CCE: cartae cluniacenses electronicae
Database of the Charters of the abbey of Cluny (802-1300)

Result:   1 — 6 from 6 hits[Back]

BB 0225 ViewView positas de alio latere terra Palagio et bodinas positas de tercio
BB 0225 ViewView et bodinas a medio die terra Palagio a sero Sonna aqua volvente a
BB 0225 ViewView pergit a medio die terra Palagio a sero Sigrio qui ad esto
BB 0225 ViewView esto siccat a cercio terra Palagio infra istas terminaciones
BB 0225 ViewView unum terminat a mane terra Palagio et termido a medio die terra
BB 0225 ViewView Hactum Kariloco publice S Palagio et uxore sua Eusebia pro

Result:   1 — 6 from 6 hits[Back]


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