CCE: cartae cluniacenses electronicae
Database of the Charters of the abbey of Cluny (802-1300)

Result:   1 — 10 from 10 hits[Back]

BB 4682 ViewView super ipsa gageria molestaret vel ipsam aliquatenus
BB 4711 ViewView traheret vel in aliquo molestaret nos pro eis opponeremus et
BB 4801 ViewView seu alio modo quolibet molestaret Et si quod absit res
BB 5061 ViewView impeteret aut etiam molestaret ipsos deffenderet propriis
BB 5157 ViewView parte vel in toto impeteret molestaret vel in causam traheret ipse
BB 5163 ViewView umquam tempore impeteret molestaret vel in causam traheret nos
BB 5175 ViewView infestabit aut aliquatenus molestaret faciet quominus dicti abbas
BB 5205 ViewView in causam traheret seu molestaret Et pro hiis omnibus
BB 5276 ViewView toto vel in parte impeteret molestaret aut in causam traheret seu
BB 5284 ViewView evinceret seu aliquatenus molestaret promittunt dicti domicelli

Result:   1 — 10 from 10 hits[Back]


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