CCE: cartae cluniacenses electronicae
Database of the Charters of the abbey of Cluny (802-1300)

Result:   1 — 8 from 8 hits[Back]

BB 3491 ViewView Verum quia non ęquali debuerunt pęna constringi ille
BB 4330 ViewView quas nunc usque debuerunt preter talliam Ut enim
BB 4812 ViewView et conventus Sancti Egidii debuerunt in judicium evocari Unde
BB 5031 ViewView Figiacensi presentibus qui debuerunt voluerunt et potuerunt
BB 5147 ViewView monasterii qui voluerunt debuerunt et potuerunt commode
BB 5352 ViewView omnibus qui voluerunt debuerunt et potuerunt commode
BB 5429 ViewView omnibus qui voluerunt debuerunt et potuerunt secundum
BB 5505 ViewView fecerunt prout facere debuerunt immo contumaciter

Result:   1 — 8 from 8 hits[Back]


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