CCE: cartae cluniacenses electronicae
Database of the Charters of the abbey of Cluny (802-1300)

Result:   1 — 10 from 15 hits[Back]

(1) (2)

BB 0213 ViewView S Arberto S Ingelbert S Leotardo Ego Ratebert rogatus
BB 0271 ViewView vocat terminat de uno latere Leotardo et de alio Ermenaldo in
BB 0271 ViewView S iterum Erico S Aroardo S Leotardo S Engenulfo Siefredus roitus
BB 0272 ViewView S Jotselmo S Datoni S Leotardo S Engenulfo Siefredus roitus
BB 0410 ViewView de Ragamundo alius vero de Leotardo et alia terra de Martino
BB 0507 ViewView S Ranherio S Giperio S Leotardo S Remesbert S Rainbert
BB 0862 ViewView mei consentiente seniore meo Leotardo vineam unam quę est
BB 1048 ViewView consencientes S Asterio S Leotardo S item Stephano S Ebone Ego
BB 1118 ViewView Placuit adque convenit inter Leotardo et uxor sua Teodeane et ab
BB 1118 ViewView Girfredus levita a partibus Leotardo et uxor sua Teodzane prato

(1) (2)
Result:   1 — 10 from 15 hits[Back]


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