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Teaching award

The challenge cup of our teaching award

For us as students, good teaching is of great importance. Good teaching helps us to get to grips with complex issues more easily and forms the foundation for our future - whether in science or business.

For these reasons, the Student Council of Mathematics and Computer Science has been awarding the prize for special commitment in teaching since 2010. This is to honor the special achievements of lecturers in lectures and their commitment to the benefit of the students. The evaluation is based on student evaluations of lectures, which take place every six months to annually. With particular attention to grades in the areas of Structure of Course, Communication of Course Content, and Engagement of Instructor, an initial pre-selection will be made on possible award winners. The final selection is validated through personal interviews with students who have heard the course to be awarded.

The following persons have been awarded the teaching prize so far:

Year Name Lecture
2024 Prof. Dr. Ralph Holz Betriebssysteme
2023 JProf. Dr. Shirly Geffen Introduction to Functional Analysis
2022 JProf. Dr. Franziska Jahnke Logik für Lehramtskandidat*innen (SS 2021)
2021 Prof. Dr. Paula Herber Rechnerstrukturen (SS 2020)
2021 Dr. Christian Serpé Engagement during the Corona Pandemic
2020 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Benjamin Risse Computer Vision (WS 2019/2020)
2019 Prof. Dr. Anne Remke Methoden und Anwendungen für randomisierte Systeme (SS 2018)
2019 Prof. Dr. Karina Höveler For her project "Der Mathetreff"
2018 Prof. Dr. Christopher Deninger Lineare Algebra II (SS 2017)
2017 Dr. Thomas Timmermann Differentialgleichungen (WS 2016/2017)
2017 Dr. Karin Halupczok Special teaching award for exceptional commitment to teaching
2016 Prof. Dr. Jan Vahrenhold Informatik II (SS 2015)
2015 Prof. Dr. Zakhar Kabluchko Statistik (SS 2014)
2014 Prof. Dr. Arthur Bartels Lineare Algebra II (SS 2013)
2013 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Walther Paravicini Stochastik (SS 2012)
2012 Prof. Dr. Urs Hartl Lineare Algebra II (SS 2011)
2011 Dr. Christian Serpé Lineare Algebra für Informatiker (SS 2010)
2010 Prof. Dr. Siegfried Echterhoff Analysis III (WS 2009/2010)
Zuletzt am 06.06.2024 um 17:48 aktualisiert.