CCE: cartae cluniacenses electronicae
Database of the Charters of the abbey of Cluny (802-1300)

Result:   1 — 10 from 68 hits[Back]

(1) 2 3 4 5 > (7)

BB 1728 ViewView cui concessa est a pio Magistro potestas ligandi atque
BB 2452 ViewView cui concessa est a pio magistro ligandi atque solvendi
BB 3880 ViewView decano domno Bernardo magistro domno Manasse archidiacono
BB 3930 ViewView precentore Iterio magistro scholarum Sanctonensi atque
BB 4024 ViewView et Autisiodorensi et magistro Giliberto et multis aliis
BB 4403 ViewView priore Sancti Germani et magistro Alano et omni conventu
BB 4408 ViewView obedientiam et reverentiam magistro Alexandro quem abbas in
BB 4423 ViewView de Puleio Bernardo Gerini magistro Stephano de Bosco Roberto
BB 4440 ViewView Colungerio Poncio de Buxeria magistro Herberto Stephano de Bosco
BB 4442 ViewView et V cantore Lugdunensi magistro Pontio de Petralata G

(1) 2 3 4 5 > (7)
Result:   1 — 10 from 68 hits[Back]


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