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Nov 07 2023

Information event for studying abroad

Nov 07 2023

Have you ever asked yourself how to best fit a stay abroad into your study programme? Or do you want to find out what possibilities there are to do so?
Then feel free to come to our information event on 23.11.2023 at 5pm in the M1! There, with the help of short presentations by our Erasmus coordinator and the Career Service, we will give you some input about how to manage a stay abroad and then proceed to give you the chance to talk over some snacks to some students that have already been abroad themselves.
Even if you're unsure if a stay abroad is the right fit for you, you're very welcome to join us anyway.
Join us, ask as many questions as you want and find out everything you want to know!
Looking forward to seeing you! :)


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Ihr findet uns zu unseren Präsenz­zeiten im Fachschafts­raum (Raum 010 im Hoch­haus gegen­über des Vorlesungs­gebäudes).

Unsere öffentlichen Sitzungen finden in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit am 31.07., 21.08. und 11.09. um jeweils 18:15 Uhr und den 25.09. 13:37 Uhr im SR 0 statt.