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Mai 06 2024

Flunkyball Tournament 05/15/24

Mai 06 2024

2024 is a special year for sport: European Men's Football Championships in Germany, Olympic & Paralympic Games in Paris, European Women's Handball Championships, European Men's Ice Hockey Championships, European Athletics Championships etc. etc. etc. …

However, the big kick-off to the summer sports season will once again take place on Einsteinstraße: The Flunkyball Tournament of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science!

Once again this year there will be glorious weather1, plenty of drinks, nutritious barbecue food and world-class performances across the board with the match ball and the 0.3 bottle, plus a revised set of rules and, for the first time, the option of paying the participation fee of 5 € via PayPal.

So organise a team of 4 to 6 highly motivated fellow participants or alternatively just a fun-oriented group of the same size and sign up! You can find registration forms in the student council room, the library and online at uni-ms.de/FSMI/flunky. You can also find all further information there, but we will also summarise the essentials briefly here:
Termin: Wednesday, 15 May 2024, starting at 14:00
Location: Schlossparkwiesen near the Sanctuarium (belastung.unerkannt.ablaufen)
Participation fee: 5 €
Registration deadline: Monday, 13 May 2024, at 18:00

By the way, not only students, but all members of our faculty are cordially invited! We look forward to seeing you!

1 without guarantee


Raum 010
Einsteinstraße 62
48149 Münster
barrierefreier Zugang



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Ihr findet uns zu unseren Präsenz­zeiten im Fachschafts­raum (Raum 010 im Hoch­haus gegen­über des Vorlesungs­gebäudes).

Unsere öffentlichen Sitzungen finden in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit am 31.07., 21.08. und 11.09. um jeweils 18:15 Uhr und den 25.09. 13:37 Uhr im SR 0 statt.

Grün Fachschaft besetzt, komm vorbei!
Rot Versuchs später nochmal!
Aus Noch keiner da oder Für heute zu!

Ausführlicheres hier!