CCE: cartae cluniacenses electronicae
Database of the Charters of the abbey of Cluny (802-1300)

Result:   1 — 9 from 9 hits[Back]

BB 0196 ViewView firmari rogavit S Gunduldi S Leutbaldi S Leotaldi S Modoeni S
BB 0252 ViewView cum stipulatione subnixa S Leutbaldi qui fieri et firmare rogavit
BB 1246 ViewView castro Branciduno publice S Leutbaldi levitę S Rocleni S
BB 1367 ViewView S Drugbaldi S Godaldi S Leutbaldi S Ingelberti S Stephani S
BB 1372 ViewView S Attonis S Goddaldi S Leutbaldi S Richerii S Clementis S
BB 1380 ViewView a mane et a medio die terra Leutbaldi clerici a medio die terra
BB 1460 ViewView ad quodam clericum nomine Leutbaldi Griviliaco
BB 1745 ViewView S Idgerii Data per manum Leutbaldi regnante Hugone rege anno I
BB 1789 ViewView S Beraldi S Richardi S Leutbaldi prepositi S Heldradi

Result:   1 — 9 from 9 hits[Back]


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