CCE: cartae cluniacenses electronicae
Database of the Charters of the abbey of Cluny (802-1300)

Result:   1 — 10 from 35 hits[Back]

(1) 2 3 (4)

BB 0027 ViewView terminatas de nostro jure in vestros tradimus dominacione publica
BB 0046 ViewView annos III et si ad annos III vestros solidos reddere non
BB 0084 ViewView et facias tu vel eres vestros pos ab odierno die quiquid
BB 0654bis ViewView a terminum annis completis vestros solido X adimplere non
BB 0693 ViewView sine prole legitimo ad alios vestros germanos nomine Ricardo et
BB 0693 ViewView condonamus ad germanos vestros et si vos toti pariter
BB 0732 ViewView debetis et si ad istos annos vestros solidos reddere non
BB 0733 ViewView debetis et si ad istos annos vestros solidos reddere non
BB 0752 ViewView debetis et si ad istos annos vestros solidos reddere non
BB 1047 ViewView si ad annos quinque solidos vestros rendeamus vos debetis ista

(1) 2 3 (4)
Result:   1 — 10 from 35 hits[Back]


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