edited by , 399–409. München: Oekom-Verlag.
- . . „Das „Lab in the field“ Experiment. Kontrolle und die Integration finanzieller Anreize in feldexperimentellen Forschungsdesigns anhand eines Beispiels.“ In Experimente und Simulationen, herausgegeben von , 105–124. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. doi: 10.1007/978-3-531-19606-0_5.
- . . Die Logik des politikwissenschaftlichen Experiments. Methodenentwicklung und Praxisbeispiel. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. doi: 10.1007/978-3-531-94360-2.
- . . „Strompreis und Stromverbrauch. Ein Experiment zu Kaufentscheidungen bei stromsparenden Haushaltsgeräten.“ In Die politische Förderung des Stromsparens in Privathaushalten. Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten, herausgegeben von , 98–119. Berlin: Logos Verlag.
- . . „Nachhaltiger Stromkonsum in deutschen Haushalten – Rahmenbedingungen für politische Interventionen.“ In Wesen und Wege nachhaltigen Konsums. Ergebnisse aus dem Themenschwerpunkt »Vom Wissen zum Handeln - Neue Wege zum nachhaltigen Konsum«, herausgegeben von , 431–442. München: Oekom-Verlag.
- . . Stromsparen über den Preis? Ein Experiment. TRANSPOSE Working Paper No 4. . Münster: Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität.
- . . Migration and Employment. "Hot Topic Paper" prepared for the Employment and Labour Markets Task Force of the Poverty Network (POVNET), Development Assistance Committee (DAC).: OECD Development Center.
- . . Der Staat in der Globalisierung. Marburg: Tectum Wissenschaftsverlag.
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): ‘Discussions and Challenges in Teaching and Learning Politics’. ECPR General Conference 2019, Wrocław, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): „Quo vadis? Perspektiven und Herausforderungen der politikwissenschaftlichen Hochschullehre“. Vielfalt und Weitblick in der politikwissenschaftlichen Hochschullehre. Jahrestagung des AK Hochschullehre der DVPW, Münster, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): ‘Towards the interplay between movies and political power’. ISA 59th Annual Convention, San Francisco, California, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): „Behind the Scenes? Fünf Thesen zum Einsatz von Filmen im Unterricht der Politikwissenschaft“. Tagung "Protest und Partizipation", Tagung der DVPW-Sektion Politische Wissenschaft und Politische Bildung in Kooperation mit der Themengruppe Hochschullehre, Münster, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): ‘Movies and Social Science: An overview of the debate in Political Science’. ECPR General Conference, Prag, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): „“I Want Some More” Oliver Twist im Spiegel der sozialen und politischen Umbrüche des 19. Jahrhunderts“. Ringvorlesung der Universität Kassel "Von Bibi Blocksberg bis TKKG", Kassel, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): ‘Caught between disciplining and democratic leadership identities: A tale of conduct and counter-conduct within labor unions in the Zambian mining industry’. DVPW Arbeitskreis Internationale Politische Ökonomie, Kassel, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich; Hellmann, Jens Hinrich (): ‘Bringing Popular Media back in: Teaching critical International Political Economy with Movies’. Teaching Economics in the 21. Century, Berlin, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): „The Departed“. Politik im Film. Eine Filmreihe mit dem Förderverein des Instituts für Politikwissenschaft, Cinema, Münster, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): „Stadt und Körper in populären Dramaserien – Ein ‚Reisebericht‘“. 14. Treffen des Nachwuchsnetzwerks Stadt-Raum-Architektur, Universität Hamburg, .
- Ruff, Mai-Britt; Heinze, Tobias; Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): „Machen wir Frieden mit den Drogen: Die Entwicklung eines Planspiels im Rahmen der universitären Lehre “. DVPW-Kongresses 2015 „Vorsicht Sicherheit! Legitimationsprobleme der Ordnung von Freiheit“ (Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (DVPW)), Universität Duisburg-Essen in Duisburg, .
- Ruff, Mai-Britt; Heinze, Tobias; Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): ‘Simulation design and team-teaching in higher education’. 8th Annual PSA/BISA Learning and Teaching Conference, University of the West of England, Bristol, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): ‘Teaching Experimental Political Science – Reloaded’. ECPR General Conference 2015, Université de Montréal, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): ‘„Räume des Anderen?“ Drei Ansätze zur Analyse des städtischen Raums’. 13. Treffen des Nachwuchsnetzwerk Stadt-Raum-Architektur, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): ‘Kompetenzorientierte Lehre in den IB’. International Relations Meets Didactics: Die neue Lehre der Internationalen Beziehungen, Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich; Engelkamp, Stephan (): ‘On the notion of time in comparative policy analysis: two theoretical perspectives’. 12th International Comparative Policy Analysis Forum and JCPA Workshop “The Role of Theory in Comparative Policy Analysis”, Institute of Political Science, WWU Muenster, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): ‘Teaching the problems of structural racism’. ECPR General Conference 2014, University of Glasgow, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): „Foucault im Kuckucksnest“. Polis - Politik ist Überall, Universität Tübingen, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich; Holmes, Christopher (): ‘Polanyi Twisted: A Cinematic Introduction to The Great Transformation Through the Movie Oliver Twist’. 7th ECPR General Conference, Sciences Po, Bordeaux, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): ‘Empire, Multitude, and the Fight Club: A cinematic introduction to Hardt and Negri´s Empire and Multitude theory.’ MPSA (Midwest Political Science Association) Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): ‘Foucault and the cuckoo's nest: An approach to read Foucault´s Discipline and Punish by interpreting scenes from the motion picture One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest’. MPSA (Midwest Political Science Association) Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): ‘A dialectic approach to International Relations: bridging philosophy and methods in neo-Gramscian IPE’. Spectrum Conference, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): ‘Political instruments for electricity saving in households: a neo-Gramscian approach’. C2G2 Series, University of Southampton,, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich; Watteler, Oliver (): ‘xPol. Ein Datenportal für Experimente’. Gründungstagung der Sektion Methoden der DVPW, Universität Hamburg, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): „Beeinflusst die Geräteffizienz Kaufentscheidungen oder der Preis des Geräts? Ergebnisse eines sozialwissenschaftlichen Experiments“. Fachkonferenz „Stromsparen in privaten Haushalten. Appelle an die Vernunft oder vernünftige Politiksteuerung?“, Berlin, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): ‘The Role of Price Elasticities and Economic Incentives in Electricity Consumption’. International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention 2011, Montreal, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): „Stromsparen über den Preis? Ein Experiment“. Wenn weniger mehr ist - Nachhaltiger Energiekonsum in Wohngebäuden, Evangelischen Akademie Loccum, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): ‘An experiment on consumer decisions about electricity-saving household appliances’. 3rd ECPR Graduate Conference, Dublin, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): ‘Micro level analysis of sustainability and the question of causality’. ISEE Conference 2010 “Advancing Sustainability in a Time of Crisis”, Oldenburg und Bremen, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): „Experimentelle Politikwissenschaft lehren“. Jahrestagung des DVPW Arbeitskreis für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie, Universität Mannheim, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich; Kientzel, Jasmin (): „Experimente in der Umweltpolitik“. Netzwerk der Graduiertenschulen, Münsters, .
- Fuchs, Doris; Glaab, Katharina; Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): ‘The Sustainability of the Agrifood System: Determinants of the Interaction between Global and Local Agrifood Governance’. 4th Annual Conference of the GARNET Network, Rome, .
- Fuchs, Doris; Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): ‘Transpose - Transfer of Electricity Saving Policies’. Annual Meeting of the Reform Group "Towards a Green New Deal: The New Energy & Climate Policy", Salzburg, .
- Hamenstädt, Ulrich (): „Experiment zur Preiselastizität: oder über die Möglichkeit, gesellschaftspolitische Fragen im Reagenzglas zu lösen“. Jahrestagung des DVPW Arbeitskreis für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie, Universität Bern, .
- Member of the Steering Committee der ECPR Standing Group Teaching and Learning Politics
- Section Chair of the ECPR Standing Group “Teaching and Learning” in Montréal 2015, Prague 2016, and Hamburg 2018
- Member of the German Association for Political Science (DVPW - in German)
- Reviewer for the American Political Science Review
- Reviewer for EPS: European Political Science
- Reviewer for Spectrum: Journal of Global Studies
- Ulrich was visiting scholarship for research at the University of Southampton (UK) from the Heinrich Hertz Foundation
- and participant at the ECPR Summer School 2013 in Methods and Techniques (Ljubljana) - Courses: Strategies of Interpretive/Qualitative Political Research und Content Analysis
- and participant at the EITM summer institute 2010 (Mannheim/ St. Louis)
- and participant at the ECPR Summer School 2009 in Methods and Techniques (Ljubljana) - Course: Experimental Methods by Becky Morton