CCE: cartae cluniacenses electronicae
Database of the Charters of the abbey of Cluny (802-1300)

Result:   1 — 5 from 5 hits[Back]

BB 0839 ViewView cumponet Actum atrio Sancto Sulpicio S Berengerio S Deodato qui
BB 0840 ViewView cumponet Actum atrio Sancto Sulpicio S Umberti qui pro amore
BB 0968 ViewView S Ugoni In atrio Sancto Sulpicio fuit facta in die dominico
BB 1753 ViewView manu sua firma S Bermundo S Sulpicio S Garberno S Garberno S
BB 2613 ViewView hoc est ecclesia de Sancto Sulpicio et omnia sibi pertinencia

Result:   1 — 5 from 5 hits[Back]


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