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Higher Education Policy

At our faculty...

The Student Council (FS)

"Isn't that the room where there are old exams and the people who organize the math party?" - Not wrong in itself, but from the point of view of university policy, a student council is understood to be the totality of all students who have enrolled in a field of study. What is referred to as a "Fachschaft" in everyday parlance is the Fachschaftsrat (see below). For those of you who are studying multiple majors, your first major determines which Fachschaft you belong to. This also determines which student council you can vote for in the summer semester. The subjects Mathematics and Computer Science together form a Fachschaft.

The Student Council (FSR)

An example of a Fachschaftsrat is us - the Fachschaft Mathematik und Informatik (FSMI). The Student Council consists of all those who shape the work of the Student Council and are responsible for its implementation. To the outside world, we are often seen as the organizers of various events such as the O-Week, the Summer Festival and the Math Party, but we also do a lot for the students of our department behind the scenes, in various committees. If you would like to get an insight into our work, just drop by one of our weekly student council meetings. The meetings are open to the public, so you can drop by whenever you feel like it. You can find the current date here.

The Student Council (FSV)

The student council is elected by all students of a student council every summer semester. For the subjects Mathematics and Computer Science, the FSV consists of 15 people, who in turn elect the Student Council - i.e. ultimately decide who belongs to the Student Council for Mathematics and Computer Science from a university policy perspective. Another task of the FSV is the control of the student council. It can therefore be understood as a kind of "supervisory board".

The Faculty Council (FBR)

This is the highest body of the department. Here decisions are made on all matters that affect the students and staff of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. Among other things, changes to the study and examination regulations are enacted and the annual budget is allocated to the individual institutes of the department. In addition, the FBR elects the dean, the head of the department. The FBR consists of representatives of the following four groups: Professors, Students, Academic Staff, and Non-Academic Staff. Each grouping elects its representatives in the summer semester. At our department, the FBR consists of eight professors, three students, three academic staff members, and one nonacademic staff member.

... and at the university level

The Student Parliament (StuPa)

The StuPa is elected in the summer semester together with the student representatives by all students of our university. The candidates stand for election in party-like groups called lists. These are quite numerous and draw more or less attention to themselves during the election weeks. The AStA and the StuPa are the only student representative bodies required by law. You can find more information about the work of the StuPa on their homepage.

The AStA

This is the General Student Committee, the highest representation of all students at the University of Münster. The AStA represents the interests of the students externally, e.g. towards the state government. The AStA is elected by the student parliament. The AStA can also be seen as a kind of government that implements the decisions of the StuPa. For this purpose, departments are formed that are responsible for different areas and concerns. In addition, the AStA offers some services, e.g. free legal advice and the Bulli rental. You can find the office of the AStA in the small house on the left in front of the castle. Further information about the work of the AStA and the individual departments can be found on the AStA-Homepage.

The Senate

The senate is elected together with the departmental councils in summer by all university teachers, students, academic and non-academic staff of the university. The Senate's responsibilities are defined by the Higher Education Act and include confirming the election of (or recommending the removal of) members of the Rectorate, amending the Constitution and Framework Regulations, and contributing to the University's strategic planning. In addition, the Senate may form commissions and committees with substantive and time-limited responsibilities within the scope of its authority. More information can be found here.

The Student Council Conference (FK)

The FK consists of individual representatives of all student councils of the university. At the FK things from the everyday life of the student councils in particular and to the university politics in general are discussed. The FK serves as a platform to plan, coordinate and carry out interdepartmental activities. In addition, the FK has a special financial pot whose funds are available for student councils and student initiatives that cannot refinance their expenses completely from their own funds. The FK is chaired by the autonomous Fachschaftenreferat. Information is available here.

The International Student Council (ASV)

The ASV is elected by all non-German students to better represent their interests. The goal of the ASV is to improve the situation of the students in many aspects and to fight discrimination. In addition to support in relation to studies, the ASV also takes care of everyday problems. You can find out more on the ASV website at www.asv.ms.

The representation of the interests of the student assistants (SHK-Vertretung)

The SHK-Vertretung addresses all student assistants at the University of Münster. On the one hand they take care of the improvement of the working conditions, on the other hand they have an open ear in conflict situations. On their homepage the three of them introduce themselves and report about their work.

Zuletzt am 04.07.2024 um 12:52 aktualisiert.