CCE: cartae cluniacenses electronicae
Database of the Charters of the abbey of Cluny (802-1300)

Result:   1 — 9 from 9 hits[Back]

BB 0201 ViewView qui terminat a mane Grovina volvent a medio die terra
BB 0634 ViewView cum eredes a cercio rio volvent Infra isto terminio de ipso
BB 0723 ViewView latus mulotdo a mano guta volvent a medium die terra Sancto
BB 1002 ViewView terminatur a mane Grovina volvent a media die rio volvent et
BB 1002 ViewView volvent a media die rio volvent et terra Sancti Petri et
BB 1177 ViewView de alio latus Ganda volvent et terre Sancto Martino ad
BB 1727 ViewView Sancti Petri a sero Craona volvent a cercio Atalgerio Infra
BB 1829 ViewView Bernart ad uno front Ganda volvent de alio latus terra Sancti
BB 2412 ViewView tibi mulnario super guta volvent ubi a Croset vocat et dono

Result:   1 — 9 from 9 hits[Back]


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